duminică, 8 septembrie 2013

Ioan Miclau despre cartea Cloaked in Fur (Invelit in blana), autor T.F.Walsh

Aceasta carte, “Cloaked in fur”(Invelit in blana), este o frumoasa povestire populara din legendele si mitologiile lumii, dar mai ales din povestirile populare romanesti transilvanene. Autoarea T.F.Walsh este romanca, s-a nascut la Oradea si a emigrat in Australia in 1981, la varsta de 8 ani, impreuna cu parintii ei si cu inca doua surori! Si-a terminat Liceul in oraselul Warrawong, iar Facultatea de Comert, la Universitatea din Wollongong, practicandu-si profesia la mai multe companii australiene. In preocuparile ei libere o atragea literatura, astfel, ca orice iubitor de literatura incepe cu poezia, la care se dovedeste destul de talentata. Multe versuri sunt dedicate mamei sale Florica. Devine ulterior membra la S.C.W.C-Wollongong (South Coast Writer’s Centre), ca mai tarziu sa fie tot mai mult atrasa de scrierile in proza, asta pentru ca o atrageau povestirile fantastice din genul legendelor si mitologiilor. Povesti cu si despre lupi auzite din povestirile parintilor ei, inca din frageda copilarie. Asa cum autoarea T.F.Walsh va recunoaste mai tarziu, ea ascultase de la tatal ei multe povesti si intamplari cu lupi, cu oameni care se transformau in lupi, dar care trebuiau sa revina la starea de om inainte de rasaritul soarelui, altfel ramanea lup pana a doua zi! In noptile cu luna, “prigoliciul”, adica popular, omul care se putea transforma in lup, urla in padure, adunand lupii adevarati pe care apoi ii ducea pe la stanele de oi ale ciobanilor.
Eu, la randul meu ascultasem povestirile parintilor mei, si ai altora mai sugubati, care povesteau cu atata siguranta in ceea ce spuneau incat mi se facea si frica! Asa odata tatal meu ne povesti seara la focul sobei, cum “chiar azi” pe la pranz, a venit la el, un om strain, care l-a intrebat ce mai face, daca nu-I strica lupii, si a plecat inspre padure. Nu a trecut mult si-au iesit din padure mai multi lupi, dar unul dintre ei statea de-oparte si urla dupa ceilalti. Au stricat atunci lupii un manz ce zburda pe langa mama lui. Manzul era intr-adevar a unui cetatean din Gepiu. O alta povestire de-a dreptul fantastica, culeasa din foclorul nostru bihorean, descrie o discutie intre un anume Miculai si prigoliciul care era tot om, dar transformat in lup, iesise in calea omului sa-l atace. Se porni o lupta salbatica, neinvingandu-se unul pe celalat, la un moment dat Miculai zice: “Mai, spuse adresandu-se lupului, tu esti prigolici si maine-i fi om ca tati oamenii; tu vrei sa ma omori da nu ma poti si poate ne-om lupta pana-om pieri amandoi. Hai mai bine sa ne intelegem: traiesti tu, traiesc si io si-ti dau lemne din padure si-ti faci casa si-ti dau si lemne da foc, cat ii trai. Prigoliciu l-o fi inteles, ca mintea lui era minte de om, dar fiind acuma lup nu putu raspunde, casca doar gura si in loc de vorbe scoase din grumaz un baunat de rasuna din deal in deal”.(din “Antologie de cultura populara bihoreana-Legende” prefatata si ingrijita de dl.Craciun Parasca- Oradea,1980.- Icul lui Miculai, pag.60.-Informator Costea Ioan, 60 ani- Carasau (Cociuba Mare), 1980. Multe asemenea povestiri, aveau sa reinvie in amintirile autoarei! Dar acum privite prin mai multe, foarte multe analize bazate pe studii si cultura acumulata, autoarea T.F.Walsh cu multa tenacitate reuseste sa adune o carte cu o tema fantastica din lumea mitologiilor despre lupi, aceste fiare salbatice, dar care totusi isi au viata lor, relatiile lor ca orice fiinte, dar desigur inumane. In imaginatia autoarei, intre toate fiintele exista iubire, insa avem un tablou rasturnat al naratiunilor; daca fiecare fiinta, lup sau om va sta in specia sa, paranormalul apare in lupta de devenire, de iubire a umanului. Insusi personajul Daciana, in toate actiunile sale spre iubire si umanitate tinde. Se afla insa in situatia de a se transforma in lup, atunci cu haita de lupi fugea prin paduri, legitatea vietii acestora o adora in compania lui Radu. Dar odata schimbata in fiinta umana Daciana vroia sa gaseasca acum acea salbaticiune care ii devora prietenii ei. Acest lup trebuia descoperit, dar in acest caz trebuia sa-si tradeze ori secretele haitei, ori sa se ataseze fiintei umane. Connell Lonescu, un inspector pe care il iubea deasemenea, si impreuna doreau sa sprijine politia pentru a descoperi bestia din haita de lupi. Dar, pana la urma avea sa invinga iubirea pentru fiinta umana! Revenirea intre oamenii adevarati! Autoarea T.F.Walsh afirma cu convingere ca aceasta nuvela de debut, Cloaked in fur, publicata la Crimson Romance, este o scriere de fantezie, paranormala, de fictiune, dar potrivita a fi citita atat de tineri cat si de adulti. Urmarind comentariile si aprecierile facute de autori remarcabili de acest gen de scriere, autori traitori in tari din aproape fiecare continent, face ca prestigiul acestei carti si al autoarei sa devina de fapt o buna imagine a scrisului romanesc. Este o carte care in parte mai poate fi clasificata si in genul stiintifico-fantastic, atunci cand in actiunea desfasurarilor povestirii se face apel la studii moderne de cercetare, spre a demara noi deznodaminte pentru elucidarea scopului propus de autoarea cartii! Dar, valoarea intr-adevar meritorie, cred eu, sta in aceea ca intreaga actiune a cartii, tendintele si sperantele, sunt in castigarea iubirii intre fiintele umane Cuvantatoare si respectul acestora pentru cele Necuvantatoare, animalele din jurul nostru, cu care in realitate impartim acest mediu natural, daruit de Dumnezeu tuturor! Ca o bucurie sufleteasca de tata, sunt mandru ca autoarea este fiica mea mijlocie Tincuta Florica Walsh dupa sot!

Ioan Miclau „Gepianul”

Cartea nu a fost publicata inca in limba romana.

Cateva aprecieri de la cititorii care au citit-o in engleza:

Daciana is having a bad day. Not one that I've ever experienced. A rogue werewolf is murdering her friends. The police suspect she may be involved. Her boyfriend, who is an Inspector, doesn't trust her. The leader of her pack is acting insane. This is a lot for one to handle all alone. The action in this novel kept me glued to my Kindle. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Daciana is a flawed and lovable character. I liked her spunk, wit, and smart ass comments. Each chapter added to the suspense. And the ending left me wanting more. Can't wait to see what happens.
A Brilliant Debut! August 5, 2013
T. B. Markinson


Daciana is an intriguing main character that I was rooting for from the very beginning. Set in the dark and mysterious Romanian town of Brasov, I enjoyed the romance between Daciana and Connell. A murder and Daciana's secret life are putting a strain on their relationship, and the tension between them is palpable. The plot is enjoyable, with just the right amount of spice and heat that stopped me from putting it down, I can't to wait read the next book.
A great novel with a strong female protagonist August 5, 2013
Norman J Walsh


Get your passport ready! Cloaked in Fur by T. F. Walsh is taking us to Romania and the Carpathian Mountains, where deep in the woods, a pack of wulfkin live. Nearby, mankind is totally unaware of these shapeshifters' existence, but something has been maiming and killing people and all evidence leads to some kind of wolf or other large animal. But animal expert, Daciana, knows better, because she is a member of the pack living outside of the pack restrictions in the city. Wulfkin always stick with their own kind, but Daciana is different and now she has fallen head over heels in love with a human, Inspector Connell Lonescu, a detective investigating the brutal murders, many of whom are connected to Daciana. Being a possible suspect could endanger the pack, so Daci must find and stop whoever is doing the killing, because it is not normal, not even by wulfkin standards, and she must do it without revealing who or what she is to Connell. Is that even possible? Must she choose between her pack and the man she loves? Lives are at stake and time is running out in more ways than one for Daciana, as she risks her own life to save those around her. Is Cloaked in Fur just another paranormal romance? Nope. Sure we have the hot human guy, the hot shifter girl, secrets, deceit, life-threatening events, wayward loyalties and love, but there is never a stop in the action and it felt real! Emotions run high, the tension between the two main characters is almost sweetly and desperately heartbreaking. T. F. Walsh has done a marvelous job of painting a fresh face on the genre from that first leap into the story to the last page, her writing is crisp and intense. Ms. Walsh's ability to make me draw mental images of the backgrounds and walk along with Daciana was amazing. Her characters are well-defined, and fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. The strength of Daciana's and Connell's characters was completely believable with their flawed edges. I completely enjoyed this book from start to finish and look forward to more from this author!
Fast, Fanged and Fantastic! August 5, 2013


Daciana loves living in the city. She has her own apartment, a great job as an animal behaviorist, and a gorgeous, attentive boyfriend who works as an inspector with the local police force. On the surface, Daciana's life appears ideal... but that's only half the story. When the full moon reaches its peak, and looms large over the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, Daciana transforms into a moonwulf. And as part of an ancient line of shapeshifting wolves, Daciana is expected to live with her pack family, to mate within the pack, and to maintain the clandestine life of her elders, thus ensuring the pack maintains its secrecy from humans. Not one to follow orders or tradition, Daciana has fallen in love with a human, causing upheaval within her pack at a time when unity is more important than ever. With a new pack encroaching on their territory, a rogue wolf creating a panic, and a magical elixir that could change the course of everything, Daciana is torn between two worlds. Does she stay with her pack family, or risk it all for the man she loves? There were so many aspects of this book that I enjoyed, it's hard to know where to start! It's well written, perfectly paced, and filled with enchanting characters. Daciana is a strong, thoughtful female character with plenty of flaws and angst. We get to know the range of her emotions and personality characteristics in a realistic and believable way. Connell is a gorgeous and lovable character, with his own set of flaws and quirks. He struggles with his relationship with Daciana, and on more than one occasion has clearly been to the bar to ease his woes! We get to know Sandulf, Enre, and others--all important, and all with meaningful contributions to this story. A great read! I really enjoyed this book, and look forward to the next installment. Note: This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
A must-read for paranormal romance and werewolf fans! August 5, 2013
Moonrise Book Blog


I really enjoyed this book and could not put it down... read the entire book in one sitting. I just wish there had been a little more world building such as more detail on the differences between the different types of "wulfs" and why Daciana was living in the human world just before her final changes. I will be eagerly awaiting a sequel to see if the Daciana's romance is able to flourish now that she is the alpha or if she will eventually do less in the human world and more in the wulfkin world.
Cloaked in fur August 6, 2013


Editorial Reviews

"This is a dark, compelling, and intense read, that paves its own path in the genre and strays away from worn and tired tropes."
Apathy's Hero


“This story grabbed me with its claws and wouldn’t let go until the last page. Part thriller and all romance, this one will keep you up all night!”
Cynthia Carole, author of The Alpha


“T.F. Walsh brings a fresh voice, mixed with the classics in this highly recommended and suspenseful paranormal romance.”
Oliviu Craznic, author of ...Si la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul (...And Then The Nightmare Came At Last)


“Pulse-pounding excitement and heart-melting romance. I loved it!”
Lexa Cain, author of Soul Cutter


“Fast-paced, dark, and riveting. A must read!”
Christine Rains, author of 13th Floor series

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