duminică, 6 mai 2018




Viorel Roman: Comunicarea mea ROMANIA BETWEEN THE WESTERN EUROPEAN AND ORTHODOX VALUES AND NORMS prezentata la International multidisciplinary conference. UNITY IN DIVERSITY AND DIVERSITY IN UNITY. North University of Baia Mare, College of Nyiregyháza, Hungary. Baia Mare, May 27-28, 2005 se bucura de un interes constant si merita a fi citita in paralel cu studiul Communism as the Unhappy Coming de la Banca Mondiala, April 2018.
https://de.calameo.com/read/0055165188ca1aa80bb98 https://www.academia.edu/36575119/ROMANIA_BETWEEN_THE_WESTERN_EUROPEAN_AND_ORTHODOX_VALUES_AND_NORMS   http://www.viorel-roman.ro/articol_big.php?id=120

Sa revenim la studiul Communism as the Unhappy Coming. de Simeon Djankov Elena Nikolova, Development Economics Office of the Chief Economist, April 2018. Public Disclosure Authorized Policy Research Working Paper 8399


This paper shows that Eastern Orthodox believers are less happy compared with Catholics and Protestants using data covering more than 100 countries around the world. Consistent with the happiness results, the paper also finds that relative to Catholics, Protestants, and non-believers, those of Eastern Orthodox religion have less social capital and prefer old ideas and safe jobs. In addition, Orthodoxy is associated with left-leaning political preferences and stronger support for government involvement in the economy. Compared with non-believers and Orthodox adherents, Catholics and Protestants are less likely to agree that government ownership is a good thing, and Protestants are less likely to agree that getting rich can only happen at the expense of others. These differences in life satisfaction and other attitudes and values persisted despite the fact that communist elites sought to eradicate church-going in Eastern Europe, since communists maintained many aspects of Orthodox theology which were useful for the advancement of the communist doctrine. The findings are consistent with Berdyaev’s hypothesis that communism is a successor of Orthodoxy.

Viorel Roman: Acest Working Paper, pare argument de decuplare a est europenilor de occident, de aceea este criticat de Dragos Paul Aligica, prof. la George Mason University si membru fondator al Centrului de Analiza si Dezvoltare Institutionala din Bucuresti, pentru ca submineaza increderea catolicilor, occidentalilor in duplicitatea balcanica a ortodoxo-comunismului din Romania, din tot fostul Lagar moscovit si de Vasile Ernu, născut în URSS în 1971, fondator al revistei Philosophy & Stuff şi redactor asociat al revistei IDEA artă + societate.

Dragos Aligica considera „Ipoteza lui Berdiaev potrivit careia communismul e succesorul ortodoxiei” falsa si antiproductiva pentru ca „cu insistenta noastra anticomunista - le-am stricat (occidentalilor n.a.) speranta si gradina zoologica marxista - si pastrarea memoriei socialismului real le stau in gat. Toate acestea se pot transforma foarte rapid intr-un argument si un mecanism de decuplare a est europenilor de vest europeni... Hai sa facem noi intelegeri cu Rusia peste capul lor si da, ce ne pasa noua de esticii astia , ei (greco-ortodocsii n.a.) sunt diferiti, mai aproape de rusi oricum… ” Jalta si Malta.

Vasile Ernu, vine de pe baricada „eticii protestante“, a celui „predestinat şi popor ales“ si ia si mai hotarat apararea ortodocsilor, asa zis leneşi şi „natural born communists“ pentru ca studiul Bancii Mondiale „e o bazaconie ultraesenţialistă care pleacă de la cîteva ipoteze de lucru care nu au nimic ştiinţific (Weber & Berdiaev).

Viorel Roman: Conflictul dintre Statele Paralele Ilegitime, democratia catolica, occidentala vs devalmasia ortodoxa moldo-valaha, Iohannis vs Dragnea, este un reflex dambovitean generatat de redefinirea sferelor de influenta a Chestiunii Orientale inceputa nu departe de Silistra in anul 1774 si care continua azi in Siria, Palestina, Irak, Caucaz si Balcani. 

Cine-i mostenitorul cel mai puternic, legitim al Imperiului Roman de Rasarit, Bizantin, Otoman?

Care vor fi frontierele celeste si terestre ale Ortodoxiei, Islamului si Occidentului in sec. XXI?

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