Ben Todica, Australia
Book Release: „Cloaked in fur” by T.F. Walsh
Am rugat-o pe autoare sa-mi
acorde un interviu cu prilejul lansarii primei carti.
Buna ziuaTania!
How are You?
Great to be with your today, Ben.
Thank you.
Dear T.F. Walsh, from where did you get the idea for your book?
I grew up listening to bedtime
Romanian stories that could only be compared to the Brothers Grimm tales, and
ever since then folklore and mythology has fascinated me. These influences have
trickled into my stories, and in particular Cloaked in Fur, which is based in
Transylvania—a place seeping with legends. Now, when it comes to love, I’m a
sucker for stories about two people from different worlds falling madly in love
and fighting against the odds to stay together. This is the story I wanted to tell
in Cloaked in Fur, showing how far someone was willing to go to hold onto true
How long did it take you to write Cloaked in Fur, and, why a wolf and
not a dingo?
It took me a good year to write
the novel and then a bit longer to edit it. When it comes to wolves, I have
always been fascinated by their majestic nature, plus from the beginning I
wanted to story set in Romania, and unfortunately there are no dingoes there
Have you ever meet a real wolf?
Only in a zoo, not in real life,
though I would love to do so one day.
Is it your first book?
Yes, this is my debut novel,
however I do have a number of shorter stories published online, including a
short story titled, ‘Carne şi tranchilizante’ translated into Romanian and
published on the Gazette SF online. Here is the link to the story:
Who published your book?
Crimson Romance published my book
Cloaked in Fur.
The book's cover is very suggestive, who designed it?
My publisher, Crimson Romance,
did a wonderful job in designing the cover.
Who did you write Cloaked in Fur
This was a book I’ve wanted to
write for a long time, so firstly I wrote it for me
What is the subject of your book, and does it have a purpose?
Cloaked in Fur is about how far
someone is willing to go for true love. At it’s core, it is a love story, and
it shows the struggles of the main character, Daciana, challenging everything
in knows in life for a chance to be happy in love.
Do you have a favourite author who inspired your work?
I attribute my inspiration to
many authors, but my all time favourite author is Richard Laymon – a horror
writer. I have always loved horror, so it is no surprise Cloaked in Fur has a
darker tone.
Did you face any issues while writing the book? If so, how did you
overcome them?
No issues with writing the book,
just finding the time to write as often as I could.
Do you have anyone you bounce
ideas of when you write, or rely soley on your muse?
My muse guides me majority of the
time, but when I do get stuck my hubby is a great sounding board, plus I have a
great group of critique writing friends who are always there to help.
If I asked you to autograph a book for me, what would you write for me?
For Ben, with howling best
Are you thinking about the next book?
Right now, I’m plotting book 2 of
Cloaked in Fur. I’m also half way through a new young adult fantasy novel,
which is made up of three parts about six characters. It is set in a world
filled with witches, steampunk monsters and magic, and at the heart of the
story, there’s the struggle to find love.
What do you give more attention to: Love, Parents, Faith?
Parents and love are the same to
me, so they both come first.
Thank You dear Tania and Good Luck!
Despre autor
T.F. Walsh s-a născut în Oradea
şi este fiica unui cunoscut şi apreciat scriitor român, Ioan Miclău. La vârsta
de 8 ani, Walsh a părăsit ţara noastră în favoarea Australiei, dar moştenirea
culturală românească este la mare preţ, în continuare, în familia tinerei. A
publicat excelente proze scurte (povestiri şi nuvelete) în diverse chei, mai cu
seamă „horror”, „dark fantasy” şi „steampunk” (Death Stalker, Carne şi
tranchilizante,Forgotten Toys, Of Flesh And Tranquilizers, Fair Game, Little
Kunoichi). Anul acesta, Walsh a lansat pe piaţă Cloaked In Fur, primul ei
roman, o carte semnificativ diferită de scrierile ei anterioare, în opinia mea:
dacă, spre exemplu, în Of Flesh And Tranquilizers avem de a face cu o poveste
cruntă, tragică, întunecată, atipică, morală şi neoromantică, un „dark
SF”/”post-apocalyptic horror”, în Cloaked In Fur autoarea a ales să urmeze o
reţetă la modă, îmbunătăţind-o însă cu elemente originale şi interesante, după
cum se va vedea mai jos (această decizie a autoarei îmi aminteşte de un alt
scriitor român care a publicat în limba engleză şi despre care am scris cu altă
ocazie, Andrei Şerban Mazilu, autorul romanului Crux, primul din seria The
Angellove Society – cu menţiunea că Mazilu se concentrează asupra acţiunii
moderne de tip hollywoodian).
Astfel, Cloaked In Fur este o
poveste cu vârcolaci, conţinând toate ingredientele cunoscute, incluzând o lume
ascunsă în lumea noastră şi relevată doar unor iniţiaţi, un triunghi amoros şi
o poveste de dragoste în prim-plan (nici acţiunea nu lipseşte, însă –
dimpotrivă, devine dominantă în ultima treime a cărţii). Dacă autoarea s-ar fi
oprit aici, şi tot ar fi reuşit să câştige un public al ei, dedicat acestui tip
de scrieri. Însă plusul cărţii transpare prin dezvoltarea unei mitologii
proprii şi interesante, care aduce sub ochii cititorului concepte precum
dracwulf sau moonwulf, dar şi prin locaţia… exotică (cel puţin pentru lumea
anglo-saxonă): oraşul Braşov, învăluit în superba atmosferă transilvăneană.
Romanul ţinteşte mai cu seamă către iubitorii „urban fantasy” – „paranormal
romance” – „dark fantasy”, de la Stephenie Meyer la Anne Rice, şi se anunţă a
fi primul dintr-o serie de succes, pretabilă pentru ecranizare în contextul
trendului cinematografic actual. Cât despre fanii lui H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen
King sau G.R.R. Martin, adică ai fantasticului mai întunecat şi mai complex –
le recomand acestora să nu ocolească scrierile lui Walsh, dimpotrivă: sunt
absolut convins că proza scurtă de tipul Carne şi tranchilizante sau Death
Stalker le va satisface cele mai exigente cerinţe. Cu puţin noroc, poate
scriitoarea noastră îşi va completa portofoliul şi cu un roman sau chiar cu o
serie în direcţia respectivă… să ţinem, aşadar, pumnii strânşi pentru succesul
ei. (de Oliviu Craznic)
Author Links
Cloaked in Fur is Available Now
As a moonwulf, Daciana never
expected to fall in love with a human. Hell, she never imagined that she’d
abandon her pack, endanger everyone around her, and break the worst rule
possible. But she did.
A rogue werewolf is killing
Daciana’s friends, and she sets on capturing the creature. She’ll do whatever
it takes to stop the beast. The police and her boyfriend, Inspector Connell
Lonescu, are starting to question her involvement in the murders, which is
endangering the pack’s secret existence. But when the pack alpha kidnaps
Connell, revealing the awful truth about the creature and its connection to the
pack, Daciana must choose between saving the man she loves and saving her pack
family from certain death.
Paranormal Suspense With Strong
Buy Cloaked in Fur Here:
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Publisher: Crimson Romance
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