sâmbătă, 11 august 2018

Masă Rotundă Mass-Media Românească. Congresul 42 ARA Iași, România, 26-29 August, 2018

Masă Rotundă Mass-Media Românească
 Congresul 42 ARA (Academia Româno-Americană de Arte și Științe), Iași, România, 26-29 August, 2018
 Aula de pe campusul din  Copou 
 Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” , Iași
 Organizator și Moderator: 
 Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, Los Angeles, USA
La această masă rotundă vor participa reprezentanți ai mediei românești (presa scrisă – ziare, reviste tipărite și online, radio, TV) din țară și din străinătate. 
Masa rotundă își propune a discuta următoarele teme:
-               Situația mass-mediei românești în străinătate (ziarele, revistele, stațiile de radio și TV, activitatea și rolul acestora)
-               Felul în care mass-media românească în străinătate este privită de cei din Exil, de cei din țară, de mass-media românească din țară  și de govern.
-               Arhivele mass-mediei românești din străinătate; importanța ca aceste arhive sa fie păstrate într-o instituție publică fără de care generațiile viitoare nu vor avea repere.
-               Suportul oferit (sau pe care trebuie să-l ofere) mass-mediei românești din străinătate guvernul României (prin Departamentul Românilor de Pretutindeni - DRP). Importanța simplificării și îmbunățirii formularelor  de aplicație pentru  finanțări și mărirea fondurilor oferite de DRP mass-mediei românești pentru a deveni eficace.
-               Atitudinea românilor/cititorilor/ascultătorilor /
telespectatorilor din România și din Exil față de ce trebuie și cum trebuie să prezinte situația României mass-media din tară și din Exil (promovând valorile românești  și prezentând în același timp realitățile politice, economice și sociale, fără de care nu se va putea găsi o formulă de rezolvare a acestora și nu se poate desfășura o activitate jurnalistică corectă, profesionistă și transparentă).
-               Aspectele mediei cu precădere culturale din țară și din străinătate.
 Participanții înscriși sau invitați de până acum la Masa Rotundă a Mass-Mediei Românești sunt:

Grigore Culian –Editor Șef și Fondator, revista New York Magazin, New York, USA
Marius Petraru – colaborator, ziarul Miorița, Sacramento, California, USA
Cassian Maria Spiridon – Director, revista Convorbiri Literare, Iași, România
Ben Todică – realizator de emisiuni radio și TV în română la Melbourne, Australia
Emilia Țuțuianu, Editor Șef și Fondator al revistei Melidonium și Diector al Editurii Mușatina, Roman, România 
 Cei care doresc să se alăture Mesei Rotunde sunt invitați să o contacteze pe Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, General Chair al congresului ARA 42 Iași, organizatoarea și moderatoarea sesiunii despre mass-media românească, prin email: ileanacostea@yahoo.com sau telefon (și What’s Up): +1 818 512-3089. Sunt bine veniți ca membrii ai mesei rotunde reprezentanți ai mass-mediei românești care fie pot participa fizic la Iași sau care doresc să participle de la distanță pe Skype. 
Participanții înscriși deja sau cei care doresc să se alăture mesei rotunde pot propune și alte teme relevante pe care le consideră importante spre a fi discutate.

Roundtable Romanian Mass-Media
Romanian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences
42nd ARA Congress, Iasi, Romania, August 26-29, 2018
Will take place in the “Aula” on the Copou campus of the Technical University "Gh. Asachi "

Organizer and Moderator of the Round Table:
Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, Los Angeles, USA

This roundtable will include representatives of the Romanian mass-media (print media - newspapers, magazines, online or printed on paper; radio; & TV) in Romania and abroad.

The roundtable aims to discuss the following topics:

                - The situation of the Romanian press abroad (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations) their activity and role.
- The way in which the Romanian mass-media abroad is seen by those in Exile, those in Romania, and the mass-media in Romania, and by the Romanian government.
- The archives of the Romanian mass-media abroad. The importance that these archives are kept in a public institution without which future generations will have no reference points.
- The support offered (or to be offered) to the Romanian mass-media abroad by the government of Romania, through the Department of Romanians Abroad (Departamentul pentru românii de pretutindeni – DRP). The importance of simplifying and improving the DRP application forms for requesting funds such as to improve them and make them effective.
- The attitude of Romanians readers / listeners / viewers in Romania and from Exile as to what and how must the mass-media in Romania and abroad present Romania (promoting the Romanian values, ​​but at the same time presenting the political, economic and social realities, for which a solution will not be able to be found otherwise, such that the mass-media should have a professional and transparent journalistic activity).
- Aspects of media dealing mainly with culture, both in Romania, and abroad.

The already enrolled and/or invited mass-media participants up to now in the roundtable are:

Grigore L. Culian – Chief Editor/Founder of New York Magazin, New York, USA
Marius Petraru – collaborator, Miorita newspaper, Sacramento, California, USA
Cassian Maria Spiridon – Director, Convorbiri Literare magazine, Iasi, Romania
Ben Todica – Creator of radio and TV shows in Romanian, Melbourne, Australia
Emilia Tutuianu, Chief Editor/founder of Melidonium magazine & Director of Publishing House Musatina, Roman, Romania

However, if there are others who would like to join the
roundtable they should contact Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, General Chair of the ARA 42 Iasi Congress by email (ileanacostea@yahoo.com) or by telephone (also What’sUp possible) (+1 818 512-3089). The roundtable welcomes representatives of the Romanian mass-media who can participate physically in person at the Congress in Iasi or, if they cannot make the trip to Iasi, are willing to participate long-distance on Skype. Participants in the roundtable may also propose other relevant topics they consider important to be discussed.

Masă Rotundă Mass-Media Românească
 Congresul 42 ARA (Academia Româno-Americană de Arte și Științe), Iași, România, 26-29 August, 2018
 Aula de pe campusul din  Copou 
 Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” , Iași
 Organizator și Moderator: 
 Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, Los Angeles, USA
La această masă rotundă vor participa reprezentanți ai mediei românești (presa scrisă – ziare, reviste tipărite și online, radio, TV) din țară și din străinătate. 
Masa rotundă își propune a discuta următoarele teme:
-               Situația mass-mediei românești în străinătate (ziarele, revistele, stațiile de radio și TV, activitatea și rolul acestora)
-               Felul în care mass-media românească în străinătate este privită de cei din Exil, de cei din țară, de mass-media românească din țară  și de govern.
-               Arhivele mass-mediei românești din străinătate; importanța ca aceste arhive sa fie păstrate într-o instituție publică fără de care generațiile viitoare nu vor avea repere.
-               Suportul oferit (sau pe care trebuie să-l ofere) mass-mediei românești din străinătate guvernul României (prin Departamentul Românilor de Pretutindeni - DRP). Importanța simplificării și îmbunățirii formularelor  de aplicație pentru  finanțări și mărirea fondurilor oferite de DRP mass-mediei românești pentru a deveni eficace.
-               Atitudinea românilor/cititorilor/ascultătorilor /
telespectatorilor din România și din Exil față de ce trebuie și cum trebuie să prezinte situația României mass-media din tară și din Exil (promovând valorile românești  și prezentând în același timp realitățile politice, economice și sociale, fără de care nu se va putea găsi o formulă de rezolvare a acestora și nu se poate desfășura o activitate jurnalistică corectă, profesionistă și transparentă).
-               Aspectele mediei cu precădere culturale din țară și din străinătate.
 Participanții înscriși sau invitați de până acum la Masa Rotundă a Mass-Mediei Românești sunt:

Grigore Culian –Editor Șef și Fondator, revista New York Magazin, New York, USA
Marius Petraru – colaborator, ziarul Miorița, Sacramento, California, USA
Cassian Maria Spiridon – Director, revista Convorbiri Literare, Iași, România
Ben Todică – realizator de emisiuni radio și TV în română la Melbourne, Australia
Emilia Țuțuianu, Editor Șef și Fondator al revistei Melidonium și Diector al Editurii Mușatina, Roman, România 
 Cei care doresc să se alăture Mesei Rotunde sunt invitați să o contacteze pe Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, General Chair al congresului ARA 42 Iași, organizatoarea și moderatoarea sesiunii despre mass-media românească, prin email: ileanacostea@yahoo.com sau telefon (și What’s Up): +1 818 512-3089. Sunt bine veniți ca membrii ai mesei rotunde reprezentanți ai mass-mediei românești care fie pot participa fizic la Iași sau care doresc să participle de la distanță pe Skype. 
Participanții înscriși deja sau cei care doresc să se alăture mesei rotunde pot propune și alte teme relevante pe care le consideră importante spre a fi discutate.

Roundtable Romanian Mass-Media
Romanian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences
42nd ARA Congress, Iasi, Romania, August 26-29, 2018
Will take place in the “Aula” on the Copou campus of the Technical University "Gh. Asachi "

Organizer and Moderator of the Round Table:
Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, Los Angeles, USA

This roundtable will include representatives of the Romanian mass-media (print media - newspapers, magazines, online or printed on paper; radio; & TV) in Romania and abroad.

The roundtable aims to discuss the following topics:

                - The situation of the Romanian press abroad (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations) their activity and role.
- The way in which the Romanian mass-media abroad is seen by those in Exile, those in Romania, and the mass-media in Romania, and by the Romanian government.
- The archives of the Romanian mass-media abroad. The importance that these archives are kept in a public institution without which future generations will have no reference points.
- The support offered (or to be offered) to the Romanian mass-media abroad by the government of Romania, through the Department of Romanians Abroad (Departamentul pentru românii de pretutindeni – DRP). The importance of simplifying and improving the DRP application forms for requesting funds such as to improve them and make them effective.
- The attitude of Romanians readers / listeners / viewers in Romania and from Exile as to what and how must the mass-media in Romania and abroad present Romania (promoting the Romanian values, ​​but at the same time presenting the political, economic and social realities, for which a solution will not be able to be found otherwise, such that the mass-media should have a professional and transparent journalistic activity).
- Aspects of media dealing mainly with culture, both in Romania, and abroad.

The already enrolled and/or invited mass-media participants up to now in the roundtable are:

Grigore L. Culian – Chief Editor/Founder of New York Magazin, New York, USA
Marius Petraru – collaborator, Miorita newspaper, Sacramento, California, USA
Cassian Maria Spiridon – Director, Convorbiri Literare magazine, Iasi, Romania
Ben Todica – Creator of radio and TV shows in Romanian, Melbourne, Australia
Emilia Tutuianu, Chief Editor/founder of Melidonium magazine & Director of Publishing House Musatina, Roman, Romania

However, if there are others who would like to join the
roundtable they should contact Prof. Dr. Ileana Costea, General Chair of the ARA 42 Iasi Congress by email (ileanacostea@yahoo.com) or by telephone (also What’sUp possible) (+1 818 512-3089). The roundtable welcomes representatives of the Romanian mass-media who can participate physically in person at the Congress in Iasi or, if they cannot make the trip to Iasi, are willing to participate long-distance on Skype. Participants in the roundtable may also propose other relevant topics they consider important to be discussed.

Bio Notes
Romanian Mass-Media Round Tabele
as of August 10, 2018
Others are invited. Contact: ileanacostea@yahoo.com

Ileana Costea is a full professor of Automation Engineering at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). She has a Master Degree of Architecture from the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest, Romania (1972), a Master of Art in Industrial Design from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA, 1975), and a Doctorate in Decision Analysis and Problem Solving from UCLA (1982). She has been the Chair of the Manufacturing Systems and Management department at CSUN (2011-2014). She has been active and in leadership positions with many organizations: National Computer Graphics Organization (NCGA), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) –Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) – Interactive Computer Graphics Technical Committee, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), and Viitorul Roman Society (VRS – Romanian Society in Los Angeles, California). She created several Wikipedia pages, websites, and videos/youtubes. She has published numerous papers and book chapters, organized sessions, and made presentations at conferences in the fields of: computer graphics (CG), computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM), artificial intelligence (AI), women in engineering and innovation, online education, and art. Since 1998 she has published articles on her self-imposed mission of “discovering Romanian cultural presence abroad” in various Romanian magazines and journals in Romania and abroad. In 2015 she has published the 1st volume of her articles “Exercitii de Neuitare” (that can be found on Amazon). She is working now on the 2nd volume of articles, and on two books on the commercial and fine art of American heterogeneous artist Jerry W. McDaniel. She lived for one year in Paris, France (1972-1973), where she worked as an architect. She then moved to Los Angeles, California, where she married her late husband, Nicolas V. Costea, MD, Hematologist-Oncologist, Professor of Medicine, at UCLA. Along the years she organized numerous Romanian events in Los Angeles, among which The ARA Congress in 1992 at CSUN, sculpture exhibitions of Patriciu Mateescu (1985 & 2005), an exhibition of photographs of sculptures by Constantin Brancusi (2005) and Patriciu Mateescu, and a poetry event on the occasion of Ana Blandiana and Romulus Rusan’s visit to the US West Coast (2015). She lives in Los Angeles, and divides her time into teaching manufacturing engineering at CSUN and working in the field of her other passion, art. Not being able to forget the first place where she landed as a refugee, she spends every year some months in Paris, France. She also returned to visit Romania often after 1989.

Grigore L. Culian - Romanian-American Profile

* Born on April 22, 1952 in Bucharest, married, one child.
* Former professional musician in Romania (1975-1989), graduate of the Popular Art School in Bucharest - The double bass section 1st category license.
* Political Refugee in the US since 1989
* Member of the Republican Party of the United States.

Activities in the Romanian-American Community

* Editor / Founder of the “New York Magazin”, the oldest Romanian newspaper in New York (April 4, 1997 - with his daughter, Andreea Maria Culian, Master of Business at New York University, intern at the US Department of State, currently a manager at the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC).
* Over 600 interviews and editorials about the Romanian-American Community, published in the New York Magazine (USA) and the Romanian newspaper “Cotidianul”. All these articles were published in the volume “New York Magazine - Annotated History of a Romanian publication (1997 - 2012)", Eikon Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2012, 972 pages, released at ICR (Institutul Cultural Roman - Romanian Cultural Institute) New York August 28, 2013, the only book on a Romanian newspaper in exile. His book can be bought by writing to the author.
* Co-founder and honorary president of the “Romac” Football Club New York, founded in 1998 and active for 20 years in the amateur cosmopolitan league.
* Member, Vice-Chairperson, and Chairperson of the polling station commission no. 42, at the General Consulate of Romania in New York (in the presidential, parliamentary and referendum elections) 1996-2016.
* Founding member of the Association of Romanian Journalists in North America (NARPA - 2010).
* Member of the Romanian Community delegation from the United States, invited to the Romanian Presidency, Parliament, Patriarchate and Foreign Ministry (2009).
* Supporter and organizer of shows who promoted Romanian values ​​in the United States at cultural events taking place at the Romanian churches and ICR, New York, as well as constantly publishing free of charge announcements about these events in the “New York Magazin”.
* Collaborator of the Romanian Television of New York TV station.

Romanian Distinctions
* The "Crew Member" Medal awarded by the Romanian Embassy in Washington. DC for his personal contribution through the newspaper "New York Magazin" to the accession of Romania to the North Atlantic Alliance ".
* The Award of the Association of Romanian Journalists from North America (NARPA) in the category "Best Editorial" (2011 and 2012).
* The Special Prize of the jury for his entire journalistic career at the Celebration Gala (Bucharest, Romania, 2016).
American Distinctions
* "Queens Ambassador Award" for Journalism and Contribution to the Development of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Queens, New York.
Articles about Grigore Culianau in the American press:
* Louie Lazar, The Wall Street Journal (September 5th, 2013) http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324463604579043141381550578
* Carlos Rodrigues, The New York Voices (June 18th, 2013) https://voicesofny.org/2013/06/one-man-orchestra-behind-17-yr-o-

Articles about Grigore Culianau in the Romanian press:

Marius Petraru is Adjunct Professor, Geography Department at California State University Sacramento. (https://csus.academia.edu/MariusPetraru)

In 1995, after the completion of a five-year program at the College of Letters and Science, at the Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, in Suceava, Romania, he was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in History and Geography.   

In 1997 he received an International Scholarship from the Polish Government to attend Łodz University in Poland. In 1998, after he passed examinations in Polish Language and History, he immediately was admitted to doctoral studies at the History Institute of Jagiellonian University of Kraków, Poland.  On September 27, 2002, after the presentation of the doctoral dissertation “Poles in the Bukowina in the Years 1775-1918: From the History of The Polish Settlement”, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humanities in the field of History. His doctoral dissertation was published by the Jagiellonian University Press in 2004. Until his emigration to the United States he participated at different international symposium in Romania and Poland published a series of articles related to Austria-Hungary Empire and political and civilian Polish emigration to Romania during XIX-XX century.

From 2003 he continued his academic career as a professor of Geography at American River College and the Department of Geography at California State University of Sacramento.

Marius Petraru’s Research Interest are:
·         The Romanian Government in Exile in the United States and his relationships with the National Committee for Free Europe/Free Europe Committee.
·         The Activity of the Romanian Political Elites and the Assembly of Captive European Nations during the Cold War.
·         The International Peasants Union Activity during the Cold War. The History of Romanian-Polish Relationships in the 20th century: The WW II Polish Refugee in Romania.
·         Post-Communist politics of Central and Eastern Europe; Democratization, Minority rights and Non-Governmental Organizations in the new European democratic states.

  Cassian Maria Spiridon

când adunate în cartuşieră
sunt decenii de viaţă
povara lumii îmi pare mereu mai micşorată
ori eu am devenit mai lat în spate
mai puternic
învăţat cu greul,
ori lumea-ntreagă a devenit părere
încerc să le-nţeleg pe toate”.
Cassian Maria Spiridon

‘… now,
when gathered in my bullet carton
are decades of life,
the burden of the world seems to me
ever lighter
either my back grew wider
being used with hardship,
or the entire world has become just an impression
humbly I try to understand everything."

Cassian Maria Spiridon

Cassian Maria Spiridon was born April 9, 1950, Iaşi Romania and is a poet and essayist. He is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. In December '89 he was arrested because he organized and led a movement against the communist dictatorship. In the spring of 1995 he founded and published the quarterly magazine "Poetry", which has been published since then without interruption. Since 1995 he has been the editor-in-chief of the journal "Convorbiri Literare” (Literary Conversations). Since 1997, he has been a member of the Uninea Scriitorilor din Romania - USR (Union of Romanian Writers) Council and since 2001 a member of the USR Steering Committee. Since 2009 he is the President of the USR Iasi Branch. He is also a member of the PEN-European Club. He has published over thirty volumes of poetry, journalism, and essays. He is the holder of two USR prizes for essays and other awards for poetry. His literary work was translated and published in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Finnish, Polish, Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Albanian, Arabic, Hungarian, Chinese, Korean, etc. Cassian Maria Spiridon is Honorary Citizen of the Iaşi Municipality. He was distinguished by Presidential Decree with the Cultural Merit as Commander.



Benoni (Ben) Todica, was born in Ezer village, Puieştii Vaslui, Romania, son of George and Aurica Todică. After 1950 his parents settled in Banat, where his father worked as a miner first in the coal mine at Ocna de Fier, then in the Ciudanoviţa uranium mines (Banat). Ben’s passion for film begun at an early age. When he was 12 he bought a projector and a Czechoslovakian Meopta camera and he made his first film, entitled Childhood. He had to work throughout his high school years. He continued to made films, worked as a safety trainer, participated in competitions for amateur filmmakers, and taught the basic elements of film production: directing, sound, visual effects, image, editing, and development.

While at the House of Pioneers Oraviţa, he managed to create films such as Perseverance (1978) which won the grand prize at the National Festival of filmmakers in 1979, Nera Keys (1976), Meditation (1976); Dream (1975). He was nominated for the third prize at the Filmmakers State Festival with First Steps (1979), Oxygen (1976) Chain (1976).

In 1979 he landed on Australian soil and settled in Melbourne. He worked as a welder, then as a subcontractor and programmer-operator for the big company Natra. The battle for existence did not affect his love for life and everything about film and writing.

He was nominated for "Australian of the Year 2007 for his outstanding contributions to the Romanian-Australian community.

He published essays, reviews, articles, and references with critical acclaim in magazines in Romania and abroad - Australia, Europe, New Zealand. Among his literary works we mention his two books: Intre Doua Lumi (Ro)/ Between two worlds (En), Timişoara, Attica Publishing House, 2009; and In Doua Lumi (Ro) / In two worlds (En), Single Publishing House, Targoviste, 2011, and reprinted online By Musatinul Publishing House, Roman, in 2012. Musatinul also published the author’s homage volume Ben Todică- Romanian Honorary Ambassador. He made numerous films, including Our path about uranium exploitation in communism times in Banat, Romania. His movies were studied and highly appreciated by film-making programs in some American universities.

Emilia Ţuţuianu (b. 12 July, 1961, Râşca, Suceava, Romania) studied at “Roman Voda”High School in Roman, and then at the Faculty of Philosophy at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi. In 2002 she established the first secular publishing house in Roman, Muşatinia Publishing House. In 2006 she founded the “George Radu Melidon”Cultural Society, and in 2009 started publishing the Melidonium magazine.  Emilia Ţuţuianu  is present in various poetry anthologies in the Romania and abroad, as well as in literary journals from Canada, New Zealand, the United States. She is: Director of Muşatinia Publishing House; Editor in chief Melidonium magazine; Member of ASLRQ Canada; Member of the Romanian Writers League, Iasi Branch; Member of the European Writers' Union of Moldova (since 2016). Beteween 2015-2017 she initiated, designed, and coordinated the creation of the Spiritual Cultural Center project at Varatic.  
Honors: The Romanian Culture Award, 2006; Diploma of Excellence of the Archbishopric of Roman and Bacau, 2009; First place, Prose at the Poetry, Prose, Drama Dor Dor Ipoteşti, prose section, 2012; Diploma of Excellence from the Ioan Slavici Foundation for Culture and Education in Timişoara, 2014;  Diploma at the Gala of Liberal Excellence Miclauseni May 2015; The Melidonium Magazine Prize at the German Culture Gala Award The Cultural Superlatives of the Year, 2015; Diploma of Excellence from the League of Writers - Iasi Branch; The Cross of the Holy Hierarch Dosoftei, for the initiative, the design, and coordination of the construction of the Center's Cultural Spiritual Varatic, 2017.

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