“TOGETHER” Ana Blandiana in
literature and film - "ÎMPREUNĂ" - Ana Blandiana în literatură și
Dear ARA
Members and Friends,
You are
invited to attend the mini symposium
“TOGETHER” - Ana Blandiana in literature and film, a virtual event on ZOOM,
co-organized by American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), I.C.ART
and double4STUDIOS. Please find the
details in the bilingual, English-Romanian, attached Invitation.
Date and
time: Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 10:30 AM -12 noon (Pacific Time), 19:30
Romania; 18:30 Western Europe; 17:30 in the UK.
We look
forward to you,
On behalf of
ARA Leadership,
Oana Leonte,
Polymer Technology
ARA Journal
Launching of a new Ana Blandiana book of poetry “God on Roller Skates” illustrated by modern American artist Jerry W. McDaniel; created by Ileana Costea, in collaboration with Doina Țetcu.
The link to PREVIEW the book “Dumnezeu pe role” (in Romanian) is: https://www.blurb.com/books/10586146-dumnezeu-pe-role Once inside the link click on the cover to look inside the book.
The link to PREVIEW the book “God on Roller Skates” (in English) is: https://www.blurb.com/books/10621069-god-on-roller-skates Once inside the link click on the cover to look inside the book.
Presentation of the new movie of Andrei Zincă (Director): So, What’s Freedom? (“Și atunci, ce este libertatea?) based on Ana Blandiana’s short novel “Projects for the past”. (Proiecte de trecut) about the “Romanian Siberia” deportation of 40,000 people to Bărăgan, in harsh communist times (1951).
Dragi membri
si prieteni ai ARA,
invitati sa participati la
minisimpozionul "ÎMPREUNĂ" - Ana Blandiana în literatură și film, un
eveniment virtual ZOOM, coorganizat de American Romanian Academy of Arts and
Sciences (ARA), I.C.ART and double4STUDIOS. Detalii in Invitatia bilingva,
engleza-romana, atasata.
Data si ora:
Miercuri, 17 martie 2021, 10:30 AM -12 prânz (ora Pacificului), 19:30 Romania; 18:30 Europa de vest; 17:30
Marea Britanie
asteptati cu mult drag,
ARA Leadership
Dr. Ing.
Oana Leonte
Polymer Technology
ARA Journal
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