George Anca
Nefertiti & Borges
August 1 – July 2004/4002
The hoary nymph. Zen citizen.
Milonga, the precipice edge. El rey de copas. Martin kills the Negro in the
seventh and slaps the widow. Jail only for killing. The first is the second,
Helen of Troy, the first daughter of God. Austral white. Kabbal ball. Bassarabia,
Argentina. Returned equal to its legend, milonga flared up.
Edda’s dodii, kennigar. The malice
pelagus. Hronard (whale’s way, the sea) in Beowulf-Borges. The mariners on
Danube will row again. At South of his story’s town a blind rivulet flows.
Humbling labyrinth I sleep yeaster
(s)pool. Hamlet wouldn’t get blind any more. Medea would psalmodize the
children. Bandaged Melanchton. Atma-atmosphere, what do you have to do, girl,
with the Botoshani? You stay in this country only for Eminescu, it was communism.
Camoens in Maputo. Puritan cricket. Buscaba un alma que mereciera participar en
el universo. Far from Vila Borgese. Heraclit of Pont. Qaphqa. Funes el
memorioso. Plinio el Viejo. De un laberinto a otro. En el Indostan. Mil y Una
Noches. La Calle Rosetti. Los Dorna. Lămâine. Alma atma. Ayodhya non
impugnando. Nympha Ashvinia. Das eigene selbst. Homeric epitete, preposition.
Persistence in reflection, Verweilung b(ei) d(er) uberlegung. Uttara-uttama,
intimus-extimus, emission-imission. Se leapădă vocalele finale ale pozitivelor
, iar vocala silabei întâie se gunează. (The final vowels of the pozitives are
left out, and the vowel of the first syllable gets gunned. Bopp-Eminescu).
White horses face Indra.
Apoia argo sin embargo buena casa
blanca. Again a girl through Botoşani. Cămaşah. In it, in the photo of a year
ago. The painting on leather fron the halima. Valhalla-Valahia-Alahia.
Diplomate, you didn’t know with Schopenhauer. Of god’s sleep in longing’s lever
fire’s pampa gauchesc relativity Borges echo in Eco arabesque old Albu walked
corpse like in Faulkner like Vetala non/lecture softwhite alblând librarians in
a fadoin blinding Marquez assassinated by strawberry between the lips the
freckled Tierra del Fuego via Maillane thousand nights and a night mille nuits
et une nuit Arabian nights hotels and
other farms of animals.
Argentinian passion of friendship
apud Lugones vide Borges in Dante. More stars in Austral emisphere than in the
Boreal. For ever and a day. Ultra auroram et Gangem. No more the gallas of the
old, the liking for box is gone. Tango in miring-milonga. On paths of labyrinth
bifurcated in Babylon’s garden.
May 22 – July 31
Suddenly the brevity danced me.
Telugu, as you have been assassinated Shivaramya. Some prisoner, the
recognition at personam. I had had moroccoed. (Idea) (condor) (sap). Yet
however I don’t know to tell you how should I act if Lucypher would be to tempt
me directly.
Svidrigailov is the punishment of
Raskolnikov. Reckless deed of the queen
wounded profoundly young Hamlet. Theese are the words possessing his death.
Satan: better lord in the Hell than servant in Paradise. The courtesan teaches
him to don’t do any more some things. I know that, if the name of Orpheus would
have extingished, you would write it on sky with tears of cherub. Orpheus’
bleeding wounds, instead of closing, let themselves read by improbable
butterflies, like Rilke’s poems on battlefield and turned over by the wind. In
the night’s miracle it is heared weeping the admirable page of solitude told by
Shakespeare’s rainbow. To arrive at thirty years plus to read The skilful
Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Trivium). And it is only the first year, the
60th. Euridicervantes. Swedwnborges.
The horse on hill, on hill, the hill
under horse, under horse. Resignation from water of glaciation. The
imprescriptibility of devanagary therapy, divine letter. The light siftes the
rain darkening to our twilight the blakening of the early. Come oafo out of
coafor. Opponent mates. Nonpsicological sizes. El monumento Cervantes. The real
wants you. The Gipsy woman adopted by legionaries, on indemnification, to Hell
with Germans. Challenge yourself. Bullet courtiers. Hurry on. I was dead. Again
a Vaslui, come on that you will file, defile the bombe, at ten not at villa,
with prosecutors. Written on the dead line of my life, neither heavy, nor bad,
nor habeat. Missing little book. Now wolves, now sheeps. Comas shot from all
sides. As if the atavstic beauty wouldn’t exist. The small mouth makes you claustrophobia. What much
censorship, gabors. Countries are no more, crock’s froth. Girl calls from
Greeks, fighters not like Romanians. Disappearance of the character, not only
in the painting of Cilievici. The genes of loosing against those of destroying.
Induced the voluptuousness of being crushed technologically.
The space cracks under paper, if
trees still grow, if it would write on leaf. How many houses robbed. At autumn,
I will speak again literature. How Eminescu was destroied on the scaffold of
native souls. Psychology regenerates, Culianu told me. Inerdiction of country
and patriots. Butterfly downward, the precipice cleaves, you have no more where
to go, you are put only in the situatuion to loose. Any time your halter
disappears. Fishhead spoils world. At Stângăceaua, baba plays fifa to babu. Mai
dire mai. Blind chess, orborg. Borges Aires. Aguşoaie. He went at optimum
consume, down he puts off speed. What he also to cry: România. Despreciativo. Cetinică cetnică/little
leading needle leaf.
Oneiric old man. De origen ingles y
portugues. Siente nostalgia por el glorioso pasado militar de sus antepasados.
El tigre, base de su mitologia intima. Temas obsesivos, tales como el devorador
tiempo circular, el laberinto, la creacion recurente, las simetrias y los
juegos de espejos, la memoria y el olvido. 1941, El jardin de los senderos que
se bifurcan, 1944, Ficciones, 1949, El Aleph. Director de la Biblioteca
Nacional de Buenos Aires (1955). Entre sus ultimas obras citemos El otro, El
mismo, El informe de Brodie, El libro de arena, y El Congresso. Jorge Luis
Borges nace en Buenos Aires en 1899 (24 Agosto), muere en Ginebra el 14 de
Junio 1986. How much conemporary we could have been, also in India and back. En
una voluntad de adecuacion perfecta entre los temas y su expresion, Borges se
propone extraviar al lector en el doble laberinto de la estructura de la frase
y de la estructura de la realto. El letor pierde tambien sus referencias de
espacio y de tiempo, a semejanza de los protagonistas que se pierden en laberintos
espaciales o temporales. Para ello, Borges opta, casi sistematicamente, por un
vocabulario ya culto ya “orillero”, por palabras insustituibles cuyo frecuente
sentido etimologico contribuye a confundir y a deconcertar al lector. El empleo
privilegiado de ciertas figuras retoricas (en particular el hiplage) tiene la
misma finalidad.(Bezault-Chambaut).
1956, doctors interdict to him to
read and to write.1975, Prologos con un prologo de prologos. 1976, Que es el
budismo? With Alicia Jurado (cf. Schopenhauer, Eminescu). 1985, Los Conjurados.
He dies on 14th July (not 14th June?) 1986.
Le cosmopolitisme de J.L.B.
Versiones-reversiones-inversiones. La dialectica de la identidad. Art of
Allusion. B. et la Kabbale. Cervantes y Borges: la inversion de los signos (cf.
semnul întors/reversed token, at Eminescu). Una estetica del silencio. El juego
transcendente. Irony in Joyce and J.L.B. (cf. initials of de Quencey &
G.B.Show). El estilo de la eternidad. Realidad y superrealidad. Poetica de la
prosa de J.L.B. (cf. E.A.Poe, Swedenborg). El laberinto del universo. B. y el
pensiamento nominalista. El conocimento come invencion. De la duda a lo eterno
dudoso. Poeta circular.
This Palermo of 1989.
Calle Cangallo, 131, Buenos Aires.
I was visualiying, seeing, oblicly,
the text, in verse, I didn’t know what it contained, only that it is by Borges.
In that house from Montserrat… Paradise with form of a library… Groussac,
blind, like me… A third director of the library, also blind, Jose Marmol (cf.
Perpessicius)… The blindness as way of life… Homerus, Tamiris, Milton… The
Greeks said that Homerus was blind in order to show that poetry must not be
visual, but before everything, auditory (Oscar Wilde)… Eyless in Gaza, at the
mill, with the slaves, en la noria, entre esclavos (Milton)… Joyce: out of all
things happened to me I believe that least important is the fact that I
remained blind… Then will disappear from the planet the English and the French
and even the Spanish. The world will be Tlon… Notes on 23rd August 1944 (the
news of liberation of Paris)… Ehych asher ehych…Intellectus naturaliter
desiderat esse semper (Thomas of Aquino)… No man had a life more real than
Swedenborg (Emerson)… The whole hell has the form of a demon, and the haven
form of an angel. (Swedenborg)… It is interesting that Herodotus imagined the
Danube as an antistrophe of the Nile, its inverse correspondence …
loving her Aurobindo
among viscera Savitri
sculptured aurora Zina
Alina had added
quit to hell molly
of soul of dolphin
violet violated in Parma
devi perhsps in Jawlamuki
cut to the she born the double
on the name of mother
and don’t awake mock me
to the grass dinanzi al Dio
(He/she) steals all weddings on
trembling Zina, you said. Leave it, we keep too much on her. occult cult. We
get free also of sins, we reach also aura. No much longer. Zina forest fire
water Carmen Sylva. Marian orgasm in parked flowers. Neither tango. What
brother? Only in movie, in dream. Devil takes us anyhow. So many, same to as
many, neither a fantasy nor magic. The novel has chapters from Swedenborges.
Imago magus. Ponderal Pond. Godess,
Zina, dirt. The anatomy of hallucination. Ilie out of Maria.
June 8, 2004
(I will write a story with the title)
I can’t say you’re a scholar. Then,
what? A communicator, you attract women and madmen.
Perhaps she, too, at competition with
marijuana, but I refused her in Village, while in the little resturant in
Lisbon we ate fish.
Fehresc is a virus. See also my book
Fear of the Orient. She had asked me, after 20 years, if books she came across
in Toronto were mine. The shot of Sankrit anticommunist Cassanova had been
announced, conjugal, from Teheran, for Bucharest, by replies to words in Delhi
and Moscow, in ten years, now more ten.
I didn’t pass her in the collegium of
Trivium. (After The Buddha, Carmen even didn’t write me any more, because: you
wind it up in the novel).
Acacia trees almost didn’t show this
year, and the blue ones, perhaps of neem kin, dried. White forests towards
Apuseni/Western Mountains, via Râmnic,
when we were bringing the pianist girl to the monastery, short-haired, returned
from Pasărea, which was in fire as soon as she walked there.
I arrive to the subject. Fumigations
on Orpheus’ hymns. I receive answer to Shakespeare verse -
Orpheus with his lute made trees,
And the mountain-tops that freeze,
Bow themselves when he did sing.
Having no more what to write to you,
I go to India to search your shadow. Till then, you search me there where you
will find me always: in the inmost depth of your own disquiet, in that fertile
realm of solitude, with magnificent corollas and strange perfumes by where we
wandered together in hours of Saturday, reinventing filosophies and all melos
of world.
I know that if the names of Orbheus
would get extinguished, you would have written them on the sky with tears of
cherub. Don’t forget it, look deeply in the drawer where you keep your pens and
, if you find the viper, kiss her on my behalf.
Carmen, who refuses to go India,
because an oldish Indian had violated her in her room, opposite Zagreb station,
tells at telephon to Alicia, the sister of her revolutionay Mexican: Jorge has
no where to stay in New York and he came to me.
Near by the banana tree in the corner
of D4, toward Chhatra, between passes, with ball, he told you he will go on the
sea. You had fallen in love. You were ten years old.
So important me that I must be
liquidated from ten to ten years? The mariner’s girl, at Greecs.
Top 100 Novels of All Time –
Quijote-Crusoe-Gulliver-Emma-Frankenstein-Copperfield-Moby Dyk-
HOR-hai LWEES BHOR-hays.
True/False: The first novel written by
Jorge Luis Borges has never been published. (Liver cancer).
To have grown old in so many mirrors
and to have seen nothing, or almost
except the face of a girl from Buenos
a face that does not want you to
remember it.
Oh destiny of Borges,
Perhaps no stranger than your own.
Borges was busy in the basement
planting the seeds of postmodernism.
Fervor de Buenos Aires, 1923,
Historia universal de la infamia, 1933-34, Historia de la eternidad, 1936.
Turismo tanguero. Argentine last
tango Paris. Todo tango. El lugar de la mujer en el tango. El hombre conduce
pero la mujer non es una marioneta. Ist Tango ein Macho-Tanz?
Lunfardologia. Y veo Gandhi, Teatro
San Martin.
Un pensamiento triste que se baila.
El cancionero de Gardel por 759 temas
diferentes (entre ellos 514 tangos).
Payada, remarkably similar to the
tenso and jocs partitz of the Provencal troubadours of long ago.
Borges famously wrote: “The
composition of vast books is a laborious and imoverishing extravagance. To go
on for five hundred pages developing an idea whose perfect oral exposition is
possible in a few minutes! A better course of procedure is to pretend that
books already exist, and then to offer a resume, a commentary… More rsonable,
more inept, more indolent, I have preferred
to write notes upon imaginary books” (10 November 1941). Hypertext “Borgesian Book review” contest. In
the spirit of Borges’ remark, write a book review of an imaginary book. The
book may be from any time period, it may be fiction or non fiction, and it’s
author may be either an invention or an actual writer.
- ? Quien eres, solitario viajero de
la noche?
- ! Yo soy el postrer gaucho que
parte para siempre,
de nuestra vieja patria llevando el corazon!
Ruben Dario
Soy gaucho.
Mi gloria es vivir tan libre
Come el pajaro en el cielo
Jose Hernandez
To have seen things that men see,
death, the sluggish dawn, the plains,
and the delicate stars,
and to have seen nothing, or almost
except the face of a girl from Buenos
a face that does not want to remember
Oh, destiny of Borges,
perhaps no stranger than your own.
Jorge Luis Borges
“The original is unfaithful to the
translation”. “Any writer creates his own precursors”. “Can you imagine that I
not even know the date of my death?” “I have done my best to be a Jew”
Augustin: “And then I told to all
creatures encircling the gates of my senses: tell me about God, if you are not
He. And they cried with strong voice: He made us”.
Nos hes imposible satisfacer su
A secret pact killing Romanian
Los Japoneses saben mas de tango que
Dame de lata de 1866. Lata
Mankeshkar. Dolce tango. Falungong. Tango recreates Buenos Aires every day.
Mi Buenos Aires querido,
quando yo te vuelva a ver
no habra mas penas ni olvido.
Carlos Gardel – Alfredo Le Pera
duraran mas alla de nuestro olvido;
no sabran nunca que nos hemos ido
Jorge Luis Borges – Alina Diaconu
Copa a copa, pena a pena, tango a
Homero Manzi
El ultimo tango perfuma la noche,
un tango dulce que dice adios
Homero Esposito
y asi lleva el tango
a tierra nipona
Luis Alposta
Bailar el Tango es dar al alma al
quando la orchestra es como un pulso
Horacio Ferrer
Bandoneon/hoy es noche de fandango.
Rifaste my virginidad. El fango hasta el altar. Spots on sun to get him married
pinguins embrace on glace. Tristezas de la calle Corrientes. Tu ansiedad de distancias.
Baptism of petals ocean inverse refrain. Amores de estudiante, amores viejos.
Ella es triste como un tango. Milonga di Martin Fierro. El tiempo pasa de largo
/ quando te abrazo en un tango. Bailando el tango in Buenos Aires asi, / un
paso y dos y tres, la pausa y seguir. El primer tango en la gracia sacramental
/ de Eva y Adan del arrabal. Bailando el tango te encontre, / Bailando el Tango
te perdi.
Fernando in Lunfardo
coupa santa bardo
en la barba en el tango
Jorge dries for Elena
the gipsy girl’s tear
poppy pampa face
azul on all fours jazz
band of Ion
tango in sleep
bardo beard of Tagore
en catalan y provencal
left in hoary wall
milonga burt me all
melancholy extol
aliluion all o’ Ion
guitar in Pantelimon
on foxtrot & cancion
I call you on phone
from a chameleon
satyricon sanskiticon
Sergiu by pen
extracts my cerumen
sanatana grain
moon ship
drowns sword
ah afraid am I of moon
crazy caravel
veil danced
bullet’s weave
bride from bride
ray armour
swims heart
minimum anima
fugue milonga
tango conga
pace grazes
horse relics
grass gun
gulps down
don’t dance again
veil sword
posse sympathy
vitriol revives
in needles berreta
quickly Margareta
don’t leave awa’
gaucho opera
young old
amour I murmure
glance race
on moon’s cross
veil sets free
grass on scythe
you swept stage
sea arena
pairs the sand
with no love
girl boys are
dragons’ sons
don’t enamour
to son anchor
dance yourself
verse yourself
on the toes
mother hears of
other nymphet
as swept
tyrant sole
keep your breath
sea breaths you
kill any
dragon many
in Spanish
in Creole
in cabaret
at concert
angel angeliono angelicatta of orange
pair to self dances sings recites
haiku without people but la cumparcita
over dictator
it’s in vain doctor you listen Net
King Khole
Maria Anghel ah Yamini Krishnamurti
tandava Raja Reddi wife daughter
at mill at Făgădău in Moulin Rouge
Mireio in Maillane Fausto in Colon
doctor in vain you listen Net King
compose Rumi the music for the
embraced icon vergin
Vincent van Gogh d’Indy d’Onofrio
sapphire violet blossoms Parma
Vincent van Gogh d’Indy d’Onofrio
doctor you listen in vain Net King
make paces Pasi vero on paper milonga
heart Sicily Tasmania Tierra del
pirouette the last spiral inferno
only now through angels China
in vain you listen doctor Net King
in milonga in Cobia
puberty tango
with monastery girl
in Buenos Aires
in arena’s arms
in bramble pea
brambleberry harevest
over leg of ears
the sun rises
mother tango
Orzari Ferentari Berceni
wind me tender
with closed eyes dumbing
old whisper my little eye
now only tango
tango hamlet tango townlet
tango silver suburb
what Paris didn’t see
how we cured of cancer
how we join La Plata
in milonga in Palermo
in gallery with Sciascia
under Calcutta’s bunyan
in parolace in blood
in tango
do bring horse bring me
mad Thule
clay heart
chess amour swell
he doesn’t bear
my paces forfeits
killing foetus
of old guard
su spina
or dictates
broken jugs
dance on legs
you fall on back
to bear
lasso colossus
mangle me
ruminate me
compose me
dance me
dance pawn
on pole throne
re patron
port on Rhone
we will flower auras
you harvest us Moor
we will fade as bulls
corpses of Moors
clouds’ pyramid
rains’ face
your face
eyes almonds
may be not she
may be not you
tigerless Jorge
defoliated horse
exorbitated Pharaoh
pam-pam pampa
you dance spiral
cin-cin ocean
she may you may
retractile tact
pace the act
pyramid dribbles
figure on figure
cloud on cloud
tango on tango
when you’d wash
weep face Nefertiti
Jorge dragon
in milonga longa
Retold verse
Friday, September, 3, 2004. Back from
Buenos Aires - see prohibition of Latin script in Voroninistan -, I have to go
out of house, with this old laptop – gold and bronze but argentum for Argentina
– lacking Romanian script, and so using another kind of language, playlike,
translating excerpts. To start with the end, gaucho-tango notebooks are already
out of touch, too, like myself as selfobjects. What way to feel what?
Transbudhvana transcribes fronm The
Buddha and others. Here still less. Why? Pedantry? Survival? Pass to Maiasra
then, to dodii. Again? Just instead of reviewing Tharoor’s Nehru. Such
escapism, final. Take from references injuries and translate - trans-/Dneister.
Recognition may be clarified inentinally. No novels, just novelty of
selfrecognition, at last. Nobody cares, Sakuntala-Argentina (changes again
One word.
Morocco after father
Morocco has on back cover a photo of
my father between his father and mother. Here is for the first time written
this, to be known. In fact, I searched vainly Dietrich’s and mine staying at
table in Maillane bistro Progress. I am not sure he escaped in troubadours land
like others in Latin America. Well, caballeros, I am looking forward to finding
an exile in my own writings, some of them, unknown, unrecognizable,
Annie suffered not to have said
something of Freud but for being repulsed why that, after feeding us and giving
books to kids and retreated. Founding chronicles and portraits of presidents
all offended even cocarde in hands of
bored inventors, in horns of bulls at once. The mayor and Vercingetorix voted
one way but collages flooded on to Fisher aesthetic further, surely so
mythems in widowed homosexual, exposed
Southern –sur – drinking of strong
wine with corrida meat, but troubadour got blindness from juntas if we may
compose endlessly odes to gnomes, words for hallucinations, suspended rotten
palomitas. Own south, spring in February Provence, September Patagonia. This
machine is for cutting uneducative
writings, Le Pen for children, may I, adult, have, no permitted, no
large vision for blind, no all Romanian music at sight as some may be given to
borrowers, God give them happiness and to their families and pleasant Camargue
Vamos, Samos. From the characters of
vast omission you gathered on high with a carabine. You hit yoga, hit Eliade,
you hit ahimsa, hit Gandhi. More you escape with life, with medal from
criminal. Maldoror, Gardel. When one enters your head you make it that happens.
I kept your wife hot. I dreamt I were arrested on a text of posted terza rimae.
I greet you, herr doctor, the train is coming if you are not even late. Afrca,
If I were girl I were married with
the richest. If she had an elder sister. She is my cousin sister and is like my
sister, I can’t refuse her. At 18 with two children, so I like it, bet she
takes an Italian. Americans have the right to disappear. On traces of Leon
Panteleev. No one Romanian in own blood. Kill us to relax us if even us haven’t
cares, expansion eastward. You didn’t start with you combustion of repression
in abyssal cascade.
I even loved peoples I applauded the
silence. It lived well until suicide, it remained little from grace of longing.
You, killer, blocked Olt depresses me with drowned envied that something could
happen to them, a life hardly to be recognized, hardly we great each other.
Country not country neither government nor Americans back into village sword in
scabbard grave. Unwillingly we renounce to identity with indigenous knowledge.
Urgent anthropological research
Ranchi symposium to take you to a tribal village which I am sure you will
enjoy. People loves you if you have enemies. We travel in alchemist inertia.
Only weak faith seeks big things. All my existence an occasion of poor
writings. In this war we have not permission to fight. Province of solitude,
province of renunciation, Thracians exiled in Montana. What you have done for
me by actualization of Antonescu and bringing to Florence of my paper on
Brancusi that means you did celebrated me.
Abhijnana anagnorisis. Vezuvius
erupts in Petronius. Vague Wagner agni. God brings us where he wants. I walked
barefoot in dream like this lunatic woman in medina. Sight of god in jama el
fna. I came to see a criminal I thought you have no time – I have. What
distinguishes me from this sea girl, perhaps what distinguishes him from the
ocean. Such a white bird that didn’t shadow me anymore. The butterfly whited us
undressed us of negritude.
You have no choice no things no tears
of poet Morocco. Are you writing to journal mister – no miss I am writing
books. Drawings by Miloudi Nouiga. I almost renounce to search the criminals.
Even in mirror to don’t follow the poet of Marrakech. Father after Maroc three
years later between Ladea and Buzinschi unto the meaning Trinidad after mother.
We resembled we were near dear I imagine myself Muslim with no crucifying.
(Twice mistaken and spoiled,sunny mad
nightmare, counter selected by destruction. No more Maiastra in dodii and
Transbudhvana, and full day and wish out of existence. This be a sacrifice from
side of the restricting fate, on theme prayers of parents are the best. Trying
again what, perhaps chess).
Maiastra in dodii
Very animal is the war, and captain
called Grigorescu, like our godfather (with cross painted by father, followed
in the job by alcoholic painter), but fanfare started tears of not being him.
Look at dead brother snake, and brother’s father died because he didn’t go to
war but crushed by a tree he was carrying, what good should have been the
endwar for him.
We the children of dead children
have also other rest
than life after death
our love for our mother
while she takes our life
for making the king suffer
Two tragedies, the child adds, one
that Mister Sergiu Al-George died, and
second, at Qutab Minar, the light extinguished and thirty children died; if he
wouldn’t go to Bucharest, it could happen also here, to all of us it will
happen, also to you and to me.
My being in this world is a bullet.
I am afraid of what I kill. Why does
God kill Man? Death does it saying, God give me something to do.
Nine elephants are lined up in the
East Our daughter struck by lightning. In the mountains, I will make for you a
real mountain – I’ll take snow and I’ll make it.
Light of the day you are for ever
we are those who die
hold you master maiastra in the sky
washed by the storms your divine
bent over the seas toward horizon
wings made by me
I’ll balance my journey in the
and in my arms I’ll carry the icon of
your apparition
We love you under the tree of life.
Put me down in the application as a
reference, your friend on the falling trapeze. I am back in Buenos Aires.
Venice was the nearest we approached to you. I was just wondering if you are
interested to work in Buthan. Today there is strike in the bank. Comme vous, je
vis pauvrement. No one can escape by realizing the tragedy of the poem.
in love let fall the ghosts
in the leaves of aloe
as to be recognized
by female sorrow
which have to give birth
to dying mask of Shiva
(Plan over?). Some failed readings. Retold
what? Trivia.
You’re a stomach like me you’re a
bullet. Fear of death in another place than writing. If you feel dying every
day death bored like you. Be wise in any language clever synonymy. Why do you write in English no more Romanian.
No matter of language no matter of meaning. Fishing solitudes enlarged by
prohibitions. Everything you have to say is for yourself. In our lives we see
the best of us in others. Indeed is a wonder to get born and die later. By
suffering I understand mainly to be happy. This is the chapter of Buddha
In Recognition
It was canceled the trip to Burns’
house. Ye Highlands and ye Lowlands. It rained in Borders bookshop. As many
syllables in Shantiniketa as in Salistea
de Sus.
Hanuman is human
no like Gingis Khan
no Yankee American
neithar Janos nor Ivan
throwing the mask
throwing his face
the pillar breaks in hand like bread
cut the sun’s mask in forest
bark furrowed by faces
the mask glued to broken pillar
the cutter cuts it in shapes
shadows manifestoes from Hades
he cuts it at paradise’s gate
up he cuts god
Mamma Trinidad
Columbus went to India
and reached Trinidad
I came to Trinidad
and arrived in India
lovely but on Indians’ hand
mata ji Jasodara Ramsdeo however
had come to see me like mamma
Mother Medea in Paris
Arhimedea. Astianax between
Hastinapur and Hastings. The memory of mother Medea in Notre Dame. Mitterand.
Gold, golden number in destiny of our
mother travelling on Argo. You’ll follow from now Mother Medea at Pa(ri)s.
Fear of the Orient
O it’s long time
From May to December,
But time gets short
When you reach September.
White Ants
puthi-katha oi poka
manushke jane boka
boy kena se ye cibye khaena
ei laga tor dhoka
Buddha and the Colonel
Comrade Colonel, may I report you on
a question?
before the dinner I added
well by zen one becomes Buddha
by revolution one becomes Judas
and Judas at dinner kissed Jesus
La Gioia
A duality theorem for linear
Charlestown of Boston in
Christ scientist Edgar scientist Mrs.
Charles Boston Nirvana of Edgar’s
We like Boston
We were born there
And pehaps it is just
As well not to mention
That we are heartly
Ashamed of the fact
La crisis de los paradigmas. Discurso
del sentido comun en la frontera norte.
Many thanks for your kindness in
giving me a chance to read Rethimno guide.
I don’t mind a man runs away with a
woman, but I am ashamed when this is my father, at his age.
The Buddha
…ton ‘Parinior’ (from Parinirvana?)
…Try Parinior or Parinirvana during
mother’s cancer in this or other chapter. Roc belonged to Rosincrucians, India, and Eileen, then you all belonged to
…It is always nice to inaugurate.
About George Anca
“I had gone together with poet
Gheorghe Anca.” (Vasile Vaduva, 1971)
“an invitation to communion.” (Mihai
Sora, 1973)
“A Giorgio Anca da Eugenio Montale
“I thank you for 10 Indian Poems.”
(Mircea Eliade, 1978)
“…correspondence, monad, regarded
initially as in Baudelaire and rediscovered in Eminescu’s universe.” (Zoe
Dumitrescu-Busulenga, 1973)
“…a remarkable young man, with a
vigorous talent, and an impressive power of suggestion.” (Romulus Vulcanescu,
“I knew young Gheorghe Anca in
hypostasis of poet and prose-writer, with pure sound and accent of originality
in his generation… from today on…the third… namely the hypostasis of man of
culture, of man of science, of literary critic and historian.”(Grigore
“Gheorghe Anca writes beautifully,
handles well information with romantic passion of an autodidactic, who
discovers new worlds, has intuitions and observations of great finesse.” (Romul
Munteanu, 1973)
“…the accomplishment of Mircea
Eliade’s thought in youth to make Eminescu systematically known within Sanskrit
world.” (Ioan Alexandru,1983)
“…restituendo, attraverso la lingua,
il grande Eminescu alla cultura cui -
mediatamente o no – poeta tanto deve, sia della sua formazione spirituale, sia
delle sue scelte esistenziali.” (Rosa del Conte, 1982)
“… a shanti workshop pleading for the
awakening of the constructive spirit towards international peace” Ion Iuga,
“Prof. George Anca’s Gitagovinda is a
remarkable transcreation of the haunting rhythm and melody of Jayadeva.” (Sisir
Kumar Das, 1983)
“Anca is a poet of thoughts’ fantesy.
”(Constantin Mateescu, 1984).
“George Anca’s rhyme to destructuring
(and restructuring?) world we live in.” (Ioan St.Lazar,1994)
“…king of Dodias.” (Ioan Ladea, 1999)
“Gerge Anca is a writing machine who
writes at a writing machine.” (Victor Nita, 1999)
“…founder of a new style and,
equally, of an original literary language.” (Ion Soare, 1999)
“This director Anca makes vary good
things at Pedagogical Library.” (Sorana Coroama-Stanca, 2002)
“Gentlemen, George Anca is the
creator of stylist snow.” (Veronica Anghelescu, 2000)
“In fact, either readers will not
exist.” (Alex. Stefanescu, 2003)
“The volume of debut published by
Gh.Anca proposes a poet with expressive lightenings, of sensorial source, in
search of genuine state of communication with the universe: I invoke the love
with a silk/until voids come to cover it/and to move it clearly,
floating/shameful. The magic perception is often mimed through syncopation of
communication, as if the poet would be an initiated in mysteries he can not
translate them otherwise than through unusual combinations of words: Alienate
yourself when know/how sleep came from down/being next day able to try/ the
same breakable clay/for you didn’t lower living layers/ to the dust and it
didn’t spin. From here to the throwing of word in any context according to
prosodic reasons, it is but a step, which poet makes with no constraint: And
they worked female cloth/and slept at evening like in alcohol/and the Girl’s
body too far away naked/lost from their eyes, you elite. The verses aren’t
however lackeing a candide freshness, which the author subordonate forcibly to
an archaic mentality: Good at ugly with Serpent at neck/on bank unlocked by
foot/the greening sweated. Sun on acorns pushed to catch you/reeds bent only in
a part/a lotus in sky with underwater cloud, room owner. (Roxana Sorescu, 1980)
“1968 – Gheorghe Anca debuts with the
placket of poetry of diverse inspiration, Invocations .It is retained the
erotic lyric from the cycle Invocations to sweatheart and to waters, and
especially poems of meditation, with naturist implications, from cycle Beyond
the water of the dead.
1970 – It appears the novel Eres
(Heresy), by Gheorghe Anca, prose in which oneiric-hermetic modalities, with
fabulous-esoteric implications from contemporary literarure, reaches one of
possible limit, beyond which it can not be continued.
1976 – It appears Poemele
parintilor (Poems of the Parents),
experimental lyrics, aspiring toward meditation, on theme of profound ties,
difficult to size, between parents and followers or between man an matrix space
of forerunners. It resorts frequently to folkloric structures and motives.”.
(Dictionar cronologic.Literatura romana, 1979)
“Sibylline, obscure is George Anca’s
poetry.” (Florin Manolescu, 1968).
“Anca chooses as his departure point
the magic spell.” (Tribuna, 1968)
“Gheorghe Anca seems a hermetic who
ignores his own cipher.” (Nicolae Baltag, 1968)
“Gheorghe Anca has a maximum
attraction toward the ambiguous.” (Laurentiu Ulici, 1968)
“Hallucinatory confession, ciphered
up to the unintelligible, Eres Heresy) is a bizarre make of aphoristic
sentences, oneiric evocations, fantastic and lyrical prose, an elliptical tale,
an allegory complicated by total anarchy of notations. In an atmosphere of
magic spell and charms, metaphorical cogitations are uttered, among oracular
syntagmes and incantations with folkloric smack, there are insinuated cold
existential precepts, contorsioned meditation on and condition of fulfilment of
his desire to conquer the love." (Ion Butnaru, 1970).
”Gheorghe Anca proposes to combine
the technique of hallucinatory retrospective of oneiric source, with that of
proper autobiographical remembering, plan always perturbed also by nightmares.”
(Nicolae Ciobanu, 1970).
“The Eres of poet Gheorghe Anca
(Bucharest, Eminescu Publishing House, 1970) belongs neither to present nor to
past. It belongs to future. It is a book in which the past is thrown over
present, directly in the future, on the hallucinatory trajectory of a Romanian tale from old, lived
truly also by the author, and whose spiritual and cosmic dimensions are always
projected forward, like a morganatic fairy after whom one runs, together with
the poet, in a warm summer after-noon.” (George Alexe, 1971)
“Some poets adopted them (dodias)
already – Marin Sorescu, Ana Blandiana and, very recently, Gheorghe Anca – and
tried to surround those without borders, those which can not yet stay and, in
the ultimate, those of coming times – synesthesies.” (V.G.Paleolog, 1976).
“George Anca is an investigator of
unconventional poetical languages. He recuperates interstitial zones, without
being necessarily a vanguardist for he lacks turbulence of terriblysm, being
rather a scientist, a solitary, a modeler of labyrinths. One of the main
directions of his poetics is the illogicality, the speech in dodii, which
translates imperceptible both realities and words as much as to create the
fringes of diffraction, that halo which constitutes the special attraction of
children talk. In the verses of poet we meet all kind of anamorphoses (the
world deformed after savant optic laws, perspectives from most unexpected
points o view: of the inanimates, of natural forms, etc.) or permutations of
words so unusual that they remember poetry created by computer.The zone of the
ludic, of magic and folkloric repetitive is covered as well by poetry of Anca
(Marian Popa speaks of “exceptional spontaneity of image by technique of
fragment which is not less a galimatias”), twisted thaught and brut lyricism
can not be dissociated, the verse engraves in memory as such, with its strange
topic and all. Because Anca is also a perfect inventor of the form: his
grammatical rocades, throbed but also vapory, produce the state of captatio,
contribute substantially to the success of the whole. Spirit tortured by an
authentic obscurity, Anca invokes and charms away things of the world just to
make them to secrete their own obscurity as the snail its foam and plum trees
their glue at joints: only so poet feels that he can communicate.”(Constantin
Abaluta, 1998)
“In the Poems of the Parrents, recent
volume by Gheorghe Anca, a simple thematic, of source strict sentimental, is
submitted to some crisped formal experiments. Not my commodity as reader but
the belief that poet complicates himself without anticipated results urges me
to reproach his obscurity, forcing of the verse. I think an effort of
clarifying lyrical waters should be salutary in what regards him. The
intention, which I believe is impeded to realize just by this overbid of
blurred metaphors, is to express in technique of folkloric lyrical incantations
(dirges, magic spells,etc.) the belief that life of the present individual is written,
determined by existence of his antecessors, that at the level of profound
sensitivity unalterable communications between parents and sons take place. ‘I
write everyday my book.//The forests shake villages/on earth in the
autumn.//But autumn isn’t passed in the book/those pages were written before.
//From mouth to mouth/under the earth/the old man/sends/the voice/of my today
book/as an echo remained between ribs’ (The book)./…/
It can be deciphered in the verse of
Gheorghe Anca a sort of exaltation in front of esoteric utterances, of unusual
imagistic delirium, fascinatin of a play ‘in dodii’, out of which he tends to
do, otherwise, a kind of personal aesthetics. His attempt of restructuration of
the real in a flux of fragmentary, insinuating images end, not rarely, with a
stammering simulating the reflection. (Dana Dumitriu, 1976)
“Writing a poetry of the intellect,
always at the edge of popular poetic creation, Gheorghr Anca outlines a lyric
territory for himself” (Petru Romosan, 1976)
“The broadcast Mioritsa of Saturday
8th January was good, better than ‘Ode to Romanian language’ which included
however an emotional moment Iorgu Iordan, better even than ‘Voices of modern
art’ (a long discourse full of fine observations, of critic Dan Haulica), better…
I am lying: it wasn’t a ‘better’ broadcast, but a good one – and I may explain
why. It was so because it felt all the time that the author (Gheorghe Anca) is
convinced that making of an emission of half hour at national posts of radio
isn’t some pursuit but a work of great days. He chosen thus an important theme
(Presnt time of ballad Mioritsa; but the title isn’t enough attractive),
obtained the best collaborations (Dimitrie Cuclin, Zoe Dumitrescu-Busulenga,
Grigore Moisil, Ovidiu Papadima, Mihai Sora, Grigore Popa, Adrian Fochi) and
had care to be an emission, that is a construction, and not a depot of
materials” (Florin Mugur, 1976)
“With his five years long exposure to
India and its cultural heritage, he evidently feels spell-bound and fascinated
by its philosophical mysticism which unlike religious mysticism is only
theoretical or speculative. In Ardhanariswara, several aspects of love – experimental or real, transitory and
eternal and mystic and worldly are delineated. The influence of Eminescu, Lautreamont,
Baudelaire, Montale and Gunadin is also manifestd in his poems.
In his sharp new voice, Anca is
pungent, discordant, airs disillusional passion and brevity of human life./…/
‘Parinior’ coined by writer to denote
a utopian place is paradoxical because there he creates real life. It has
theme, character and symbol setting in India.” (V.K. Gaur, 1982)
“Prof. Anca’s writings are at best
described as reactions to his study of the Indian concepts and not as a support
for Indian thought.” (Harish Kumar)
“I think that G. Anca is not one from
those beati possidentes, he doesn’t possess his books but lets himself
possessed by them, like in a crisis never surpassed, like a travail of an
endless birth. Groan and convulsion of whose cod is just the show: the jungle,
Niagara, typhoon, volcano, BIRTH…”(Mircea Santimbreanu, 1996).
“Belonging, by debut, to Generation
of ‘70s – the wing of resuscitated modernism, the writer George Anca seems to
live acutely the ‘dialectic’ of the postmodernism, in which the autochthonized nostalgia meets the search of some
alternative sources of spirituality, being added a ‘residual’, interstitial
trust in literature.”(Dan Mircea Cipariu, 2000)
“Like Ahab in search of the white
whale, poet scans the memory of Boston (for him Poeston) in order to find the
grave of genius of American poetry, Edgar Allan Poe, but, due to computer
error, he doesn’t find him: ‘Edgar Allan Poe born no more in Boston’ exclaim
this disappointed.” (Daniela Iordache, 2001)
“Why Under Bell? Author himself would
answer the best. In my perception, the bell could objectualize somehow his
working ‘laboratory’, ‘submerged’ somewhere in own depths, to put light on the
climbing: the place where ideas are conceived, thoughts are clarified, jewels
are built. At the same time, it could be the bell of king Songdok (remembered
in the pages of the book, with symbol value of Korean divinities, object
decorated with masterly medallions figuring lotuses, flowers, flames and
heavenly fairies. A true divine art. Under the sign of bell then…”
“George Anca is a writer unique in
his kind (and unrepeatable). Originality in which he conceives his writings,
mobility of spirit and legerity in changing register of different literary
genres and subspecies confer to him a distinct authority. Luxuriant spontaneity
of his verb, even this is often in derive, is counteracted by the other Anca –
the subtle, the suave – who absolves him of his ‘wanderings’, sometime,
however, sublime. A verse like this has mission to have saved him: bird so white that/didn’t shadow me anymore “
(Ioan Mihut, 1999/2003)
“If we’d interpret term apokalipse in
its strict sense, we’d go with thought to the New Testament and to the end of
world, an irreversible catastrophe. But the term Kali, included in title, sends
us to mother Kali, known in Indian mythology under diverse names (Durga, etc),
goddess-mother, protector, and, at the same time, also goddess of destruction,
burst against the wrong. If we’d dissociate the title in other parts, Apo would
send us to the shine of god Apollo, and Kalipso to the spell of nymph Kalipso
from well-known
Greek epic Odyssey. And perhaps as
Kalipso retained Ulysses on her island time of seven years (according to
others, ten) trying to convince him to marry her, so also India retained the
author of ApoKalipse for a similar period, but with no effort to convince him
to remain, rather out of author’s desire to know in profundity a world full of
mystery which, when you believed you discovered it, it pulls, like the shy
maiden, the veil of ‘maya’ “ (Carmen Leocadia-Cotovanu, 2001)
(Poems in translation)
on the next day
on next day I ran to the mill
listening its beating I hadn’t
even a fist of flour and the meal
you remember rats ate it
how we killed all in wedding night
twelve they were and had stolen
in a hole near cold oven nay
eleven as the twelfth went
under piglings’ hogsty and finding
match oh how we killed them
with younglings how we caught also
in cellar I met a serpent
but I had pity to kill it
why so woman god left
if a madman digs cellar
you’re mad too if leave serpent
he wasn’t so mad poor fellow
he never mixed with any until
let him now madman died
and we remained who put you
I didn’t think when my clock rung
to become orphan I had got old
a grandson swung in cradle
a rain started to pour
covered court and house hall
entered garden cradle got cold
grandson followed lightning
to meet at once my father
and falling his ancestor he ran away
over pound courtlike but gardenless
let snake lie let thank god
woman come in mind now your house
increased and deserted feeds
flees of god’s lit summer
it was a night only light
wolves ate sheeps in forest
and good father on their trace passed
bringing in village halves of sheeps
and ewes
bow before foreign woman
beauty you understand the word
see is a whisper from heavens
for your ignorant hearing
perhaps I am cursed so
my love be ushered in all rooms
and resound up to mountains peak
but seeming not understandable to you
you know also translators opposed me
and lie by now under my white flags
dead man woman you have nobody alive
tortured by hate the buried kin
listen don’t guard so much
soon hunger will ugly you
as beauty hungers you today
why destiny would rest indebted
to you only from sons of disappeared
your forgiven brother alone gave his
before he’d order in your language
to live more in memory of all
Zalmoxe is named your son
if you’ll conceive I put custom
all you fellows to bear names
given before and so dearly dreamt
Zalmoxe call him tell Zalmoxe
and come to senses don’t forget
Zalmoxe mark in your mind
and break yourself as if this
is your gift from my love
Zalmoxe is your gift Zalmoxe
this is enough to know in winners’
nobody would talk to you
on behalf with name of Zalmoxe
don’t cry don’t Zalmoxe
be his birth giver be Zalmoxe
don’t perish Zalmoxe
resurrect yourself Zalmoxe
throw devil’s mask
throw devil’s mask
he crosses self
glues face of demonic face
shadows thicken he grins at them
tears up his face shadows thicken
then he play to them a pantomime
throwing mask
throwing his face
pillar breaks in his hand like bread
cuts sun’s mask in forest
bark furrowed by faces
mask glued by broken pillar
cutter cuts it in shapes
shadows manifests in Hades
cut him at paradise’s gate
cut up god
first around saint decibels
my face got covered in a dream
I have cut tree mask maker bark
pillar with mask on face
ghosts imagine
black mask on white body
devil Salomea laughs
he had cut Ion’s head
devil laughs cut head
on a skinned pillar
the cut on whited
devil weeps on rot of paradise
cuter throws him
mask maker don’t speak to him
mask maker is cuter
but pillar falling
face falls at earth
buried by saint ghost
no mask maker no cuter
only shadowing body
under shadows of décor
he shows all décor of some
and extinguishes extinguishes
extinguishes to be stronger
god don’t light candle
in capillary masks’ skull
that a child in front of him rises
when didn’t cut neither woods nor in
bark masks
you to await in mask in wood await
and world’s strongest falls again on
don’t let pillar fall for badly would
hit him
he was dreaming manly on weeks
mountains traveled by a colombina
broken of love and she was of wood
born from passionate flesh
to be loved firstly with eyes
sweetheart sweetheart sweetheart
he was manly dreaming sweetheart
and in forests traveled with axe
and cut perfect trunks
up to blameless pillar
his axe became mute from before
and they started up on a side
above where forest weren’t
oh if axes would be heard singing
over heavenly silence mirrored in
if they would be heard and they
and they run and at once fall asleep
beyond a tree axe takes shape of
and whistles only for forest’s virgin
whistles beautifully that fruits fall
in flute’s bed by cuter followed
if axes would be heard singing
he dreamt to awake from dream
mask maker had parted from sorrow
he remained to whistle to that shape
perfumed saint mother
with saint child who from saint ghost
but he doesn’t heard him sights fly
and descend only for babe
is perhaps she babe and perhaps
of her longing when was saint
like now but another time
with god at face
mask maker sold his masks
forest shaved its cutting
perhaps is time you come
but how with shadows Christ
a child is in player’s being
and one near him less wept
us to weep or one from up to weep us
and perhaps man of secret laments by
good-for nothing connoisseur
beautiful child
a cuter on this world still existed
and in heavens climbs rumble of
forests cut down
and axes beat not to get roots
in world’s hearing the wept by lord
mask maker walks softly like in dream
to wear his last mask far away
between flutes deadly deafening
mask maker I play he played in last
black he surround himself by demon
red in wept eye trembles
feces submerge in forests
cut by wood cutter
before to discover the abyss
his life didn’t end
or he didn’t live his end
he scattered his mask namely
to follow it himself until meet it
and demon smiles to him at crossroad
cutter’s pillar rises
on way where angel had fallen
why wouldn’t be cheerful mask maker
when his mask flutters unblackening
with eyes in golden sight
rejoice even in you would rest
ghost what ghost you patched
in ox’ skin in lamb’s fur
in pork’s hair in coal
enjoy you mask maker
and he doesn’t he made it to me
prayer to gladden me
when I’ll play him also author was
at face but this had broken a hand
see how man broke his hand like bread
he said I intern my hand in hospital
it is worth to go to hospices
at once with your demiurgic hands
demons flow from fingers
and said go and see what people
gathers believing that I harlequin
doctor will come to heal them
from a movement of eyebrow
a tale with a mask maker I asked from
and his last mask
he took our word
didn’t decide himself and let me free
for he was thinking to a child
carrying mask full of fear
he turned it in profile
it was an axe to cut
had teeth saws
beat it child
to put it on my face
and take it out and play
he says to me
I want to die under mask ravished
to bury him burying me
and mask immortal laughed wept
face profile my face
I am afraid to let it in palms
how afraid am I of a cut palm
venerable faces you still remember
masks of the old
mask maker and cutter parted
mask alone shined
it makes mask maker’s face
cudgel grows body
saints peels off ghosts
then poor starts poor it
From mill
from mill toward village a half
of kilometer unloaded rambles
a man returning from town
far off as Fagaras Mountains
he looks it’s night says nothing
speaks what speaks deals
with a woman unseen if she threats
him for in sleep is dripping wet of
he doesn’t start to right as churches
wait for him
on left unrotated earth stops him
he still to mill feels going
but wouldn’t grind his bones dear
will it indeed enter something his
or in vain we wait him to strain in
firstly he thinks himself barefoot
loving dust
his cloths fall cranium remains
on it wind thoughts to thin him
until it will dispel living flour
he tries trees if not shot into ears
he wants in arms mother in arms wit
small child
he wants with his ribs to root side
better than dead in world mill
light off he will preserve in window
for so much he asks a life from
only that branch sends him to not
alone grinding mill on bad weather
hey did you take your salt birds are
ready eggs to knead bread
come on dead village loves you in
dead mill
flour in sack also I for what mouths
to carry
from mill towards village looks Gica
through wave of wheel he feels is
and sometimes even walks among men
by bald miller dismissed
they all with eyes to a horse at once
from palms beat when its limb undo
miller turns his had
to know who didn’t applaud his horse
while there reckoning Gica
laughed as cartilage in horse doesn’t
quite pull
oh what a pleasure life as it is
if he could live it in world mill
cigarettes formerly smoked on pool’s
sparkle nets with fishes on bottom
saline blows in them from under
beheaded moving loch’s taste
fried to roll it in stripe of meal
like in heated room what a life
Dear George ,
I have enjoyed participating at the
IFLA-Buenos Aires 2004 (photo 054: myself with Irene Wormell who has started
the sub-committee for Knowledge Management, wonderful Librarian: dedicated,
eager and enthusiastic to spread knowledge); meeting other librarians from all
over the world and sharing experiences, getting to know new publishers and new
products useful for Libraries.
- Specially that during this particular
event, we had a delegation from Alexandria, Egypt, photo attached with The
Librarian of Alexandria, Ismail Serageldin ( in the middle
of the group after his presentation introducing our new born, Library in
Alexandria (DOB: 16 October 2002) which was conceived as the Revival of the
ancient Library of Alexandria, in its ideology and role in the Region and
throughout the World. in a plenary session. Other people appearing in the
photo: the Ambassador of Egypt in Buenos Aires, and other managers from the
Library of Alexandria known as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Photo 047) - Please
But having these international
meeting in different countries, also give us the opportunity to know more about
this particular country.
During my visit to Argentina, after
the conference, I can say that:
We are all human beings sharing the
same hopes, same agonies, and similar believes expressed in different ways and
different languages, we enjoy beauty as I have enjoyed seeing those flowers
every morning going to the IFLA convention at the hotel where it was held, as
shown in (Photo 053) and music as I have enjoyed hearing different concerts and
Tango everywhere.
1) - In Buenos Aires, I met with
Madres de Mayo group and was fascinated by their
movement, how they handled their tragic destiny after loosing their children in
a shameful way, by just marching silently in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires,
every Thursday, wearing a white scarf to identify themselves and inviting other
mothers in the same situation to join them. They are still doing that since and
implanting the feeling in new generations to follow their path.
It is not always by long speeches,
fights or war that one can win a case. I was thoroughly impressed, I admire and
respect this group of women.
It is one of the greatest Women and
Peace movement. (Photo 079, 080)
2) - I also enjoyed in my tour visit
the area called Camanita-La Bocca, (Photo 006) and how this low income housing
area was turned into an Arts center visited by local and international people
where street arts exhibitions were held, I had to visit it more than once and
brought back lovely art work as souvenirs.
3) - One of the greatest shows I have
enjoyed is the Tango show that they present so professionally. (Photo 059, 063)
4) -
As a librarian, I was also impressed to see in the downtown area of Iguazu Falls, which is a very small city,
that a shop was turned into a Library (Photo 108) and an art exhibition area
plus a place for Youth to enjoy, meet and study in an encouraging environment.
It was kept by a Librarian from Argentina who lives there and felt it was her
duty to equip natives with books for reading and acquire knowledge.
Needless to mention the beauty of
this National Park – Iguazu Falls and the millions of picturesque photos which
you can see and the ingenuity of the architect, who designed the walking bridge
(I would really love to know his name); which takes you all over the park and
from each corner you stop, you can see one of those fantastic and wonderful
view, to say the least. (photo 008, 012,
- 018 friendly butterfly standing on my arm).
I will attach here some pictures to
add to your stories. You can call it "A Librarian Reflections from
Alexandria to Argentina".
I had the privilege and the challenge
to establish the Library Services Department of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
during the construction phase from 1993 and until December 2004 when I was
Director of the Library Services Department.
Bio available upon request.
Best Regards,
Dear George,
Buenos Aires left many nice memories
and interesting events. Two stories really stick to my mind.
The first was going around the
congress and the reading room for members. We had to go around the building
before we got in. Then, as we stopped and various rhings were introduced and
explained myself and an American lady started asking questions out of interest.
People got annoyed and asked us to stop.
So we did and asked our guide afterwards.
The second story happened within the
tour itself as well. One of our interperters offered to send me some info on
the Argenetian society especially as I was very much interested in the
formation of the national identity and the assimilation as well as the
inclusion of several groups and the position of gay group in a catholic
society. He was very much interested and I am still waiting for this info.
However, the most interesting event in the same tour happened when the same
interpreter was translating between my conversation with the congress person,
the langauge barrier was no longer there and we could communicate through
professional experience.
I hope this is useful.
Bonjour George,
Ce fut un grand plaisir pour moi
d'avoir participé au Congrès d'IFLA de Buenos-Aires. J'en ai gardé de trčs bons
souvenirs, entre autre en voici un qui peut vous paraître bizarre. C'était ma
première fois de fouler le sol Argentin. Donc j'ignorais tout de là-bas, y
compris le temps qu'il y faisait. Alors, je parachute à Buenos Aires sous une
température trop basse pour moi. Vous savez que je suis du Mali, un pays
Subsaharien, avec une température de plus de 30°C. Je n'avais pas été informée
du temps qu'il faisait à Buenos Aires. Donc je n'avais pas pris de mésure pour
me couvrir ŕ chaud. Alors dès que je suis arrivée à Buenos Aires, j'ai ouvert
ma valise et j'ai porté tous les habits que j'avais apportés. Vous imaginez en
ce moment la masse que cela me donnait ! Je ressemblais à un petit hippopotame
Salut !
Malado, depuis le Mali.
Estimado amigo y colega George Anca,
un saludo desde las alturas donde
vivo La Paz - Bolivia.
Sueńo y esperanza
El Congreso del IFLA siempre te deja
con un gusto a parte, de satisfacción y esperanza de un mundo mejor. Mi sueńo
todavía no lo realice, pero lo estoy trabajando y compartiendo con otros
colegas y amigos.
Sueńo que en un futuro, que las
bibliotecas de mi país (BOLIVIA) se puedan acceder la población de escasos
recursos, campesinos obreros, etc. Sueńo que mi profesión sea parte de la
solución de los problemas de mi país, como la educación, la pobreza, la
corrupción, la desigualdad, la discriminación, etc. y que la información que
manejamos los trabajadores de la información
sea una necesidad como el agua, la luz, los alimentos, etc.
Hay mucho por trabajar, pero también
hay mucho por vivir.
Espero George, que te guste y me des
tu opinión.
Chau, un abrazo desde las alturas, la
llanura y el oriente boliviano.
Un amigo
Dear George,
Its a wonderful idea to make a book
from that conference and the place. I was also full of inspiration and
impression when i came back from there. I attach 2 fotos of what was important
to me - tango dancers in la boca, samantha and mariano - who dance there in a
coffeehouse. They are so nice beautiful people - and when they danced they made
life a dream - just for some time.
The other one is a couple who danced
at the flee market in san telmo.
I have many demonstration fotos of
piqueteros - also from the plaza mayor - when it was closed by the police and
nobody could go in. i found a way!
If you want those fotos, please give
me a mail, then I send you.
Are you planning to go to oslo too?
From which library are you coming?
Good wishes for your project!
I apologise for not replying before,
but since I arrived from Italy my life has been very busy (I wish I could go
back to Andalo). As you request me to send my impression of the conference, I
will say that it was one of the most interesting and nicest experiences in my
whole professional life. I had to opportunity to meet people I usually read
their books and be in contact with the community of people with the same
interests and professional fields that I have. Also it was nice meeting the
colleagues of my age from different countries and sharing some lovely time. In
general I say that this is an experience I will try to repeat and also invite
some friends to enjoy it.
Look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards,
Dear Goerge,
thank you very much for your email,
It is my pleasure to include my Andalo
feeling in your book.
First of all, I was very glad to
participate in ISODARCO Seminar, it is great to comunicate with the other part
of the world, which is not your own comunity, but we should lestin to each
other carfully, respect the other, and to beleive that every one on the surface
of the ground is our friend, with out discrimination toward , color,gender,
religion, location. the life is given to the human being by God and no one have
the right to take it except God.
ISODARCO group discuss a very
important issue,terorrisim, but no one talk about peace, we should find out the
ways which we can achieve peace for every one and the ways that make all on one
heart against the new enemy the Terorrisim with out naming it with islamic or
Christian terorrisim.
I hope every one of ISODARCO group
will live in peace and we in Palestine too, hope we will have our peace and
freedom of the dam occupation, which is the highest level of terorrisim.
Best Regards
Dear George,
Aloha from Rainbow Hawaii!
It was so special to see you again in
Isodarco. I could not believe it after
all these years ... Since you are such a well known writer in Romania, I would
like to subscribe Taiwan Journal for you, if you wish. It's a weekly paper (only 4 pages) with news,
culture, history, economy, etc. on Taiwan.
Even though your country and mine are so far away, we still can connect
together and even work together.
Thank you for inviting me to express
my feeling toward Isodarco in Andalo.
You are so ambitious that you undertake such huge project in such short
time. Congratulations *_* I noticed on the bus to Milano that you were
thinking and writing and contemplating.
A great writer!
The main concern for this Winter Course
is "Terrorism," rather a sad phenomenon for the world society. But we are able to gather together and
discuss about it and try to find solutions to minimize it, if not able to
eliminate it completely, especially to the young participants who are leaders
of the next generation. It is an ideal
place to have sessions and fun and good food with good people. Oh, but, did you attend the extra session for
911 and it's conspiracy on Friday? Clyde
presented it in such convincing way that I almost believed it. (He is going to write it up soon.) If I do, I would grieve for such matter to
happen in a democratic nation like America.
If it could happen here, it could happen everywhere. We must do everything to prevent it happen
again. After all, we all strive to bring
truth and honesty in our fraternity world-wide to achieve peace for us.
Well, I had good time and good
thinking (and inspiration) at Isodarco as always even though so many people got
sick with intestinal flu. I almost got
it too. Do let me know if you like to
have Taiwan Journal by mail (It can reach you by email too). Mahalo, Susie
Shu Yuan
Formosa is a beautiful country!
Dear George,
thank you for writing me in this
This is a great idea and indeed I
would like to send you my souvenirs and wishes for your book. Just give me an
impression that I get your project right:
You are writing a "Pugwash
novel", that means a book on SODARCO (or Pugwash altogether?) and its
history and to give their comment and good wishes for ISODARCO?
So how long do you allow the
statement to be: a three-to five liner or longer? Do you think of a concise
reference to any organiser or a rather general statement?
Sorry to be that worrysome about
writing the right thing, but I would be very happy if in the end my statement
would suit into your book.
Best regards back to Bucharest from
Yours, Ulrike.
Dear George,
I was in Andalo for a total of 10
hours, just enough to enjoy a very cordial atmosphere amongst people with
different backgrounds.
I would have liked to stay longer,
had I had the oppotunity to do so.
Best regards,
Dear George,
thank you very much for your letter.
Andalo reassured my intention to find useful elements for good governance. I am
sure, that it has been fruitful to have met you and I think, that a cooperation
for the preparation of a succesful
project of science advice to the government on education and efficient social
integration could be possible.
My direct proposals would be, that
you identify the consultant role of the Library of Congress in Washington, that
you inform yourself on the US Whriting Academy, that you begin a cooperation
with the library of the Max Planck Institute for Education Research in Berlin,
that you inform yourself about the Institute for the Natural Science Education
in Kiel, (Schleswig-Holstein), and that you prepare your library to develop an
international discussion on PHD training in pedagogy(including economic
pedagogy and pedagogy in public health).
The best for you,
your Jörn Behrmann
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