sâmbătă, 3 noiembrie 2018

georgeanca - ANTI-BREXIT


Thomas  Daffern – Puși  Dinulescu – Dan  Verona – Șerban  Foarță – Aurel  Buricea – Adrian  Botez – Ioan Miclău- Gepianu – Moș Nelutzu G -
Nicolae Drăgulănescu – Manichaean Hymns


Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that I have just published the first ANTI-BREXIT AND PRO EUROPEAN UNION  NEWSLETTER. It is a production of my International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy and is as far as I am aware, the first attempt to draw together all the various threads of opposition that are mounting towards the folly of Brexit, i.e. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaving the European Union. It marshals the arguments against this fatal move, not least the almost certain outcome that the UK will then break up into its constituent nations, and that violence will probably break out on the streets of Northern Ireland if the UK government can so callously oppose the will of the people of northern Ireland as expressed in their decision to remain inside the European Union. It will almost certainly result also in Scotland become an independent nation outside the UK and a member of the European Union as well.

There are many sane and rational arguments given in the newsletter, economic, political, social, etc. It also gives some account of the academics who are speaking out against Brexit as well as the notable scientists who are likewise warning the government that it is a monstrous folly of unprecedented proportions. Health workers, doctors and nurses and all who work in the National Health Service are also warning against brexit and already 10,000 employees of the NHS from other member countries have left. But the newsletter goes further and deeper into the murky quagmire of who on earth could have ever thought Brexit was a good idea in the first place, and explores the theory and practice of Disaster Capitalism, whereby financial experts and traders are already poised to make huge profits after the pound collapses following brexit and the assets of the UK are sold off cheaply to international capitalist agencies. The newsletter castigates both Conservatives and Labour politicians for not daring to speak out against brexit, and exposes the folly of brexit, from both extreme right and extreme left positions, as a challenge to the moderate consensus politics that has governed Britons for the past 40 years since 1973. The Newsletter argues that it is the height of folly to permit this monstrous alliance of extremist right and left forces to destroy the UK over this act of political suicide. 

The Newsletter is aimed first at intellectuals, academics, scientists and economists, philosophers and social scientists, and we hope it will be widely read and discussed in academic circles throughout the UK. As Descartes said “I think therefore I am”.. so let us take that as our rallying cry “We must think together, so we can remain together” inside the family of European nations, where we belong, a patchwork of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, with a seamless and peaceful border to the Republic of Ireland, and with continuing solidarity and amity towards all other European nations. But this newsletter is also intended as a rallying call for all of us to come together and share further evidence of how ridiculous the whole idea of brexit is, and to have the intellectual courage to say so loud and clear, whatever our political persuasions, not simply on the basis of rational empirical and scientific data, but also the personal testimony of our lives, of how brexit will affect our friends and families, and how it represents a fatal dagger thrust at the heart of our very identity as sane and loving human beings in a rational and good world.

Brexit is an ethical catastrophe in all possible ways, and must not be allowed to stand. People who voted for Brexit need to seriously think through the consequences again,on the evidence presented in this Newsletter,  and be given the chance to rethink at the ballot box.  This Newsletter believes brexit must be stopped for the health of the nation, and the well being of every single UK citizen, whether they live in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales or Cornwall, and that the monstrous folly that is Brexit needs to be stopped as soon as possible, by a second referendum in which all UK citizens, whether living in the UK or abroad, can have a further opportunity to declare whether they really want any kind of brexit or in fact prefer to stay inside the EU as one country and helping to reform its undoubted shortcomings from within.

A copy of the newsletter has been made available from 29 October 2018 on the authors Blog at: https://thomascloughdaffern.wordpress.com/2018/10/29/anti-brexit-and-pro-european-union-newsletter/

It has also been published in booklet form at http://www.lulu.com/shop/dr-thomas-clough-daffern/iipsgp-anti-brexit-and-pro-european-union-newsletter/paperback/product-23851836.html from where it can be obtained in printed form and delivered to your home. You can also download it from here as an Ebook.

If you would like a free PDF of the  newsletter please email me at iipsgp@gmail.com or ThomasDaffern@gmail.com and I will be happy to send you one (one is enclosed).

Please feel free to email comments, additions, amendments, or suggestions for the next issue of this newsletter. We will continue with producing, updating and improving this newsletter, until a second referendum is announced, and until the UK has managed to claw its way back from the abyss of Brexit.

Many thanks, and bon-courage - together, sanity, reason and common sense will win this struggle.

Yours in peace and service,

Dr Thomas Clough Daffern


Ciorba şi nostalgia
Lui divina Violeta Sităroiu
I-am lăsat din mână păsărica
Şi-a plecat pe jos gagica...
Până în Germania cu Vasile Gheorghe Roiu...

Am greşit cu tine, Violeta!
Vai, vai de mine şi de mine, vai!
Sortită pentru mine tu erai,
Dar n-am fost când a trecut şareta

Mai atent. Erai acolo dulce,
Când eu mă săram cu cariera,
Că doream să-mi fac mai largă sfera...
—Şi? —Şi-am lăsat-o cu-altul să se culce...

Ascultaţi-mă băieţi! Nu lăsaţi
Din mână să vă scape păsărica,
Dacă sunteţi tineri şi gagica
Vă doreşte plozilor ei taţi,

Că ajungeţi singuri la sfârşitul de mandat
Şi în jur, prin lumea tristă,
Doar fantome mai persistă
Şi un dor, un dor nemăsurat...

Nu de mine era-n vorbă,
Doar de-un prieten de departe
Temător avan de moarte,
Însă mare iubitor de bere şi de ciorbă.


:smerenia nu devenea descărnare a lucrurilor și nici veșmânt
nu îmi este joi și nu știu unde eşti
-- unde ai fost? --
te-am aşteptat pe un continent al...
meu înfășurat în liturghii și alcool
osana --
am strigat sunt cel
s-a spălat cu limba
-- osana
înalță-Te până la inima mea -- până la dragostea mea -- mi-a
fost urât de moarte în somnul
(unde eşti?) înfrăgezându-mă
iată te chem cu drept ereditar și cu drept de viață asupra mea


Psalmul 89
Rugăciunea lui Moise,
omul lui Dumnezeu.

O, Doamne, Tu mereu ne-ai fost,
din tată-n fiu, un adăpost.
Mai înainte să fii lume,
pământ şi munţi, Tu vei fi fost
şi eşti, – şi Domnul eşti pe Nume.
Pre oameni, Tu-i întorci în ţernă,
căci un mileniu, pentru Tine,
cât ziua cea de ieri, ce,-n bernă,
se-ncheie, cam atâta ţine,
sau cât o veghe, – şi pe ei,
ca-n somn, ca un şuvoi îi iei;
iarba,-nverzită pe amprour,
se uscă sub al serii nour.
Fi’ndcă mânia Ta ne seacă
şi supărarea-Ţi ne îneacă
şi ne-nfioară ca un tunet.
Ne dai păcatele-n vileag,
trec anii noştri ca un sunet,
şi noi, cu ei, pe alt meleag.
Ni-s anii şaptezeci la număr,
mai tarii duc optzeci pe umăr,
şi, vai, mândria lor e muncă,
e muncă şi deşertăciune,
căci anii trec dintr-o poruncă
a Ta, – şi n-avem iertăciune...
Învaţă-ne o altă lege
a numărării lor, mai dreaptă,
şi, poate,-aşa ne vom alege
cu-o inimă,-n înţelepciune,
mai sus, pe scara ei, cu-o treaptă.
[Pre versuri tocmite de către Ş. F.]


Țăranii mei
satul meu natal vorbește prin mine
eroii morți pe front fără lumină
cei ce trudesc pe câmp și nu au tină
intrâ noaptea în sat ca mierea în albine

cei ce. nu mai au putere să plângă
dar au forță. să răstoarne sisteme
au trecut prin foc și apă sub vreme
n-a putut nimeni inima să le-a frângă

n-au ucis și n-au pângărit altare
eu au trăit cu frica de .Dumnezeu
în lacrimi au rădăcini de curcubeu

cu țăranii mei am plâns pe morminte
ne-am iubit și ne-am horit în cuvinte
prin noi se stinge blestemul cel mare


Sonet  apocaliptic

şi-a înstrunat Lebăda cânt de moarte
aştrii ning întuneric peste Carte :
a fost odată – nu va fi nicicând
fiinţa mea gândită de alt gând

lagune-n agonie  spre ceruri se deschid
da – Agonia-i Jocul cel Perfid :
fecioare-anemice logodnicii-şi ucid
stele-o sugrumă pe iubita-Astrid...

...asta nu-i lume  -  Freneticul Balet al Sfintei Stingeri :
demonii diafani râvnesc să pară îngeri
înaripează clopote-ntre valuri

nici nu mai ştiu cin' m-a-azvârlit pe maluri...
...dar să contempli dans de bezne stearpe
e ca şi cum ai preschimba Lebăda-n Şarpe...


Triumful si dezastrul!
(dupa Rudyard Kipling)

Triumful și dezastrul,
doi impostori eterni,
Ce trec cu chipuri hâde,
prin viață ca doi viermi,

De vor să te alunge
pe triste căi, rebel,
Ignoră-i deopotrivă,
consideră-i capcane de un fel.

De drept te porți și simplu,
e de ajuns să ai
Viața cea mai sfântă,
În care poți să stai.

Ca hârbul spart la gură,
ce-i vas fără folos,
La fel triumful searbăd,
e de  dezastru ros.

Un clopotel ce-atarnă,
de-l legi la gât pisicii,
Ce îi aduce-n schimb,
ba foame, ba capricii.

Triumful și dezastrul,
de poți să-i ocolești,
Să știi, iubite frate,
căci om te socotești!

Dar nu uita, căci
aste doua cumplite fiare,
De-apururi stau ascunse,

în noi, în fiecare! 


O desuetudine...
O leagănă unda...
ea despletită îşi lasă
auriile plete şi trupul
de razele lunii albe
Din neunde
De şoapte
Lebezi grăbite
o afundă-n răcoare.
În urmă-le
uimită, se lasă
s-alunece- trestii...



Într-o zi, un profesor a intrat în clasa și a cerut elevilor săi sa se pregătească pentru un test surpriză.
Spre surprinderea tuturor, nu era nicio întrebare... doar un punct negru în centrul paginii. Văzând expresia de pe fetele tuturor, le-a spus următoarele:
"Vreau sa scrieti ce vedeti acolo."
Copiii, extrem de confuzi, au inceput sa rezolve acest test inexplicabil.
La sfârșitul orei, profesorul a strâns toate foile cu răspunsuri și a început sa citească fiecare lucrar...e cu voce tare, in fata tuturor. Toți au descris un punct
negru, încercând sa explice poziția în mijlocul foii, intensitatea negrului, pixul cu care a fost făcut punctul...După ce materialele au fost citite, profesorul a început sa explice:
"Nu am de gând să vă dau note pentru aceasta lucrare; am vrut doar sa vad ce gândiți. Nimeni nu a scris despre partea albă a hârtiei. Toată lumea s-a axat pe punctul negru
- si același lucru se întâmplă și în viața noastră.
Avem o hârtie albă pentru a observa ce facem bine și pentru a ne bucura de aceste lucruri frumoase, însă, ne concentrăm mereu pe petele întunecate. Viata noastră este un
dar în care avem mereu motive de sărbătoare de a fi fericiți în fiecare zi.
Cu toate acestea, noi tot insistăm sa ne concentrăm pe aspectele negative - probleme de sănătate care ne deranjează, lipsa banilor, dezamăgirea prietenilor, politicienilor etc.
Petele întunecate sunt foarte mici in comparație cu tot ce avem în viata noastră, dar ele sunt cele care "poluează mintea noastră."
"îndepărtează-ți privirea de la punctele negre din viata ta. Bucură-te de fiecare zi , de fiecare moment pe care viața ți-l oferă. învață sa fii fericit și să trăiești o viața frumoasă."


Hymn to the Third Messenger -

A Manichaean Hymn in Parthian.

I will bring praise to your Light,
Second Great One, God Narisaf,
Beautiful form, radiance,
Judge and observer of all ...
Light with a thousand eyes ...
Where you set is extinction, and Light is where you arise.
With you lives the Mother of the Righteous,
with you abides also the Living Spirit;
With you are the mighty Fathers that gathers pearls,
The twin lights, the two great lamps.
It is a house of peace where the gods abide,
They move the world and radiant light.
Full of joy are the divine abodes,
The noble ships, the ferries that are created by the word.
The mighty powers, the giants eager for battle,
Withdraw Light from all creatures.
In two bright forms they seduce the demons of wrath,
As in open joy of heart
They come and go independently and in wondrous power.
The chariots of Light are the gate to the Kingdom,
Joyful are the melodies that sound from them.
You will I praise, God Narisaf,
Honor first to you and to your whole Greatness;
In your mercy redeem even me, your child.

The Hymn on the End of the World -

A Manichaean liturgical hymn in Parthian.

The message of heaven and the earth`s answer :

Hear, oh world, the words of the Lord!
We would invoke the gods that they may save us
from this evil age of tyranny, full of strife and unbelief.
Oh angels and twins, save us from all distress.
That time (the end) has come,
Just as the redeemer (Mani) has written.

Here ends the hymn on the End of the World.

Hymn exhorting the soul to remembrance -

A Manichaean Hymn in Parthian.

... all sins, the inner and the outer ones, of thought, word and deed,
what is in their harmful consequence?
Teach that pious and sinful thought are intertwined, and distinguishable
between them.
Comprehend your being and the pure word, which is the master of
the soul in the body,
And thereby learn to see through the false word that leads to Hell,
even the Hell of Darkness.
Weigh, as with a judge`s scales, those redeemed and those condemned
by the word,
Remember the cycle of rebirths and the torture of Hell, where souls
are hurt and oppressed.
Maintain the fervor of the soul and the treasure of the word, so that
you may enter the Paradise of Light.

(two verses missing)
Restrain your mind from sinful rebellion, walk on the path of the
peace unto the home of Light.

The Hymn to the Father of Greatness

- a hymn ascribed to Mani, in Parthian.

You are worthy of praise, beneficient Father, primeaval Ancestor!
Blessed are you, beneficient God!
You, Lord, are the first alif and the last tau.
Through you yourself your pious wish has been fulfilled and
All gods and aeons, the deities of Light,
And the righteous bring praise to you,
singing "Holy"  repeatedly.
The spirits, the plants and all . . . . truly implore you
to blessing. And bring forth supplications with one voice.
Grant us our pious wish . . . .
They bear the form  that we have given up from afar.
Be merciful unto us in your mercy;
Show us your form, the noble epiphany, for which we yearn.
Let your brightness shine upon us, sweet source and breath of life!
Make, us, your children, strong.
In vain the dark foe boasts, together with the bellicose,
rebellious giants, In vain he wishes to cling to the Aeons.

Hymn on the fate of the Living Soul -

A Manichaean Hymn in Parthian.

I hail from the Light and from the gods,
Yet I have become as one banished, seperated from them.
The foes assembled above me
And took me to the realm of death.
- Blessed be he who rescues my soul from distress,
so that it may be saved. -

A god am I, born of the gods,
A bright, radiant and shaining,
Beaming, fragrant and beautiful god.
But now I have fallen into misery.
Countless demons seized me,
Loathsome ones captured me.
My soul has been subjugated by them,
I am torn to pieces and devoured.
Demons, yakshas and peris,
Black, hideous, stinking dragons
That I could hardly repulse:
I experienced much pain and death at their hands.
They all roar and attack me,
They pursue me and rise up against me,

Hymn in praise of Mani -

A Manichaean hymn in Parthian.

You have come with salvation, oh Savior of our souls,
Lord Mani, Apostle of Light!
You have come with salvation, oh Redeemer of our souls!
You have come with salvation, oh great Savior!
You have come with salvation, oh great Shepherd ... !

(fourteen verses missing)
You have come with salvation, oh bright gatherer of souls!
You have come with salvation, oh mighty and strong One!
You have come with salvation,  most Beloved of the Lights!
You have come with salvation, oh Lord of the Church!
You have come with salvation, oh beautiful trunk!
You have come with salvation, oh Name ...

You have come with salvation, oh dearest and most Beloved One!
Hail to your twin and to your Glory, that have come forth with you!
You have come with salvation, oh Twin of the gods!
Hail to the bright gods of whom you are born!

(seven verses missing)
You have come with salvation, oh Messenger of Joy!
Salvation to the auditors that hear your message!

You have come with salvation, oh Savior of beautiful
and most beloved name!
Hail to the blessed that honor you!

Hymns to the soul -

A Manichaean liturgical hymn  in Parthian.

... Worthy are you of salvation.
To you, oh Soul of Light, will I give much counsel,
so that you may attain redemption.

Come, oh souls, to this ship of Light!

My most beloved soul, who is happy and noble,
where have you gone? Return!
Awake, dear soul, from the sleep of drunkenness
into which you have fallen!
Look upon the foes, see how they prepare death all around you!
Reach your home, the heavenly earth created by the Word,
Where you were in the beginning.

The distressed soul cries out loudly because of wicked greed,
deceptive delusion and the devouring blaze of fire.
An angel from Paradise has come, a herald from the Kingdom.
Here end the beautiful hymns to the soul.

Hymn to the Living Soul -

A Manichaean hymn in Parthian.

You, oh Soul, would we praise, our bright Life!
You would we praise, Jesus Messiah!
Merciful savior, look upon us!
Worthy are you to honor , redeemed Soul of Light!
Salvation to you, and may we also receive salvation!
Worthy are you of the Soul of Light, bright shining limb of Light.
You have salvation, bright Soul of the gods that shines in the darkness.
You sons of Truth, praise the Soul, the valiant god eager for battle.
This fettered Soul has arrived, gathered in ...
... from heaven and from the depths of the earth,
And from all creation.
Meritorious and blessed is the auditor who gathers the Soul
together, And blissful is the elect who purifies it.
This redeemed Soul has come,
It has come to this Church of Righteousness.
Praise it forever, you elect,
So that it may wondrously purify me
And lead me to life.
Blessed are you, oh Soul, you with the divine form!
Blessed are you, oh Soul, weapon and battlement of the gods,
Blessed are you, radiant Soul,
Splendor and glory of the ... Worlds of Light!
Blessed are you, divine radiant Soul,
Weapon and might, soul and body, gift of the Father of Light.

The Crucifixion Hymn -

A Manichaean hymn in Parthian.

... Because of Satan the select were chosen by Jesus.
He (Satan) wanted to break through the fiery waves, to burn
the whole world with fire. The noble ruler (Jesus) changed his
garment and appeared before Satan in his power.
Then heaven and earth trembled, and Sammaèl plunged into
the deep. The true interpreter (Jesus) as filled with pity because
of the Light which the foe had devoured. He had raised it (the Light)
up from the deep pit of death to that place of zeal from which it
had descended.
Honor to you, Son of Greatness, who has liberated your righteous
ones. Protect, now, too, the Teacher Màr Zaku, the great keeper of your
radiant herd.
Awake, brethren, you chosen ones, on this day of the salvation of souls,
the foutreenth day of the month of Mihr, on which Jesus, the Son of God,
entered Parinirvana.
Harken, all you faithful:
When the time for the perfection of the Son of Man had come, all the
demons knew it. And the lord of the sinful doctrine ... covered himself
in deceit. And the demons took cunsel with each other. The twelve thrones
above were disturbed. Poison flowed down on the lower creation,
upon the sons, and the chalce of death was prepared for him (Jesus).
The Jews, the servants of the most high God, conceived of a deception ...
They conspired against the Son of Man. They devised evil; in deception
they brought forth false witnesses. Accursed Satan, who had always
troubled the apostles, molested the herd of Christ. He turned the treacherous
Iscariot into a steed, when the Most Beloved Jesus trusted the disciples.
He (Judas) indicated him to the night-watchman by a kiss on his hand.
He delivered the Son of God to the foes. He betrayed Truth. For the
sake of a rewrd that the Jews gave, he offered up his own lord and teacher.

Hymn on the Second Coming of Jesus
- Manichaean Hymn in Persian with Parthian words.

Speak to me,  Lord and Friend, and reveal to me, Son
of the most beloved, the time of your coming, when
you will appear at the end.
Oh great Redeemer, my Teacher, speak of that time and its signs.
The speakers, the righteous and chosen ones, who must live
in the Realm of the Lie, Do not accumulate herds and belongings.
Therefore they are persecuted.
Ha, this irate potentate! How long will he continue to rule?
How long will the poor and the Family of Peace be persecuted?
Tell me what reward the wise and righteous ones that are now
persecuted will have.
You of compassionate race, tell of the coming subjugation of
the sinners who are now exalted.
The strong and valiant Son of the Most Beloved taught me what
I asked him:
That time, the coming years and periods, will be different from now,
because of the ensuing battles.
For they (the years) shall flow like water in the rivers,
Now that time is near at hand.
The covetous heretics that now rejoice
shall you then vanquish, you Wrathful One.
They will be persecuted, as they have persecuted,
And they shall do penance for their offences.
Then shall those who have wept be joyful,
And those who now laugh weep.
He who is grieved and belongs to the Family of Peace
Shall be rewarded with prosperity and protection.
Then the righteous religion shall hold sway over the false teachings and nations.
Then shall the springs of Living Water open their mouths in praise.
Lament, give honor and praise, for the time is near,
Of which these are the signs.
... the annointed.
The vihidan(?) of the Ruler are called.
Persecution and suppression shall then be recompensed by eternal life.

Commemorative hymn for Mâr Zaku -

A Manichaean Hymn in Parthian.

Oh great teacher, Mâr Zaku ... Shepherd!
Oh great lamp that was so suddenly extinguished!
Our eyes were darkened, made faint and weak.
Oh battle-seeking Hero who left his army behind;
Terror seized the troop, the army was thrown into confusion.
Oh great Tree whose height was felled!
The birds started to quiver; their nest has been destroyed.
Oh great Sun that sank below the earth!
Our eyes saw only darkness, for the light was veiled.
Oh zealous Caravan leader who left his caravan behind
In deserts, wastes, mountains and gorges!
Oh Heart and Soul that have departed from us!
We need your skill, your reason and your glory.
Oh living Sea that has dried up!
The course of the rivers is obstructed and they no longer flow.
Oh green Mountain on which sheep graze!
The milk for the lambs runs dry, the sheep bleat pitifully.
Oh mighty Father, for whom many sons mourn,
All the children that have been orphaned.
Oh Lord who was spared no pains, who endured want!
You cared for the well-being of the house of God in every way.
Oh great Spring , whose source is stopped up!
Sweet nourishment is held back from our mouths.
Oh bright Lamp whose radiant light shone into another world!
Darkness befell us.
Oh Mâr Zaku, Shepherd, blessed Teacher!
Our power is now seperated from you.
No longer do we look into your bright eyes;
No longer do we hear your sweet words.
Oh God Sroshâv with the sweet name, bright Lord!
None is like to you amongst all the gods.
We sigh and weep bitterly, we are grieved,
We constantly remember your love.
You were exalted in all the lands,
The kings and the great ones honored you.
Lovely and kind was your natue, mild was your speech
That never succumbed to bitter wrath.
Oh great, strong Giant who displayed great patience!
You tolerated everyone, you were renowned.
Oh righteous Father, meek and merciful,
Magnanimous and generous, compassionate and kind,
You bright joy to the oppressed; many souls
Did you save from misery, guiding them home.
Strong, good, powerful One who has attained a throne
Like all the Apostles, Buddhas and Gods,
First to you will I pay homage, I your meanest son
Who was left behind as a homeless orphan by you, Father.



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