joi, 1 august 2013

Poems by Lucian Blaga and paintings Jerry McDaniel

Poems by Lucian Blaga (1895-1961)
Romania’s great modern poet, philosopher, and dramatist

Translated by Andrei Codrescu
Ileana Costea assembly

The Poets
Don’t be amazed, Poets, all poets, are
Just one, undivided, united into a vast community,
Speaking, they are mute. Across centuries they are born
And die,
Singing, they serve a tongue lost
In the past.

In the mild breeze a soul wavers,
without today,
without yesterday.
With indistinct waves
Rise the hot centuries
From the trees.
In sleep my blood draws me back
Into my parents
Like a wave.

All Ways Cut
Green day. Spirit of the nut.
All ways cut
To the heaven of wind,
Of love, of word.
All ways cut
To the Thursday of fire,
To the noon of desire,
Where passion is burning
Where the tear is singing.

Pax Magna
It appears that God and the Devil
Knowing how much greater each could be,
Shook hands and made their peace in me.
Together they distilled into my soul
Faith, love, doubt, and lies.

The Light
The light I feel
Bursting into my chest when I see you,
Couldn’t be a drop of that light
Created on the first day,
From that light that thirsted so much for life?

Parched, I drink your scent –
I cup your face with my hands
To gather your miracle in my soul.
The closeness of our eyes burns,
And yet you say: „I yearn for you!”
With longing as if
I were a wanderer in another world.

Not even a song is easy. Day
or night – nothing is easy on earth:
and so the dew, for it’s the sweat of nightingales,
wearies from singing the whole night through.

I Will Not Crush the World’s Corolla of Wonders  
I will not crush the world’s corolla of wonders
And I will not kill
With reason
The mysteries I meet along my way
In flowers, eyes, lips, and graves.
The light of others
Drowns the deep magic hidden
In the profound darkness.
I increase the world’s enigma
With my light
Much as the moon with its white beams
Does not diminish but increases
The shimmering mystery of height –
I enrich the darkening horizon
With chills of the great secret.
All that is hard to know
Becomes a greater riddle
Under my very eyes
Because I love alike
Flowers, lips, eyes, and graves.

All paintings inspired by Blagas poems
© Jerry W. Mc Daniel 2008

I Wait for My Sunset
I wash my sight in the sky’s
Star-filled vault -
I know that I too in my soul
Carry many, many stars
And galaxies,
Miracles of darkness.
But I do not see them
Because I have
Too much sun in me.
I am waiting for my day to end                               
I wait for night and pain
I wait for my sky to darken
So that stars may rise in me
My own stars
I have not yet seen.

I Search
I search, for what I don’t know. I look
For a great hour left creature-less inside me
Like the stamp of a dead mouth on a carafe.

I search, for what I don’t know. Under spent stars,
Under vanished stars, I look
For the extinguished light I still praise.

Such silence all about me I seem to hear
the moon’s beams beat against the glass.

Oh, who knows – my soul, in whose breast you’ll sing
sometime after centuries
on sweet strings of silence,
on harps of darkness – that stifled longing
and broken      joy of life? Who knows?
Who knows?

I Want do Dance!
O, I want do dance as I have never danced!
Let God not feel himself a prisoner in me.
Earth, give me wings:
I want to be the arrow
tearing infinity,
to see only sky around me,
sky above
and sky below –
burning in waves of light
I want to dance
torn by the lightning of unborn desire
so God will breathe freely in me
and will not say:
„I am a prisoner in his dungeon!”

Lucian Blaga (1895-1961)
Romania’s great poet, philosopher, and dramatist
1895-Born (May 9th) as the ninth son of the parish priest (Romanian Orthodox Church) of the village of Lâncrâm, in Transylvania
1910 – 1914 publishes his first poems and his first philosophical article.
To avoid service in the Austro-Hungarian army, attends theological classes in Sibiu, Transylvania,         graduating in 1917
1918 - begins to study philosophy at the University of Vienna
1920 - is awarded his Ph. D. with the thesis Culture and Cognition
1926-38 press counselor - the Romanian legation in Warsaw,  Prague, Vienna, Bern, Switzerland, Lisbon
1936 elected, at 41 years, active member of the Romanian Academy
1938 returns to Romania as Professor of the Philosophy of Culture (a chair specially created for him) at the University of Cluj, Transylvania
1949 is dismissed from his chair by the Communist regime and appointed librarian. Out of favor, he publishes only translations until 1960
1956 - nominated for the Nobel Prize he was on the point of getting the award when the communist government in Bucharest sent emissaries to Sweden to protest against his nomination with false political allegations
1961 - dies of cancer. Buried at Lâncrâm
Due to the spiritual nature of his poetic and philosophic work communist leaders banned him.


 Vreau să joc de Lucian Blaga

vreau să joc cum niciodată n-am jucat!
Să nu se simtă Dumnezeu
în mine
un rob în temniţă - încătuşat.
Pământule, dă-mi aripi:
săgeată vreau să fiu să spintec
să nu mai văd în preajmă decât cer,
deasupra, cer,
şi cer sub mine -
ai-aprins în valuri de lumină
să joc
străfulgerat de-avânturi nemaipomenite
ca să răsufle liber Dumnezeu în mine,
să nu cârtească:
"Sunt rob în temniţă!"

Tablourile din seria “Vreau să joc” au fost facute cu ocazia celor patru recitaluri de poezie Blaga organizate în California de Sud de Ileana Costea cu actriţa bucureşteană Lidia Lazu în Mai 2008.

Resurse Recitaluri Blaga pe Internet:

JERRY W. McDANIEL, artist heterogen din New York şi Los Angeles, a studiat cu maeştrii artei abstracte Angelo Savelli şi Henry Pearson la Noua Scoală de Cercetare în domeniul Social din New York. Cu această ocazie Jerry  a încetat să mai folosească verticalitatea şevaletului şi işi plasează pânza pe o suprafţă orizontală. Aceasta permite artistului sa  picteze înonjurandu-şi picturile. Stilurile diverse pe care le aplică artistul în picturile sale sunt dedicate conceptului că fiecare idee necesită propria-i expresie emotională.

JEJERRY W. McDANIEL New York & Los Angeles heterogeneous artist, studied with abstract artists Angelo Savelli and Henry Pearson at the New School for Social Research University in New York. Out of his experience, Jerry ceased to use the verticality of the easel and placed his canvas on a horizontal surface. This allowed him to walk around his paintings. The various styles applied to his paintings are dictated by the concept that each idea demands its own emotional expression.

The “Vreau Sa Joc” poem by Blaga as it appears in Romanian on the previous page in English translation:

I want to dance

O, I want do dance
as I have never danced!
Let God not feel himself
a prisoner in me.
Earth, give me wings:
I want to be the arrow tearing infinity,
to see only sky around me,
sky above
and sky below -
burning in waves of light
I want to dance
torn by the lightning of
unborn desire
so God will breathe freely in me
and will not say: "I am a prisoner in his dungeon!"

by Lucian Blaga
Translation by Andrei Codrescu

Lucian Blaga (1985-1961)

Lucian Blaga was a commanding personality of the Romanian culture of the inter-bellum period. He was a philosopher and writer highly acclaimed for his originality, a university professor and a diplomat.

In 1926, he became involved in Romanian diplomacy, occupying successive posts at Romania's legations in Warsaw, Prague, Lisbon, Bern and Vienna.

He was dismissed from his university professor chair in 1948 because he refused to express his support to the new Communist regime and he worked as librarian... He was forbidden to publish new books, and until 1960 he was allowed to publish only translations. He completed the translation of Faust, the masterpiece of Goethe, one of the German writers that influenced him most.

In 1956, Blaga was nominated to the Nobel Prize for Literature … Still, the Romanian Communist government sent two emissaries to Sweden to protest the nomination, because Blaga was considered an idealist philosopher, and his poems were forbidden until 1962


 “Vreau sa joc”: expozitie “Jerry W. McDaniel” la “Viitorul Roman”

de Anca Adumitroaie

Albastrul profund si sincer incadreaza ca passe-partout explozia de alb-violet in flori de lavanda care, la rindul ei, imbratiseaza languros conturul banuit al femeii dezgolite. Absenta culorii, ca o pata de vis, intr-o mare dezlantuita de nuante, e ceea ce defineste latura impresionista, de traire a clipei, a pinzei pe nume “Sleeper In Lavender”, care m-a intimpinat si captivat de la intrare la vernisajul cu titlul “I Want To Dance” (“Vreau sa joc”) al pictorului Jerry W. McDaniel. Inspirat, dupa cum marturiseste el insusi, de figuri degasiene drapate in falduri vaporoase, pictorul invaluie forma feminina , ca pe o Danae in ploaia de aur, intr-o contrastanta mantie a pletelor blonde-curgere de grine, intrepatrunse de rebelul mov-siniliu al lavandei.

Am avut placerea de a ma intilni cu arta pictorului american eterogen Jerry W. McDaniel pe 23 septembrie 2012, la vernisajul organizat de Societatea Culturala “Viitorul Roman” la Academia de Arta Klein din Beverly Hills. O duminica extrem de calduroasa si o cladire micuta si boema, varuita in alb si albastru mediteranean, coborita parca dintr-o insulita greaca sau italiana, pareau gazdele perfecte pentru un stil de pictura -arc peste timpuri si tendinte. Influente si emotii armonioase si conflictuale se imbina nesteptat in arta cu adevarat eterogena a lui McDaniel, de la Degas la Klimt, Mondrian si Magritte, Picasso si Warhol. Fiecare tablou, de dimensiuni si forme variate, era insotit de o poveste, fiecare nascindu-se dintr-o experienta sau traire imortalizate in culoare. “Jazz At The Bakery”, inspirat de ordinea si culoarea lui Mondrian, pare o sinestezie de muzica si miscare. M-a intrigat o pictura masiva, de forma patrata, intitulata “This Is Your Brain”.  In legenda insotitoare, autorul o prezinta ca pe un experiment academic, din perioada sa de profesorat. Culori vii, de o mare varietate senzoriala, marcheaza acel creier social, al conventiilor si automatismelor, iar varianta concentrata, “in a nutshell”, ar fi creierul adinc, Jungian, colectiv, cele doua fiind separate de cimpul alb, de umbre nedefinite, al constiintei umane.

Chiar daca nu as fi aflat despre interesul artistic si prietenia pe care Jerry le simte fata de arta si spiritualitatea romaneasca, versurile lui Lucian Blaga ar fi izbucnit nestavilite din brate de arbori, tentacule, meandre, albii de riuri, petale multicolore, care se alearga si se inlantuiesc in seria de sase tablouri incendiare “Vreau sa joc”:
“vreau sa joc cum niciodata n-am jucat!
Sa nu simta Dumnezeu
in mine
un rob in temnita-incatusat.
Pamintule, da-mi aripi:
Sageata vreau sa fiu sa spintec
Motivul aripii eliberatoare si al curgerii navalnice domina in culori arzatoare sau tainice,  de vazduh, foc si pamint. La expozitie au fost prezentate doar patru dintre cele sase tablouri, doua picturi aflindu-se in prezent intr-o colectie privata din Dusseldorf.  Jerry W. McDaniel, prin arta sa eterogena, distileaza complex si emotional, cu flair si generozitate emotiva, fatete de cultura romaneasca, precum elemente expresioniste abstracte de la Tuculescu, ilustratii ale poemelor filozofice ale lui Blaga, sau afise promotionale moderniste, asemenea celui realizat pentru un turneu al jucatorului de tenis Ilie Nastase. Cele sase tablouri inspirate de poemul lui Blaga “Vreau sa joc” fusesera pictate de McDaniel cu ocazia unei serii de recitaluri lirice Lucian Blaga, organizate de Prof. Ileana Costea in California in 2008.
In acea dupa-amiaza de septembrie los angelina, in mijlocul unui public entuziast si avizat, doamna Ionela Kloes, Presedinta a Societatii “Viitorul Roman” si amfitrioana, alaturi de doamna Ileana Costea, a rostit un succint cuvint de intimpinare din partea societatii organizatoare, a carei misiune, de la infiintarea din 1926 si pina in zilele noastre,  a fost promovarea cu asiduitate a valorilor culturale romanesti. A urmat apoi un dialog de o debordanta onestitate si naturalete, in arta si in viata, dintre Ileana Costea si Jerry W. McDaniel. Artistul raspundea cu usoara stinjeneala si reala modestie la intrebarile Ilenei, dezvaluind secrete ale procesului de creatie, precum si crimpeie revelatoare de viata, care s-au materializat in culoare si emotie pe pinzele sale.   Am aflat astfel povestea din spatele unui mozaic de sase pinze dreptunghiulare de dimensiuni reduse si stiluri eterogene, alcatuind o harta in acrilic a periplurilor europene ale pictorului: nopti in feeria franceza a Craciunului pe Champs Elysées, zori reci si severe, filtrate in luminile Amsterdamului, nori mov de inspiratie Magritte, plutind in visare pe cerul din Mallorca, incredibile unghiuri din care Tour Eiffel domina marea de lumini pariziana, pe care Jerry W. McDaniel o reda cu entuziasm spontan, asa cum il invaluie de la fereastra atelierului sau din Montparnasse.
Pe linga privilegiul unui regal artistic de o mare prospetime si complexitate, publicul a fost intimpinat, in curtea interioara de influenta si coloristica mediteraneana, de o varietate de gustari usoare si bauturi racoritoare. Intilnirea s-a incheiat cu neasteptata surpriza a unei trageri la sorti a  doua tablouri, pe care Jerry, cu multa generozitate, le-a donat “Viitorului Roman”; in mod paradoxal, luind in considerare istoria mea de o viata, in care nu am cistigat niciodata nimic la tombole si loterii, tabloul de zbor albastru din seria “Vreau sa joc” mi-a revenit mie! Ii multumesc din nou lui Jerry pentru bucuria de a-l admira in fiecare zi, culoarea navalnica readucindu-mi in amintire poezia atit de draga a lui Blaga, care l-a inspirit pe artist.
Vincent Van Gogh ii scria fratelui sau Theo ca oricare dintre semenii sai e, de fapt, un pictor de suflete, si ca menirea  fiecaruia e sa picteze un tablou fericit pe pinza vietii sale. Jerry W. McDaniel, pictor eterogen de o invigoranta prospetime artistica, abordeaza arta in maniera emotionala, surprinzind clipele cu atitudinea impresionista a trairii plenare a momentelor de inspiratie. Iata ca ne-am bucurat din nou, prin initiativa “Viitorului Roman”, de un veritabil dialog al artelor si stilurilor atit de variate, de intrepatrundere etnica si istorica, omogene insa in celebrarea frumusetii.

Anca Adumitroaie, Director Cultural si Press Secretary, Viitorul Roman Society, California
A California Not For Profit Corporation – Founded 1926


Diverse Referinte privitoare la pictorul eterogen american Jerry W. McDaniel: - pagina oficiala a pictorului - pagina Jerry W. McDaniel pe Wikipedia
- pagina lui Jerry ca Artist al Anului pe Strathmore
Interview by Ileana Costea, Professor at California State University, Northridge

Arte intrepatrunzandu-se: poezie, muzica, aritectura, pictura, sculptura si dans

Articol scris de Ion Lazu, 8 Octombrie 2010, Bucuresti, Romania
Dialog între arhitecți și artiști, și între generația tânără și maeștri consacrați

Expozitie la Bucuresti , Salon Artis 2010, Octombrie 2010, unde pictorul american Jerry W. McDaniel a fost unul dintre cei doi invitati de onoare.



Anuntul expozitiei/receptie a picturilor lui Jerry W. McDaniel, Sept. 23, 2012, Beverly Hills, California

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