George Anca – Elena Liliana Popescu – Ion Soare –
Sohan Lal Gandhi – Okuhara Yasuharu – Daniela-Olguța Iordache – Elisabeta Isanos
- Ioan Ciofu – Armand Sperlea
Mistral vivant
Aux Indes des années '70, je
m'adressais à Baudelaire tout en pensant à Mistral, à la gent latine, à la
Provence et j'ai eu l'intention d'envoyer comme Vasile Alecsandri autrefois un
poème pour le jugement des Félibres. Quand j'ai visité Maillane en 2004,
l'année Mistral, je me suis senti en même temps en Shantiniketan de Tagore et
Mirce]ti de Alecsandri.
J'ai lu les lettres reçues par
Mistral de la part de la reine de Roumanie Carmen Sylva et d'autres
personnalités et les lettres-mêmes de Mistral adressées aux Roumains et
existant dans la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Roumaine (pour le moment, ce n'est pas clair où en sont-elles les huit envoyées à Vasile Alecsandri).
Mistral a écrit un sonnet en
français et en provençal au titre "La Roumanie". Pour moi, tout
comme pour ses contemporains, cette
a la vibration de Coupa santa en provençal. Si Gounod a
composé une opéra à partir de Mireille de Mistral et une autre sur Faust, en
Argentine, j'ai été intéressé par une possible contre-part "Fausto"
où un Gaucho raconte dans son dialecte ce qu'il a vu à l'Opéra: l'histoire de
Faust pour moi, en correspondance avec celle de Mireille.
Si j'étais intéressé de l'idiome
lunfardo de Buenos Aires, ça a été en directe
connexion avec la langue des
troubadours provençaux.
Peut-être un projet auquel je
pense, Felibres d'hier et d'aujourd'hui va embrasser non seulement les poètes
ou les "juges", mais aussi les prototypes humains de Mistral dans un monde globalisé.
En regardant l'iconographie
mistralienne de correspondance avec les
Roumains mêmes, nous nous trouvons dans un paysage toujours vivant tout à la
fois maillanais et mistralien.
Mistral vivant nous transporte dans le meilleur monde de
Leibniz. Mais Mistral est vivant dans nous-mêmes et nous encourage de survivre
dans l'aspiration de la beauté divine et humaine.
Pratiquement, après les
discussions à Maillane, une fois
retourné à Bucarest j'ai gardé à jamais le reflexe de la grandeur et de la
simplicité de Mistral. J'ai ouvert le premier numéro d'une revue littéraire,
"Trivium" avec des citations de "Lou Pouèmo dóu Rose" et
j'y ai inclus également une traduction de deux poèmes de Remi Venture.
Entre les membres de la rédaction figurent Annie Mauron, Dominique
Séréna, Rémi Venture, Dietrich Manel.
J'ai commencé mon livre dédié à Mme Annie Mauron "Maroque après le
père" avec les poèmes "Provençal" et "Mistral". De
même dans mes "Tangos" du livre "Nefertiti & Borges"
j'ai collé des expressions provençales par exemple: le “mas”, je l'ai supposé
dans la forme dialectale roumaine abréviée "mas" (r`mas). En fait ,
comme j'ai déjà dit à Maillane, l'hymne de la latinité et celui de la Roumanie
commencent avec le même verbe exhortation: "auburote"-
Je tiens dans mon âme de grands
accords comme :
poesio es elo ambrosia
que tremude l'ome en
coupo santo e versanto
plen de simplesso et de
Si je n'ai pas touché la lettre de
la reine roumaine, ça a été, peut-être pour la protection des empreintes de
Maillane c'est un centre d'énergie
de notre planète qui a fait naître une création poétique d'autant plus vivant
avec le passage du temps.
Après le principe de lire les vers
d'un poète juste à son village, j'ai eu une
révélation spéciale pour toute ma vie en lisant là-bas le "Poème du
Rhône" et aussi virtuellement la poésie française-même dans ses volumes
d'anthologies, tout en perdant les noms des poètes-mêmes pour les vers à jamais
et à tous:
j'ai marché bien
et je me suis perdue
j'ai laissé la voix
au milieu des tourments
"Mon expérience avec Mistral,
pour paraphaser "mon expérience avec la vérité" de Mahatma Gandhi,
c'est une esthétique de Mireille et de l'Ahimsa (non-violence).
Je saisis parfois une voix, celle
de Mistral.
Dattatreya în româneşte
Mult-puţinelor scrieri sanscrite în
traducere românească, din original, li se adaugă Cântul Eliberatului. Mistică
tantrică în texte, Editura Herald, 2004, carte datorată lui Vlad Şovărel.
Aceasta este nu numai cea dintîi apariţie în Romînia a învăţăturilor (unele,
pentru prima oară într-o limbă europeană) lui Dattatreya, nu tot atât de
cunoscut în afara Indiei precum cei pe care de fapt îi personifică mitologic -
Brahma, Vişnu, Şiva -, dar şi o probă a existenţei unui curent, dacă nu,
încă, a unei şcoli indianistice
romîneşti, tînără, indo-bursieră, pasionată de întîietate şi advaita.
Chiar aşa-zisele “upanişade minore”
în care, reflex, cititorul poate insera mental însăşi avadhuta upanişad a lui
Dattatreya, poartă spre aceleaşi valori supreme cuprinse în “upanişadele
majore”, înainte şi după Shankaracharya, dacă nu cumva poţi surprinde,
complice, aşteptarea esenţială a unui căutator al adevărului, nu neapărat
pentru că este frumos ceea ce este mic, sau ce-mi place mie, dar pus în faţa
unui fapt de împlinit, solicitat, nu pur şi simplu exemplificativ, de o cale a
salvării (proprii? citind îţi faci oricum o impresie, dacă eşti „specialist”
poţi intra în polemică, pentru yoginii de ocazie, vreun challenge).
Noutatea, atractivă prin ea însăşi,
actualizează Atman-Brahman-ul scripturilor covârşitoare, redeschizând
orizonturi de întelegere şi realizare, prin divin – şi acesta negat de o
entitate nestătătoare – a Sinelui. Este vorba în primul rând de Dattatreya ca
om şi Bhagavan (Dumnezeu), fiul lui Atri (literal, „fără trei”) dar şi
Trimurti, datat mitologic la începutul, mijlocul şi sfârşitul veacurilor,
localizat în Maharastra dar cu temple în Bihar, Bengal, Nepal, Trinidad &
Tobago. În islamul bengalez este cunoscut ca Pir Tikkanath. Voga lui în lume,
în aşramuri şi cluburi muzicale, intră în rezonanţă cu apelul „ultraist” al
poeziei lui Kabir.
Printre înţelesurile simbolice ale
formei lui Dattatreya se numără cele trei capete, discul timpului,
vaca-Dharma-legiuirii, câinii vedelor, audumbara puterilor vindecătoare.
Diferenţierea între forma fizică şi adeverire este rezolvată în principiul
Dattatreya: atunci când principiul adevărului lui Dattatreya este realizat,
acea persoana trebuie să experimenteze că ea însăşi este Datta (joc de cuvinte
între numele înţeleptului şi înţelesul de „dăruit”) – ea trebuie să devină
însăşi experienţa. Chiar în afara cercului de adoratori ai lui Dattatreya,
situaţia lumii de azi, calamitată de şaşe poluări - a pământului, mării şi
spaţiului pe de o parte, comportamentului, gândirii şi vorbirii pe de alta -,
şi-ar putea afla salvarea „numai” prin cel cu şaşe braţe. Dattatreya îşi avea
drept guru, ne spune, singur Sinele, dar prinsese înţelepciunea de la încă alte
24 de făpturi care şi ele i-au fost astfel guru.
Avadhuta Upanisad si Gita,
principalele opere atribuite lui Dattatreya, au în centru sufletul eliberat în
viaţă (jivanmukta), un concept pe cât de hindus pe atât de universal şi de
actual, dincolo de înfăţişări anume, stil de viaţă sau rol social, aplicabil
ascetului nud şi prinţului hedonistic. Moralistul si amoralistul se pot regăsi
în actul eliberării sufletului din care este exclus şi făptuitorul şi subiectul
unei acţiuni, nu mai contează nici măcar „ceea ce am de făcut”, ceea ce a fost
comparat cu alte tradiţii mistice precum sufismul (când săgeata porneşte din
arc, nu noi ci Dumnezeu o librează)
O analiză pertinentă asupra
autorului şi fenomenului în discuţie oferă traducătorul lui Dattatreya în
scurtul său studiu introductiv si în ample note şi index, excelînd nu o dată în
comparaţii dintre care cea cu Bhagavad Gita impresionează, învedrând că, în
sinea sa, tânărul Vlad Şovarel a vrut să-şi aşeze această carte lîngă versiunea
lui Sergiu Al-George. Maeştrii indieni ai lui Vlad Şovărel, începînd cu Amita
Bhose a noastră, dar şi cu calcuttanii Dr. Bhavani Ganguli, Dr. Satcitananda
Dhar si Dr. Debabrata Sensharma, par să-l fi înfiat, oricum l-au recunoscut ca
având o vocaţie spirituală sigură, poate dincolo de sanscrită şi română,
Iniţierea este căutată în chiar
procesul traducerii (“tantrică” în declaraţie, filologică, în fapt). Traducatorul
a citit încă de prin 1993-94, in cercul nostru de upanişade, din Avadhuta, a
procesat traduceri “literare” din upanişade (apărute în Bibliotheca indica), a
avut parte ca draft-ul versiunii sale să fi fost folosit, in India, de studenţi pentru familiarizarea cu limba
română. Toate acestea se părăsesc pentru o (re)cioplire de manual
pragmatic-encomiastic dedus, în primul rînd, din alegerea pieselor traduse (nu
toate ale lui Dattatreya, dar nimbându-l) – Dattatreya stotra, Yoga sastra,
Darsana upanisad, Yoga rahasya, Aksi upanisad, Avadhuta upanisad, Jivanmukti
gita, Pranava vartika. Rendiţia poate face deliciul lecţionarilor de juxte,
transliterate milimetric, mai de grabă decît al cititorilor Antologiei
sanscrite a lui Coşbuc. Un intertext romîn(-sanscrit, parantetic), un limbaj în
acelaşi timp esoteric şi descriptiv. Traducătorul se topeşte în materia
originară şi în cea a limbii sursă, spre o empatie cu virtualul cititor – el
însuşi, iarăşi, curioşii de cele sanscrite, de nu şi fanatici întru „tantra”.
Atmosfera indianistică din România,
în care apare această contribuţie remarcabilă, se întâmplă să fie marcată de un
fel de aculturaţie utilizând impropriu, ca să folosim un eufemism, nu numai
tantra şi yoga, dar chiar şi India sau Romania. Cu atât mai la timp ni se pare
efortul şi excelenţa dăruirii competente a tînărului indianist care, timp de
opt ani, parcă nu s-a dezlipit de numeroasele surse scrise şi inspiraţionale,
nici măcar pentru a se dedica altui proiect pe care l-a ţinut în şi mai adâncul
sufletului său: pregătirea pentru tipar a versiunii lui Eminescu a gramaticii
sanscrite a lui Franz Bopp.
Folosul cititorului de la noi,
bombardat mai ales cu itemuri indianistice de new age, este că el va avea
şansa, oarecum clasică – avem de a face cu o lucrare de teren, dar şi cu un
romantic respect pentru disciplina textuală standard – să se întâlnească cu
sine însuşi prin intermediul unui devot romîn al lui Dattatreya.
Un constructivist pe vremea
Dintre profesorii scriitori – e.g.
Marcel Petrişor, Tudor Opriş, Gheorghe Şovu, Filofteia Barbu, Nicolae Scurtu,
I.C. Ştefan, Ion Dună, Marin Iancu -,
Nicolae Havriliuc pendulează între originile sale bucovinene si devenirile
gîndirii textuale. Tenace, purtat nu numai de o undă de autorecunoastere, dar
si in dialog (pînă la teatru propriu, publicat in volum, Alternanţă la cer,
Verus, 2004) cu învaţăceii lui transmutaţi in adulti, autorul provoacă o piaţa
similivirtuală cu o a doua editie din Imperfectiunea evenimentului, eseuri si
recenzii structurate in doua sectiuni formulate semiotic – “Textul vorbit (anonim)” si “Textul scris (personalizat).
Tentaţia filosofică însăşi e adusă la zi, evenimentul de frontispiciu, creator
prin imperfecţiune, fiind preluat, “in loc de argument” de la Heidegger, ctitor
al postmodernismului.
Profesorul de literatură
redescoperă (ne)conditionat , pentru sine si auditoriu (posesiv, poate
antiautoral, voindu-şi mentorul pentru uz unic, dîndu-i ca temă de meditaţie
tragedia profesorului de a fi scriitor, de a se elibera de tirania celor care
îl vor numai pentru ei), fundamente si detalii culturale, rescriindu-le oarecum
ritual, contrapunctic. Abia constiinţa scriiturală îl salvează pe Havriliuc de
“şcoală”, iar furat de scrisul in sine, se vede, si ne face părtaşi purtaţi de
interpretari literar-folclorice in marginea celor mai stiute si, azi,
deconstruite mituri - mioriţa, mesterul,
tînjaua. Intenţia scriiturii pare a fi lectura “dulcii ştiri’, audierea vocilor
predestinate (menestrel, mioriţă, păstor). Subconştient, textul despre Miorita
s-ar putea vrea o substituire a absenţei unuia de Noica pe acelaşi arhetip.
Propria hermeneutica, eseistul si-o concretizează atît bibliografic cît şi
recitativ, subtextual liric. Celalalt Sisif, Manole - altă obligaţie
ontologic-didactic-romanească - se face, totusi, izvor al orgoliului. Rigoarea
mioritic-manolică se asezonează, dacă nu cu un scherzo, cu tînjaua făcută
fluier de Tînjală (nu Tîndală).
Inaugurarea “textului scris” cu o
notă asupra traducerii pedagogice a lui Andrei Mureşanu, Icoana creşterii rele
cu mijloace de a o face şi mai rea, confirmă atenţia autorului la aparitia,
oricît de discretă, a ineditului opţiunilor in istoria personălitaţilor
noastre. Pe tărîmul eminescologiei, jurnalismul receptării (paralelă
deconstruirii) beneficiază iarăşi de pozata netulburare profesorală,
primordialistă, devoţională, romînească pusă sub semnul intransigenţei.
Simetria antropologic-clasică între, pe de o parte, Mioriţa şi Meşterul Manole,
pe de alta Eminescu şi Creangă nu e străină scenariului, chiar dacă se trecuse,
cîndva, prin programa şcolară (curriculum).
Intre Nae Ionescu si Eugen Barbu,
profesorul scriitor regăseşte, analitic si imparţial, pe o obiectivare cronologică,
fără nivelări formale, sinceritatea si acurateţa textualismului, separat de ideologii, pe un
semnificant national, poate ca intr-o antiteză hegeliană, in care forţele
contrare se opun, dar nu se exclud. Cînd mai toată lumea si-a aţintit auzul la
melosul tragic al poemelor de temniţă ale lui Radu Gyr, Havriliuc a găsit,
natural, de cuviinţă să recitească şi să comenteze opera anterioară, “liberă” a
poetului (un clasicism personal înaintea unui ‘folclor’ înăuntrul aceleiaşi creaţii?). Studiul de ambiţie
al acestei cărţi ni se pare, însă, cel dedicat lui Mircea Vulcănescu, unde
imperfecţiunea evenimentului creatural stă faţă în faţă cu imperfecţiunea
istoriei. Metodele sui generis ale acestui gînditor par irepresibil atrăgătoare
Şi lectura acestei culegeri învederează, la
Nicolae Havriliuc, pietatea ca din altă vreme în faţa literaturii, altoită pe o
atentă încredere în sine, productivă, ispita mai a fiecărui gen literar – a
publicat 12 cărţi, nerămînînd dator cu o teză de doctorat asupra lui Mircea
Streinul -, imersiunea în textualismul gîndului propriu fertilizat de o falsă
smerenie, de o polemică a tăcerii, de un misionarism ‘bucovinean’. Finalul în
‘universal’, în ‘filosofic’ – recenzii la Confucius, Sf.(sic) Augustin, Immanuel
Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger – îl caracterizează deopotrivă, în
– numai aparent paradoxală – armonie cu cele dedicate ‘necunoscuţilor’ sau
uitaţilor - Dumitru Cosma, Nicolae
Peligrad, Marian Drumur, Dumitru Ion Dincă ş.a. Aici, profesorul face loc
scriitorului pe un drum în urcare ritmică.
Centrul Cultural MIHAI EMINESCU, SUD EST Top
Production și Editura PELERIN vă invită de ZIUA EUROPEI, Miercuri 9 mai 2018,
de la ora 17:00, în sediul din București, Str. J. L. Calderon nr. 39, Sector 2,
la evenimentul „Palabra en el mundo - Word in the world - Cuvânt în lume”, în
cadrul Ediției a XII-a a Festivalului Internațional de Poezie „PALABRA EN EL
MUNDO”. Se vor prezenta volumele multilingve TREI POEME DIN EUROPA (audiobook
în limbile Uniunii Europene) și DACĂ (80 de limbi), de Elena Liliana Popescu,
dedicate in memoriam soțului său, Profesorul Nicolae Popescu, membru al
Academiei Române. Prezintă: Anca Irina Ionescu, Adrian G. Sahlean, Alexandru
Cetățeanu, George Anca, Elena Liliana Popescu. Va urma o lectură poetică
multilingvă în care se vor citi poeme din volumele prezentate, lectură la care
vor participa de asemenea, Aida Markosian, Diana Popescu, Virginia Stanciu
Butescu, Saul Leizer, Anca Zlătescu, Luana Stoica, Maria Mihalciuc, Claudia
Voiculescu, Claudia F. Hîngu, Laura Maria. VĂ AȘTEPTĂM! Vă ofer spre lectură
două poezii, care fac parte din volumul DACĂ, și respectiv, din TREI POEME DIN
Dacă s-ar putea vreodată să măsori
nemăsuratul, să cuprinzi nemărginirea, să stai, străbătând neantul, să fii nici
unul, nici altul. Dacă s-ar putea vreodată neiubind să fii iubirea, nesperând
să fii speranţa, nevorbind să fii vorbirea, negândind sa fii gândirea. Dacă
s-ar putea vreodată să auzi neauzitul, să priveşti în nevăzut și să afli
neştiutul, ar urma iar începutul? ***
Clipa aceea
Câteva cuvinte, ţi-ai spus, doar câteva cuvinte, şi ai creat o întreagă
istorie, al cărei prezent este deja ieri, aşa cum mâine va fi doar trecutul
aceluia ce-l va lăsa în urmă, pierdut pentru totdeauna... Doar un cuvânt, îţi
spui, doar un cuvânt, şi te-apropii în drumul tău de nebănuitul pas spre
necunoscut, fără să te sperii de gândul acela care eşti şi nu eşti tu, de clipa
aceea în care poţi să fii şi eşti.
Amoureux des
sciences, Raymond Queneau adhère à la Société mathématique de France en 1948.
Il s’évertue à appliquer des règles arithmétiques à la construction de ses
œuvres, à la façon de la méthode lescurienne « S + 7 » : prendre un texte,
n'importe lequel, prendre un dictionnaire, n’importe lequel, généraliste ou
thématique, et remplacer tous les substantifs dudit texte par d’autres
substantifs trouvés dans le dictionnaire choisi et situés sept places plus loin
ou sept places avant par rapport à la place initialement occupée par le
substantif à remplacer (ou qu’il aurait occupée s’il y figurait). En 1950, il
publie un texte d’inspiration scientifique, Petite cosmogonie portative. Il
publie également cette année-là un recueil d’études critiques, Bâtons, chiffres
et lettres.
Toujours en
1950, il entre comme Satrape du Collège de 'Pataphysique, et est élu à
l’Académie Goncourt en 1951.
En 1959
paraît Zazie dans le métro qui s'ouvre par l’expression « Doukipudonktan ! » Le
succès de ce roman surprit Queneau lui-même et fit de lui un auteur populaire.
Une adaptation au théâtre par Olivier Hussenot et au cinéma par Louis Malle
À la suite
d’un colloque en septembre 1960 (une décade de Cerisy intitulée « Raymond
Queneau et une nouvelle illustration de la langue française »), dirigé par
Georges-Emmanuel Clancier et Jean Lescure, il fonde en décembre 1960, avec
François Le Lionnais, un groupe de recherche littéraire, le Séminaire de
littérature expérimentale (Selitex) qui allait très vite devenir l’Oulipo
(Ouvroir de littérature potentielle). Sa soif de mathématiques combinatoires
s'étanchera aussi à la coupe de l’Ouvroir qui accueille, entre autres, le «
père » de la théorie des graphes, Claude Berge. Raymond Queneau publie
également deux articles de recherche mathématique en théorie des nombres, en
1968 aux Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris[3] et en 1972 au
Journal of Combinatorial Theory[4]. Quant à l'Oulipo, il aura une grande
descendance, plus ou moins sécessionniste, avec d’autres groupes comme
l’Oupeinpo, l'Outrapo, l'Oubapo…
Avec Cent
mille milliards de poèmes (1961), Raymond Queneau réussit un exploit tant
littéraire qu’éditorial. C’est un « livre-objet » qui offre au lecteur la
possibilité de combiner lui-même des vers de façon à composer des poèmes
répondant à la forme classique du sonnet régulier : deux quatrains suivis de
deux tercets, soit quatorze vers. « Cent mille milliards » est le nombre de
combinaisons possibles calculé par Queneau : « C’est somme toute une sorte de
machine à fabriquer des poèmes, mais en nombre limité ; il est vrai que ce
nombre, quoique limité, fournit de la lecture pour près de deux cents millions
d’années (en lisant vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre). »
Pentru aniversarea lui
George Voica
Azi, pe
pânzele vremii şi ale Poeziei,/ se mişcă din nou un poet al României,/ revăzând
cu ochi când de foc, când de ghiaţă,/ tot zborul unei păsări numită viaţă . .
./ Când de la Surpate, ajunge la Neva şi Sibir,/ plăteşte peste tot al
iubirilor bir./ Koloşvarul, ceva mai mult îl reţine,/ cu Letiţiile sale
unduinde, caline./ Altădată îl poartă dulcele şi-amaru,/ prin Izmir, cu emirul
cel liric Brumaru;/ sau îi vine o irezistibilă foame şi sete,/ de tătăroaica
înmiresmată din Bairamdede./ Aproape de casă, Ioana îl alină,/ mai înflorită şi
dulce decât rusoaica Galina.
vreme, când totu-i păru fără saţiu,/ începu ca să zboare prin timp şi prin
spaţiu,/ pornind în marea aventură poetică,/ mult mai departe de Câmpia cea
Getică:/ a ajuns la Riazan şi a râs cu Esenin,/ apoi a parcurs înapoi patru
milenii-n/ dorinţa de-a-l cunoaşte pe Enkidu bărbat/ şi-a vâna împreună cruzii
lei pe Eufrat./ Cu Khayyam a băut trei arginţi, în crailâc,/ alături de două
cadâne cu zvâc./ Şi-a parcurs toată Terra, în lungul şi-n latul,/ poposind şi-n
Macondo, la Marquez nobelatul . . ./
zi, când pasărea-şi cere/ drept la odihnă – de inimă şi de picere/ şi-ntr-o
lună, pe când înfloreau hortensii,/ trebui să-i facă o curte şi . . . Casei de
Pensii;/ La scurt timp dup-aceea strigă-nfiorat/ către cerul cel tainic, senin
şi înalt:/ „Doamne, recunosc că am fost abonat/ la plăceri şi-am zburat din
păcat în păcat,/ dar îndepărtează răceala ce m-adie parşivă/ şi singurătatea
cea persuasivă,/ căci Doamne şi stăpâne al nostru, nu voi ca/ să-l robească
lehamitea pe poetul Voica./ Mai lasă-mă să beau cu amicul Khayyam/ şi cu fete
viori, câţiva bani, că îi am;/ să nemuresc sărbătorile mele de-aici şi din
Rusia,/ numite – Adriana, Maria, Ioana şi Marusea;/ să le smulg din uitare pe
Klara, pe Ana şi Galina,/ şi pe tătăroaica - focoasa, calina;/ şi-n răstimpuri
să-nvăţ pe-un novice ciuietic,/ cum se poate trăi şi frumos şi poetic! . . .”
mânăstirea Surpate, răsună/ o voce ca de bronz, dominantă, dar bună:/
„Absolvo te,
George, de toate păcatele/ şi nu-ţi voi deschide Infernului lăcatele,/ căci cu
har şi credinţă, slujit-ai mereu/ stihuirea cuvintelor – „sunetele lui
Dumnezeu”./ Şi-ţi lăsa-voi ăst dar, care vrea să semnifice/ „Creator de mici
universuri mirifice”./ Este drept, cu averi, nu prea te-am răsfăţat,/ dar
Poetul e veşnic sărac şi-amorezat;/ de-aveai bani, ai fi dus-o mereu în
ciolhanuri,/ sau după „gibraltare” prin clăi şi prin hanuri./ Îţi voi mai dărui
şi ulcioare de coapse /- arme dulci pentru ale poeţilor capse./ Carnea
metaforelor tale să fie/ la fel de fragedă, fină şi vie,/ plină de miresme şi
arome regeşti,/ odă permanentă limbii strămoşeşti;/ versul să-ţi curgă graţios
şi spontan,/ rima rară să-ncânte pe lectorul mirean./ Şi – să nu zici că muzele-mi
nu te răsfaţă!/ – am început chiar cu volumul de faţă./ Şi acum, deşi mi-am
interzis să vorbesc/ despre ce fi-va peste un veac pământesc,/ astăzi fac o
excepţie grea de la regulă,/ săltând vălul de pe-a timpului negură/ Peste-o
sută de ani, ia aminte/ - flori alese de sunete şi de cuvinte,/ fi-vor poeziile
tale toate/, cântece de îngeri şi grădini smălţate/, înfrumuseţând toată glia/
din Macondo-Surpate şi din România;/ pe-nfloritele uliţi vor trece agale,/ nu
doar umbra poetului ce l-au pierdut,/ ci luminile din versurile tale/ slăvind
frumuseţile lumii de lut./ Şi nu mai gândi la al vieţilor scapăt. Hai! . . .
Bună dimineaţa şi ia-o de la capăt!”
Te felicit
şi pun punct aici, George,/ fiindcă, oricum, n-am o rimă în orge,/ dar nu
înainte de-a-i spune “La revedere!”,/ Poetului pe care Parnasul îl are-n
Om Arham
The year
2008 has rung in. It is hoped that it will be a year of happiness and prosperity
for all jivas of the planet earth. Since humans are the most intelligent of
them all gifted with the power to think and analyze, our attention is fixed on
them. It is they who either create harmony or disharmony. It is they who bring
about development on the planet and work for the rise of all and again it is
they who cause suffering not only to fellow-human beings but to all other jivas
too. It is they who create war and peace and it is again they who think to
rejuvenate or degenerate values. I feel that a majority of humans love peace
and hate war. His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya is concerned about the rapidly
decreasing number of peace lovers on this planet. We must try our best to
reverse the trend and disseminate Lord Mahavira’s message that all living
beings want to live so killing any of them is a sin. May the spirit of
nonkilling pervade the earth. May peace prevail. But it is possible only
through a mass psychological transformation. In the words of Acharya Mahapragya
only a culture of ahimsa can ensure human survival. For achieving this
objective we must start a worldwide campaign for nonviolence training. Let us
hope the year 2008 will be a year of peace and the worldwide campaign for
nonviolence training will gain momentum.
I seize the
opportunity to wish you and the members of your family a happy and rewarding
new year. May the year 2008 prove auspicious to us all.
Creative Nonviolence for Peace
The 6th International Conference on
Peace and Nonviolent Action has significant meaning to all of us human beings,
and I am thankful to be with all delegates here who have the same wish to stop
violence and bring peace on Earth. As introduced, I am Mayumi Mezaki from
Aizen-en, which is one group of thought of Shintoizm, and I am one of them who
are saddened by the situations of the world today.
Nowadays, the development of
technology has made our life convenient. A lot of people can travel by air or
travel by car, and information technology enables us to exchange massive data
at the speed of light. On the other hand, the gap between the rich and the poor
is increasing because of the globalization. Wars never seem to end, and even
children are drafted and fight in the battlefields. Our cost of living goes up,
and life is getting difficult to many people. In addition, effects of
environmental destruction such as global warming are getting serious. Under
these circumstances, human beings are now facing ever more hardship.
Onisaburo Deguchi, the founder of
Aizen-en, and whom I believe in him as Savior and the manifestation of the god
of the moon, has already predicted these situations in 1921. In order to save
people, he warned his people about this era to come. His action was consistent
in terms of active nonviolence.
Back in those days, the Japanese
emperor was reigning over people, and he was considered God rather than a man.
From the late 1800’s, Japan has started wars under the name of the Emperor. In
those social situations, I believe everyone can imagine how hard and dangerous
it would be for a religious leader to act for peace and go against the
government. On February 12, 1921, Onisaburo was charged with lese majesty, a
crime of insulting the Emperor and violation of the Newspaper Law. He was
jailed for 126 days from February 12 through June 17. However, his charge was
based on fabricated facts, and in spite of having few legal grounds, Omoto, the
precursor of Aizen-en, was ordered to destroy some of its shrines. This is
called the First Omoto Incident. In his book “Great Onisaburo Deguchi”, Kyotaro
Deguchi discusses why Onisaburo and Omoto were persecuted by the government.
On May 22,
1921, The Japan Chronicles reported the incident in its editorial article that
Generally, it is believed that the incident happened because leaders of Omoto
ignore sovereignty of the Emperor; however, this only means Omoto puts more
emphasis on priests than political leaders, which is common in all types of
theocracies. And this trend is seen in the history of both Christianity and
Judaism. The true reason why Omoto offended the government is that they
criticized the Japanese high society harshly in the book “Shinyu” or “Sermon of
God” (159).
During the incident, October 18,
1921, hearing the sound of destruction of the shrines, Onisaburo started
dictation of “Reikai Monogatari” or “The Story of the Spiritual World” for the
people to enhance their spirituality. He entered a civilized and nonviolent
activity without surrendering to the government.
Next comes the Second Omoto
Incident. Onisaburo was again charged with lese majesty and violation of the
Maintenance of Public Order Law. This was started on December 8, 1935. In the
first trial, all defendants are convicted on the charges; however, it turned
out that police used tortures and coercive interrogations to obtain
confessions, and some evidences were fabricated too. In the second trial, after
careful inquiries by the chief judge, the defendants were found not guilty on
public order crime. Their charges on lese World War Ⅱ. Although
Onisaburo won all his cases, he had been detained in the prison for 2435 days
from December 8, 1935 to August 7, 1942 without any verdicts or sentences. The
majesty were also found not guilty after Japan’s surrender in authorities started destroying most of the
buildings, shrines and facilities in Omoto’s holy sites during the preliminary
trial. Especially, the main shrine “Gekkyu-den” was completely destroyed by
1,500 sticks of dynamites. Also, their land is forfeited by the government.
Leaders, the members, and the members’ families of Omoto had to bear great
hardship, and some of the members were even tortured and killed in the prison.
A blatant persecution by the government without legitimacy. This incident is
recorded as unjustified persecution by the government in the modern Japanese
After World War Ⅱ, when
Omoto rebuild its organization like a phoenix, the members call for the
compensation for the incident.
One day, attorneys were holding
meeting for the compensation in one room of the Onisaburo’s house. The amount
of money would have been enormous if they claimed for the compensation.
Onisaburo heard this, came into the room, and said “Don’t be such a cheapskate.
If we were to claim for the compensation, the government will levy more tax on
the people to pay for it. I can not do that. I believe this incident was a
guidance of God”. By this statement, Omoto gave up all the claims for the
compensation (Nogami 252). We can see his kindness and generosity to think
about other people first from this episode.
One more remarkable thing besides his
giving up the compensation is in his another speech. “While Japan was fighting
with the Allies, God kept me in prison so I can not cooperate with the war.
That’s why I said the incident was a guidance of God. Anyone who calls for
peace during peace time and cooperates with a war during war time has no right
to call for peace”.
His ways of life, which are not to
hate people who trapped him and accused him for false charges, to accept
everything as a guidance of God, to serve God and people, and to leave his
teaching to people could be guidelines for a nonviolent activity. Nonviolence
should be creative, patient, and active.
Onisaburo made a comment shortly
after World War Ⅱ in Yoshioka hot spring in Tottori
prefecture. “Now, Japan is totally disarmed. This
means Japan has a precious mission to be the world leader of peace. True world
peace is realized when the whole world is disarmed. And the time is getting
closer” (Oda).
In his teaching, Onisaburo explains
how to realize world peace and bring happiness to all people. A key to realize
peace lies in the “epitome theory” or just called “model”. For example, when
peaceful situations are created in Omoto or Aizen-en, the situations are
reflected in Japan, and into the world through Japan. If you apply this theory
to the Second Omoto Incident, you can find correlation between persecution of
Omoto and bombing of Japanese cities by the U.S. Air Force, and between
Onisaburo’s being victimized by the incident and the Japanese Emperor’s
stepping down from his status as God after World War Ⅱ.
Onisaburo practiced the model of the Japanese surrender by victimizing himself.
He kept fighting nonviolently with the authorities’ making wrong system which
imposes the people to worship the Emperor as God.
Here, I would like to explain a
little bit more about the model. It is similar to the process of how automakers
release a new car. For example, when an automaker creates a new car, designers
put their images and ideas into a draft. Then, they make a small clay model of
the new car. If there is no problem found in the model, a prototype is made,
and next comes to actual production. The design of the world is made by God;
however, the design doesn’t realized by itself. We have to work together for
God’s designed utopia to come true. The model we make works just like a film
positive. The key to create the model is nonviolence. Violence never be a means
of resolving a dispute, and it never brings peaceful world. The reality proves
that violence creates chain reaction of violence.
At the end of my speech, I would like
to express my respect to this conference, and I hope further progress of
nonviolence activities from my heart. Thank you very much.
Work cited
Kyotaro. Great Onisaburo Deguchi. 4th ed. Kodansha, 1967. 159.
Nogami, Ryu.
“A Leader of One Emerging Religion.” Bungei Shunju. (July 1964): 252
Oda. Asahi
Shimbun. 30 Dec. 1945.
du caractÈre global du monde ÉpipalÉolithique dans le folklore de VlaŞca ou
Balisca thraco-romaine
Vlaşca ou
Balisca en thraco-romain désigne un complexe culturel très ancien, dont le
substrat proto-thrace est d'origine indo-européenne.
Les fouilles
archéologiques commencées en Roumanie à partir des années 1960 ont démontré que
son spécifique est du aux migrations des peuplades pré-aryennes de l'Inde à
l'époque épipaléolithique, suivies d'une contre-migration à l'époque du
néolithique tardive (voir la culture Goumelnitza) des tribus pastorales et
cultivateurs de céréales appartenant aux régions de la Méditerranée orientale
(La Crête minoïque) et de l'Asie antérieure (Anatolie) qui a marqué non
seulement la première migration Sud-Nord,
mais aussi le très connu syncrétisme gréco-oriental qui a eu lieu vers 2.700
-l.900 Av. Ch.
pré-aryens avaient pénétré en Europe (voir les Pélasges et les Etrusques), en
apportant avec eux un système supérieur de civilisation et de pensée. C'est
pourquoi les Grecs les avaient surnommés "les divins".
civilisation avait duré ici plus de l00.000 ans (voir Pélasgiotis, situé en
Grèce auprès les montagnes de Thessalie, les Îles des Cyclades et l'Étrurie, en
Mais les
Pélasges ont été obligés de se retirer à cause des Slaves et des populations
germaniques au nord du Danube entre le V-e et le VII-e siècle par la
Transylvanie, puis ont occupé une partie du département de Vâlcea
population romanique (les Latins étaient
aussi des indo-européens) s'était
installée définitivement dans la région roumaine connue au Moyen Âge sous le
nom de Vlaşca.
toujours au Moyen Âge que Vlaşca est devenue une unité territoriale
administrative dont le centre a été au début à Giurgiu, sur le Danube, et
après 1417, quand Giurgiu a été occupé par les Turcs, à Găeşti, petite bourgade
de quelques milliers d'habitants, située en haute plaine, à 72 km. de Bucarest.
englobait aussi le département de Prahova (Ploieşti) avec la localité
Româneşti, l'ancienne Romula préhistorique, la zone de la rivière Neajlov avec
son affluent Calcuta et les débris de la forêt Vlăsia (Blis) où vivaient les
Blasii ou Blachus (Vlahii, population qui a donné son nom à la Valachie toute
Vlahus signifiait
à l'époque tout
habitant romain.
Balisca antique, devenue Vlaşca roumaine, a gardé toujours son spécifique
indo-européen, plus prononcé encore grâce aux influences balkaniques.
Le matériel
folklorique garde, à cause de son polymorphisme, des traits de civilisations
appartenant aux populations protothraces qui s'occupaient de la chasse et
pratiquaient le culte du feu, ainsi que celui des Thraces de l'époque de bronze
de la phase tardive et finale hallstattienne qui a marqué la civilisation
couches folkloriques englobaient des éléments de la civilisation romaine et
superficielle du folklore de Vlaşca nous démontre la vitalité tout à fait
extraordinaire du système de pensée indo-européen.
perspective herméneutique continue à rattacher étroitement l'humain à
l'existence cosmique concrète et à la vie universelle, inhérente à l'homme,
être tragique et héroïque en même temps.
Le tragique
naît de l'inlassable recherche d'un sens que l'homme, en fin de compte, se voit
forcé de créer lui-mème (voir la grande "illusion totémique" et le
monde partagé entre le VISIBLE (LE BLANC) et 1' INVISIBLE (LE NOIR).
Vivre c'est
essentiellement instituer sans relâche un SENS, ordonner et raisonner le monde.
En essence,
la philosophie populaire a la force de totaliser l'expérience sans la juger
fatalement d'une manière partielle, historique ou concrète.
C'est ainsi
que le système embrasse l'infinité de l'existence cosmique ainsi que
l'existence anthropologique de 1'homme.
Dans ce
folklore la vie garde une structure paradoxale, mystérieuse, antagonique et
parfois dépourvue d'homogénéité. Il est dans son essence de subir un incessant
conflit entre son coté rationnel et son coté irrationnel, car sa loi est le devenir
(la métamorphose), ce qui fait que l'univers est constamment dans un état
provisoire et inachevé. La vision héroïque et tragique de l'homme est
concentrée sur l'idée philosophique indienne qui liait la vie aux conversions
perpétuelles de l'énergie en univers.Le système de la "pensée
sauvage", propre au monde global epi-paleolitique, nous dévoile d'une manière synthétique quelques
themes-symbole qui signalent les perpétuels
déplacements de l'homme entre le monde des vivants et la territoire de
la mort: les sabots en fer; les parentes d' Apollon; qui a reparti la chance;
engloutissement: aller-retour; la métamorphose comme apprentissage; L'évolution
du Sphinx suicidant dans le rite de la "tourta" et de la viande
cuite; Moïse, Oedipe et d'autres proscrites; Les ennuis du mort; La sosie. Tous
ces thèmes expriment, en marge du littéraire et du scientifique, des réflexions
qui reviennent souvent dans la pensée des spécialistes de la dérnière décennie.
A l'époque
épipaléolithique, le monde était global du point de vue géographique et
anthropologique, c'est pourquoi le système de pensée est la même a partir de
l'Asie et l'Europe jusqu'aux Amériques, Australie et Océanie.
séparation des continents et l'apparition des trois Mediterannées avait oblige
l'homme d'évoluer différemment. C'est toujours la séparation des continents qui
a provoque des phénomènes destructives, c'est pourquoi toutes les civilisations
pre-historiques décrivent leur propre "déluge".
Avant la
grande séparation, le premier système de pensée philosophique et scientifique
qui ordonnait toutes les éléments de l'univers a été le système totémique,
grande construction mentale illusoire, "la grande illusion", comme
l'avait surnomme Claude Lévy Strauss.
Des traces
de cette couche anthropologique de civilisation se trouvent aussi dans les
contes de Vlaşca. Dans le conte "Mi Homme", par exemple, le
personnage est un sorcier d'un tribu cannibale qui a comme tâche de garder la
héroine sacrée â l'aide de la force apotropaïque de 1'antidiscours. Mi Homme c'était
une "être de l'énigme, un sphinx tribal car, une fois la force de son
énigme dévoilée, sa mort devient imminente. Les animaux totémiques
(animaux-ancetres) ce sont les soi-disant "rois des animaux", c'est a
dire leur prototype sacre (la reine des abeilles, des fourmis, le loup
traditionnel chez les Dacs, son oncle, l'ours, l'Oiseau Majeur, une sorte
d'aigle qui transporte l'héros d'un monde ă l'autre, etc.
Aux totems
animaux on ajoute les totems végétaux, comme par exemple le Noisetier, une des
plantes totémiques planétaires.
Les contes
de fée portent eux aussi des traces totémiques par les héros du type:
Mi-Homme-Mi-Lievre ou Mi Femme Mi Truie. Ces prototypes détenait des FORCES
cachées dans un enchaînement des parentés naturelles, comme par exemple:
truie/lièvre ou tabatière en bois/cafards etc.,
On peut
affirmer de ce point de vue que les contes de fée ont été les ancêtres de la
mythologie gréco-romaine qui a subie une double influence orientale: par les
civilisations persane et arabe qui ont créé les premises de la grande culture
égyptienne et par les "peuplades de la mer" (l'Asie mineure) qui
avaient penetré massivement en Europe. Parmi ces peuplades se trouvaient pas
seulement las Doriens, les Ioniens et les Achées, mais aussi les Thraces et les
Il lyres au nord, ainsi que les Latins au Sud.
croyances égyptiennes ont trouvé un terrain propice dans les croyances des
tribus indiens qui avaient le même culte de la lumiere terrestre (feu) et
cosmique (soleil / lune): Apollon / Amon / Ra / Hyperion / Hélios et Isis /
Selênê / Diane etc.
résurrection de l'âme éternelle est spécifique en VaLachie et spécialement en
\/laşca avant le christianisme.
philosophie de vie pre-chretienne a été apportée toujours de l'lnde par les
tribus pre-aryens et puis cultivée sous l'influence égyptienne très puissante
en Phénicie, Palestine et en Afrique.
Chez les
Thraces, le pre-christianisme a été du a Orphée qui avait élaboré sa doctrine
après des études égyptienne et a Zalmoxe qui a été "le serve" de
Pythagore, influencé a son tour par la culture égyptienne et indienne.
Le mythe
pre-biblique de la création du monde par le Dieu avec la participation de sa
sosie négative, Satanael, a été aussi un mythe du monde global epi-paleolitique
parce que Dieu et Sa-tanael ont été conçus au début comme deux oiseaux sacrés
(cannas sauvages) qui nageaient sur les eaux de l'Océan Primordial.
Ce mythe
"balkanique" dont la présence a été signalé en Asie, Europe, Océanie
et Amérique (le complexe de Californie) peut avoir l'épicentre toujours en
Asie. .
Chez les
Roumains, l'agglutinement des croyances totémiques, prébibliques et chrétiennes
est prouve par le fait que le totem végétal sacre, la fleur de pomme, en
roumain "măr", a donné son nom a la Vierge Maria ou Marianne,
1'incarnation de la pureté, qui avait pris part elle aussi a la création du
monde ainsi qu'aux perfectionnements ultérieurs que celui-ci avait subi.
syncrétisme greco-romain est présente aussi dans les contes de Vlaşca par
l'existence des deux familles solaires qui exprimaient toutes les deux le culte
indien de la lumière cosmique universelle: la famille thrace d'Apollon et de sa
maman Letho, et la famille méditeranéene d'Hyperion.
La liaison
des deux familles solaires se réalise par "Hécate", la "soeur de
lait" d'Artémis/Diane (en roumain Sânziana), la déesse de la lumière
lunaire et la soeur du soleil (en "réalité" sa cousine thrace).
Les contes
de fée racontent des rites initiatiques ou le novice doit apprendre à vivre
dans le cercle des transmigrations successives de l'âme immortelle. Il doit
voyager dans ce but en enfer pour apprendre les rites de la métamorphose qui
expriment la force de régéneration de la matière universelle.
Le destin,
forge en même temps avec l'univers, peut être influence.d'une manière positive
seulement par des faits héroïques d'un prononcé sens moral.
civilisation actuelle ainsi que la civilisation antique est une civilisation
dévoratrice ou la vie et la mort sont liées perpétuellement. Les morts peuvent
devenir les victimes de la famille des dévorateurs (voir la famille européenne
du Barbe Bleu, représentée chez las Roumains par Tărtăcot ou Salcotea). Le mort
peut se venger à son tour contre sa famille en revenant au monde Blanc pour la
Le Thrace
Orphée a transformé les rites du monde epi-paleolitique en mythes antiques et
pre-chretiennes. Il a initié son peuple dans sa doctrine religieuse ou les
rites sanglants et cruels étaient interdits.
Les Thraces
croyaient donc dans un seul Dieu et dans une matière universelle unique née de
L'Oeuf divin.
Cet Oeuf,
soit provenu du serpent de feu comme chez Les Chinois, soit provenu d'un oiseau
comme chez Orphée, représente l'objet cosmique parfait qui peut organiser
l'univers en lui imprimant des lois qui
lui assurent le fonctionnement.
dommage que la pensée philosophique actuelle ne conserve plus et ne décrit
point les perpétuelles métamorphoses entre la matière et l'énergie comme dans
la pensée du monde vieille qui ne traduisait que la soif humaine de s'anéantir sur la VOIE
SACREE, ouverte aux immortels.
doit aspirer toujours vers l'idée de bien, de générosité et de beau, sans cela
aucune oeuvre littéraire ne pourrait durer. La force que Dieu nous a donnée,
nous devons l'employer bien, de sorte qu'après nous l'art devienne plus riche
et l'homme meilleur."* On ne saurait trouver profession de foi plus
clairement exprimée: le Bien et le Beau se joignent dans une idée
artistiquement réalisée, et la générosité n'est que l'élan d'amour qui pousse
l'artiste à travailler pour rendre les gens meilleurs et enrichir l'art. Le
fait que Dieu a donné au poète la capacité de représenter métaphoriquement les
idées n'est pas, lui seul, une garantie de la bonne utilisation de cette force,
qui pourrait être mise au service du mal ou tout simplement passive en ce qui
concerne sa finalité. Il est donc absolument nécessaire que le poète soit
conscient de sa mission. Le passage cité envoie aux auteurs très anciens, aux
images de la mythologie grecque: Orphée apprivoisant les bêtes sauvages,
Amphion élevant les murs de Thèbes par la force de la lyre. Pour eux aussi,
l'art n'était pas possible en dehors du domaine où régnaient ces valeurs
universelles: le Bien et le Beau. La conséquence de cette affirmation c'est que
le Bien étant incarné dans l'oeuvre, on ne pourrait le séparer du Beau.
Flaubert disait: "l'esthétique c'est la vérité"**. Si Magda Isanos
avait un peu plus concentré son crédo artistique, elle aurait dit: le Bien
c'est le Beau. Elle croyait à la finalité de l'art, force civilisatrice par
laquelle se manifeste l'essence divine du talent. C'est "la bouteille à la
mer" de Vigny, jetée au gré des vagues, et que Dieu dirige de son doigt
vers le rivage où l'attend le filet du pêcheur. Magda Isanos écrivait ces
phrases en 1939, et la destinée de ses poèmes a démontré la valabilité
incontestable de son "art poétique". Aujourd'hui prend force la
tendance contraire: séparer le Bien du Beau; comme si c'était des principes
opposés, nuisibles l'un à l'autre. On recherche obstinément l'immoralité du
contenu et on veut obtenir à tout prix des effets choquants, en oubliant deux
choses: ce n'est pas le sujet qui compte, mais la manière dont il est traité,
et une expression nouvelle et choquante n'est pas obligatoirement chargée de
valeur artistique. Il paraît que "le phare" des valeurs éternelles
doit veiller quelque part, en haut du tableau, pour que les images présentées
soient remplies de la sève désirée autant par le poète que par la majorité des
Magda Isanos
avait pleinement raison de parler de la force purifiante de la poésie. Dès les
premières années, sa vie, si brève mais si riche, n'a été qu'une lutte
courageuse avec la souffrance, atténuée par de rares moments de bonheur. À
l'âge de deux ans, une poliomyélite, dont la vaccination n'existait pas à
l'époque, l'a marquée pour tout le reste de sa vie. Elle en a vaincu les
conséquences grâce aux soins de sa mère et à la calme générosité de la nature,
concentrée symboliquement dans l'image du jardin, espace de rêverie et de
solitude, utopie de la beauté et de la paix, réalisée dans le monde terrestre
sur le modèle du Paradis.
Un jardin
"en abîme", abrité sous l'ombre d'un parc énorme, autour duquel
s'enroulait une vaste région aux paysages doux: des collines couvertes de
vignobles et de vergers. Une petite fille, que sa mère tenait par la main,
s'accroupissait pour voir les fourmis en courant, les fils d'herbe et les
surgeons, dont les pointes émergeaient à peine de la terre, encore
encapuchonnées de semences. Comment ont-elles réussi à vaincre la dureté du
sol? Et les fourmis, comment dépassent-elles, si petites, à peine visibles, des
obstacles cent fois plus grands? "C'est la force des faibles",
expliquait sa mère: chaque être, si fragile ou souffrant qu'il soit, possède un
pouvoir qui compense sa faiblesse ou ses défauts. Elle, par exemple, elle a son
esprit, son intelligence, et cela représente un avantage beaucoup plus grand
que l'agilité des pieds. C'était, à l'âge des classes primaires, le premier
jardin de Magda, à côté de la maison que ses parents habitaient alors, dans l'enceinte
de l'hôpital Costiujeni, près de Chişinău, en Bessarabie.
Et la petite
fille a grandi, en se servant de l'atout que Dieu lui avait généreusement
donné, comme en regrettant la dureté de l'épreuve subie à un âge trop tendre
pour une ausssi grande souffrance. Si elle ne pouvait pas courir, elle avait
l'esprit plus vif que les autres enfants, et elle écrivait des poèmes dont la
lecture surprenait même les grands. Le lycée et, plus tard, les études
universitaires l'ont portée de plus en plus loin de son premier jardin: d'abord
à Chişinău, où elle a suivi les cours de l'École Diocésaine, ensuite à Iassy,
comme étudiante en droit et en philosophie. Les premières désillusions n'ont
pas tardé, car les jeunes espèrent toujours plus que la vie leur offre finalement.
Mais elle n'a jamais oublié la leăon de son premier jardin et la force
consolatrice de la beauté. À Iassy, dans le jardin d'une amie et collègue de
ses parents, Irina Grossi, elle écrivait des vers et rêvait à l'avenir, en
voyant comment la fée aveugle du printemps réveille la terre engourdie, tandis
que les navires étendent leurs voiles vers les ports aux noms mélodieux du
Cela ne veut
pas dire qu'elle reculait devant l'agressivité et l'indifférence du monde: au
contraire, son tempérament la destinait au combat et la poussait à rêver la
victoire. Une victoire différente de celle désirée par le commun des gens:
faire triompher le Bien. Devenue avocat en 1938, elle se fit vite connaître
comme "défenseur des causes perdues", "l'avocat sans argent",
qui s'engageait dans des procès refusés par ses collègues. Chaque homme,
n'importe lequel, même le plus abominable, a droit à la défense et doit être
jugé selon la Loi. Certes, ce n'était pas un principe nouveau, mais elle y
tenait et voulait l'appliquer à une époque où se faisaient entendre, contraires
à la civilisation et à la nature humaine, les extremismes de toutes les
couleurs. Soutenir, dans de telles conditions, la prééminence de la justice et
des droits de l'homme équivalait à une lutte aux grands risques.
Et la guerre
éclata: la deuxième guerre mondiale. Les guerres vécues par Magda ont toujours
commencé à la veille d'un moment important de sa vie: la première peu avant sa
naissance, le 17 avril 1916, la deuxième, au moment où elle devenait l'épouse
d'Eusebiu Camilar, écrivain de grand talent; qui exerăait alors le métier de
journaliste à Iassy. Le 31 mars 1938, on a célébré leur mariage, et le 15
septembre 1939, le mari a habillé le veston militaire. Cela a rendu impossible
la réalisation d'un rêve aussi simple et naturel que la vie même: avoir un
foyer où élever leur enfant, vivre de ce qu'ils gagnaient. Malgré la modestie,
la simplicité de ce rêve, il était devenu, en ce qui les concernait, aussi
intangible que les étoiles. Ne se laissant pas découragée, Magda a planté de
ses mains, autour de la maison à loyer qu'ils habitaient à Iassy, des arbres
fruitiers, en souvenir du jardin de Costiujeni, devenu inaccessible à la suite
du déplacement des frontières en 1940. Elle a voulu être la fondatrice d'un
jardin. Une bombe a explosé là-bas, en août 1944, tuant les jeunes arbres qui
n'avaient pas encore fleuri. C'était son troisième jardin.
car les horreurs de la guerre devenaient dans son esprit des cauchemars
obsedants, le souci permanent de la vie de son mari qui était au front, les
difficultés quotidiennes ont fini par vaincre sa résistence physique, déja
ébranlée, à 26 ans, par un rhumatisme polyarticulaire, guérissable dans
d'autres conditions, très grave dans les circonstances où elle a vécu.
Et le front
de Russie avanăait vers l'Ouest; il a fallu quitter non seulement Iassy, mais
aussi Bucarest bombardée. Après un premier séjour à Costeşti, un village dans
la région d'Argeş, elle, sa mère et ses soeurs arrivèrent à Drăganu, dans la même
région, zone calme alors, assez loin des bruits de la guerre. On y est resté
trois mois: juin, juillet et août 1944. Le jardin de là-bas s'étendait derrière
la maison et, en montant la pente d'une colline, se perdait dans le bois. Magda
y restait des heures et des heures à écrire les derniers et peut-être les plus
beaux de ses poèmes. C'était son quatrième jardin.
Mais la
guerre en approchait: au passage des troupes soviétiques en marche vers Berlin, elles furent obligées
à un nouveau départ, cette fois en sens inverse, vers Bucarest, à tra vers bois, dans le char tiré par des
boeufs, comme aux premiers temps, à l'arrivée des migrateurs. Ce fut le dernier
coup porté à son coeur si fragile, si sensible aux influences de l'extérieur.
Vaincre la
mort, c'est lui donner un sens, alors que la plupart meurent sans savoir
pourquoi. Dans son dernier rêve, celui du jardin de Drăganu, se joignaient tous
les autres: le rêve végétal des plantes qui brisent la résistance de la terre,
le rêve utopique de la justice opposée à l'intolérance, et celui d'une vie
simple et normale, au milieu d'un monde adverse à la normalité. Elle voyait le
passage vers l'au-delà comme une double métamorphose: le corps transformé en
jardin fleurira aves les herbes et les fleurs, et l'esprit, dégagé de la chair,
veillera au bonheur et à la paix, sera la paix même, la lumière consolatrice du
matin. Il ne restait que le mystère du dernier moment: cela devait être un
comble, semblable au jaillissement de l'artésien, un sacrifice antique: elle mourait
si jeune pour rendre les autres conscients de la nécessité de changer le monde.
Et le monde est resté le même. Paradoxal et tragique, l'échec de l'essai ouvre
au rêve qu'elle a nourri une longue perspective d'immortalité. De tous ses
jardins, il n'est resté qu'un seul: la poésie, qui continue à consoler et à
mener les lecteurs vers la double lumière du Bien et du Beau.
"Les jeunes
arbres, par un matin de mars,
les uns près des
autres, se sont mis à prier,
leurs fronts inspirés
brillaient au-dessus
de la terre encore sous
la neige.
Et dans l'air où il n'y
avait pas encore de volées,
les arbres qui
n'avaient pas encore d'ombres
chantaient un hymne en
l'honneur de la vie,
les troncs comme des
corps nus, ils chantaient..."
Isanos, lettre à son mari, le 27 août 1939
Flaubert; "Correspondance", lettre à Madame Roger des Genettes, le 2
mai 1880
Isanos, "Les jeunes arbres"
Isanos, "În căutarea Magdei Isanos", Editura Fundaţiei PRO, 2003
Isanos, "Poezii/Poésies", version franăaise d'Elisabeta Isanos,
Editura Libra, Bucureşti, 1996
The claim to expose a hypothesis
according to which in human destinies best expressed by life events there are
mathematical relations (as time passed between them) would not be possible
without the elaboration, first of all, of theory concerning the numerical
ordering of any kind. Such a viewpoint, a well-structured one, already exists
thanks to the second edition of our previous book. In it, the thesis of a
Golden Number (GN), as an irrational constant from the number theory having
ordering properties, was analyzed. its ratio as a numerical magnitude is
frequently met - in a highly proportion, as compared to the whole knowledge
until the present analysis - both in organic life, in bio-structural and
neuro-physiological aspects, and also in human psyche, in social phenomena.
The procedure used by us to reveal
the hidden presence in quantitative realities was that to start from one of the
numerical values of a row of known data, in order to calculate a progression
with the help of GN (or a subordinate ratio), both with natural (1-2-3etc.) and
real (0,5-1,5-2,5etc.) ranks. By this, we observed if valid concordances with
known observation data are established. Hundreds of concrete evidence about
such a concordance between quantitative reality and its mathematical
expression, could also stress a number of functions fulfilled by GN, by
circulating the information it bears.
These functions, presented, in
detail, in the introductory chapter, are as follows:
of quantitative ordering of reality (a general principle encountered at every level
of development);
· of marking by GN measure. There is a
mathematical connection between the quantitative beginning and end of an object
dimension, of phenomenon and process, of a state or substance, etc. Only one
example: with the ratio GN/2, the order numbers of the elements 57 and 70 of
the lantanides series (in the periodical table) are mathematically connected.
This is also the case with the actinides, but making use of real ranks of
· The network function. An example at
hand is that of the main human biological rhythms (considered at their middle
value), that are perfectly mathematically connected. If we wish to stress what spatial rhythms are their causal ascent,
we can calculate decreasing progressions from their spatial value, pursuing to
obtain concordances with biological rhythms.
This is what we obtain, with
unexpected accuracy, starting from the value in atomic seconds of a terrestrial
day or the Tropic Year.
- The function of TOTAL NUMBER. Whenever, in a
context of numerical values, within a reality analyzed by the GN, mathematical
associations are already obtained, we can pass to a new calculation, leading to
surprising results. Therefore, we can sum up, at random, all numerical data
submitted to testing by the GN, relevant or not as sources of concordances,
regardless their nature or quality, for what those data respresent. If, for
this global numerical structure, which is a progression of the GN is
calculated, we shall notice that, most often, we shall get concordances with
qualitative observation data having the best relevance in the context.
- The function of tangent of concordances
obtained through a calculated progression, with the GN value itself or of its
subordinate ratios or with their harmonics. In general, numerical values of physical
laws (surprisingly, even those with tens of figures obtained by extension, such
as those of universal constants), but also other important quantitative data
describing reality supply such contangents with GN.
- The function of revelation, from various
quantifying realities, of concordances for two information fractals, unknown so
far, with values belonging to GN: 38,2% and 61,8%.
A simple and short example: the
melting temperature of iodine (1130 C) represents 38,2% and that of boiling 1830
C, 61,8% from the whole=2960.
- The function of control and prognosis of GN.
Quantitative experimental results (in case of phenomena with a certain
importance for reality, hiding physical, psychic, social, historic rules and
laws) can be often controlled by GN. Therefore, we can test both the accuracy
of the used methodology, and that of statistical processing.
Such a persistent presence needs
looking for an explanation of how this ratio is functional in the world. These
three principles were formulated, including the following leading ideas: a) the
highest probability that a numerical ratio be it pi, e of course also GN to be
frequently found among the known quantitative data describing the reality in
that of the geometrical proportion of the GN (√5+1)/2=1,618...; b) the
numerical information conveyed by GN as infiltrating in any kind of reality,
could be operational, for it represents the quintessence of the efficiency of
the minimal action principle (or principle of minimal action). This is
considered in a more extended meaning as compared to mechanical movement, where
a compatibility between the minimal effort af the actions and the goal to be
achieved is someway thinkable; c) another impulsive principle of an ideal
ordering (as a mathematical fiction) refers to dynamics of changes within an
universe of structured order/disorder. A minimal action, but with maximal
efficiency, is not free of this last principle at all.
Here, the central factor is the
concept of information fractal of GN, elaborated for formally explaining that
dynamics of developing changes. The meaning of fractal is similar to that given
by Benoit Mandelbrot, to the well-known theory of fractal objects: breaking up,
ramification, sudden change of a certain course. Beyond this the meaning of our
concept is different; in it, the intervention of some numerical information
with a determined value (which is placed on the geometrical progression of GN
around 1): 0,382... and 0,618... (even the reciprocal of the GN is implicit).
These become the so-called small (of 38,2%) and big (of 61,8) fractals. The
first value is our counter-offer-issued of GN - for the value of 36.8%, derived
from constant. The value was taken from the term -pi in pi. It is used as a
fixed term of maximal reference for a large field of probabilistic
uncertainties, and is included in computing formula of information entropy (the
The importance of these fractal
values proposed by us is exceptional, in our opinion. They are more than
mediators in the formula of negentropy (the first of them). As we found out,
these are met almost everywhere in the physical world, in highly-structured
realities (psychic, social, historical). Therefore, the present book intends to
clarify and develop, again, the concept of information fractals, before
demonstrating their implication in human destiny.
The idea (as a thesis of a
numerical ordering factor of the global reality - which is a GN constant -
could be continued with the logical hypothesis about some fixed fractal
information which intervenes as crossways in the changes of any kind, which
take place during evolution. Their values also derive from GN, have a
functional role, mediated by some energies which are released as signal. So,
the ubiquitous relation by GN of the numerous observation data of reality
should be doubled by the efficiency of these two fractal values in
phenomenology which involves the order/disorder dynamics. These are crucial
instances of developing structuring (as an outlined intention or consolidated
structuring). Thus the fractal values would be connected to the emergency of
concrete object realities.
To prove this, we carried out an
analysis on the well-known observation data, from different scientific fields,
finding out that these are not only related by GN, but also impregnated of a
new ordering criterion - by fractals with determined information - unknown
until now: the periodical table includes - besides the known criteria of
placing elements and obviously besides the already known relation by GN- and
criterion of numerical ordering of these two fractals. They are an unseen, but
highly efficient axis, of ordering in the depth of some untouchable realities.
The mentioned fractals exists
everywhere around us. We can put them in evidence by a simple calculus: in the
equation of chemical formulas which illustrate the law of mass conservation, in
quantitative data on macrocosms, in vegetal and animal biology, in human
biochemistry and neural physiology, in psychic processes, as far as those of
creation, in the delimitation of historical events, in human destinies etc. The
discovery of this new reality of ordering is a welcome discussion basis,
unknown until now in science, which can lead to a possible significant gain in
If all the above mentioned facts
represent the thesis, then the hypothesis under analysis in this new book, as a
logical consequence, is that the GN relation intervenes in relations of events
composing what we call human destiny, too. The way of verifying is
theoretically unchanged, life events establish among themselves time interval
becoming calculation basis - by GN progressions - in order to obtain
mathematically valid concordances with other events. Also, computing and
discovery of the fractals have to show the same efficiency.
Person's main life events are the
life emergencies (procreation besides births, too) and obviously, death.
Orderly, there is life span, then a value - concept which the terms of the
basis formula of GN establish among themselves) called by us personal Golden
Number (pGN), proved to be a genuine quantitative imprint of the very person.
A special place is occupied by the
intramaternal period (a term replacing intrauterine period according to our view
concerning this new book). The average value of this - 266 days - is not
determined by WHO's standards, but based on the day located in the ovulation
mid-period. The so-calculated value is provocative from the beginning for
numerical coincidences to operational values during the process solving of the
GN formula, as well as with the higher harmonies of GN.
Other main life events are taken
into account, too: marriage, a child birth in a family, a family member's death
and persons significant social events, in general.
To test the need for objectiv when
we refer to such a widespread phenomenon called love at first sight (coup de
foudre) was something very exciting from the beginning. Thus, it was proved
that the analysis of the couple, using GN and seriously (in the whole book, the
majority cases taken into account refer to notorious personalities for a better
of our statements) - offers certain surprising results. The precise
mathematical relativeness suggests the existence of some objective factors as a
basis for the soul bonds!
A chapter is devoted to the long
lasting relationship, namely that between parent and child. The mathematical
relation between them is very frequent, and the genetic, natural bonds between
parents and descendants seem to be quantitative, too, sometimes, enough stable
alongside many generations. They appear as circulating information of one or
another value, having probably a certain meaning to descendants within the
intramaternal period plays an important role both in calculation, but also in
interpreting the findings. This is why, mother - intramaternal child
relationship was analyzed in a new vision, starting fron the idea that what
appears during embryogenesis is not creation process, but rather a re-creation
one, valuing only the plurality of the ascendants in time. An original
hypothesis of the experienced time was elaborated, in continuation: a) the
own-vertical time-actual, which refers to the individual life between the two
irreversible fundamental events - procreation and death - also related to the
previous informational plurality philogenetically considered; b) the horizontal
time which refers to the time experienced during repetitive events. Also, the
theory includes the discussion on the phenomenon of the fugitive revival, of
the near death time, when the concentrated consciousness migrates toward
childhood, birth, or beyond them in special cases. The phenomenon is both
psychologically discussed, but also it is related to that larger, religious and
philosophical concept, known as eternal return.
The proof that life essential
events bind destinies is brought about by the exact mathematical relations,
lying among persons who do not absolutely know each other, but which are perceived
as associated under exceptional circumstances. Such results suggest that the
relationships between victim and murder, two persons commiting suicide
simultaneously, accidentally death under the same context etc. seem to be
formally very previous to the exception considered by us constituting those
common destinies. Later on, there is an approach of the direct and at distance
human interactions, also in their connections with important social and
professional events due to them. The GN matrix responds positively to those
circumstances. As political history shows, Lenin, for instance, even not
meeting Hitler, becomes (mathematically) associated to him, also like Stalin
and Tzar Nikolaj II, all of them being associated in their capacity of being
famous in the same historical totalitarian context.
Similarly, there were Marxist
for-runners and later events which were theoretically generated by them.
Similarly, it is the behavior of the matrix when space pioneers, unknown one to
another, are associated to the main events of space conquest, prepared by them.
Or, similarly, George Washington, the first personality of the USA, and the
memorable events which he devoted his entire life to: the State Independence
and the proclamation of the Constitution.
Thus, the field is prepared that, by
calculation-based analysis, the events - persons should be entirely eliminated,
keeping exclusively in mind the historical data as such, however gathered in
the same context. This was the case of the main events of World War II, where
mathematical connection through GN is not missing at all.
Chapter XI (numerical jamming) is
more technical. But, it can also be useful to readers who do not forget the
hazard (like us, otherwise), but who can maximize it toward suspecting its
reality as a GN function. The chapter could also be useful to those trying to
make analyses by themselves, similar to the ones made by ourselves.
A feature of the whole research
(which lasts for years) concerning the numerical arrangement by means of the
(GN) is the ceaseless exceeding of the horizons gradually attained. Thus, one
was proved that the categories or types
of results were always insufficient. For instance, years before Pope
John Paul the 2nd came to Romania all at once with taking again the dialogue
with the Orthodoxy after the Great Scission; the terrorist attack happened on
11th of September 2001; the campaign against the Talibans from Afghanistan -
all together made us to include the events in question in the suitable
Meanwhile, we find that the
presence of GN in the social events surrounding us is, daily, extremely
plenteous and with shades of difference. Whatever media inform us about the
authentic social-historical event (of course, quantified) complied with certain
rules, norms or standards of phenomenological type - is numerically arranged.
Such subjects could be : fires and motoring accidents when the number of
victims is mentioned (the rate between the wound and the dead or between the
children and grown-ups); statistical data concerning the suicides per year or
per sex; making economic or political polls; areas stricken by drought at
different level; successful results in the exams throughout the country; the
percentages of age level for Romanian peasants and so on.
Knowing the influence of numerology
upon daily life in such a high ratio, the pressure upon individual who reacts
to it increases in a spectacular way, whereas his wonders concerning the
personal fate can have a discouraging impact. It is also the reason for which
we have inserted besides one special chapter (XII) including such data, being
sure that, on the contrary, this arrow of time, which the GN directs to the
social/historical reality, will help us for a better understanding of our fate
and our own contribution to its fulfillment (chapter XII).
In our previous book which we
referred to, the function of the GN constant was under explanation. In the
present book, the last objective was explain the genesis of the GN relation in
the world. (Chapter XII)
Within the whole book we gathered
information related to the connection we discover between the ordering
information provided by the GN and the lapses of tie between the main events of
human destiny.
When making a synthesis of them, we
could not avoid a proper rearrangement of the concept of destiny introduced
into such a relation. We were helped by a philosophical, theological and
traditionally - common approach, in order to point out some differences between
the so widely used terms fate, destiny, evolution, and to make clear their
for-programming aspects (suggested by the mathematical relations occurred
between the events). The for- programming does not exclude the hazard or the
responsibility will -or, on the contrary, the abandon will - expressed by the
individual during the identified destiny course, before a transcendental
influence considered as invincible. The analysis suggests that it's not the
destiny relation with actual events and people that might be predetermined,
registered into a cosmic book, events that happen within a lapse of time
determined by the calendar. The informational device of predetermination would
rather consist of - according to the ordering principle which governs it - the
selection from a field of probabilities of one relevant and precedent event to
implement Order: the main destiny facts are to happen (including the help given
by the hazard, which statistically is also present) at such moments within one
of the progression degrees of the GN, under development within the lapse of
time released by a certain event-landmark. The action of the GN information
regularly and dynamically occurred within the development of that lapse of time
would be, in other words, an initiator and a catalyst with consonant effects
for all the actual possibilities which are determining within that particular
moment. Included into the energy structure of the phenomenon, the information
shall remain active for the future, within a geometrical periodicity, in order
to complete the "pre-set" relation type.
The archetype information of the GN
is understood within the meaning given by Jung / Pauli, as a functional mode
pre-existent to actual events, having a transcendental essence transmitted
through its form (the numerical information). It can lead us far as a
particular point of a possible genesis. This archetype carrying the innate
feature of a symbolism interfering with the "relative-fact itself", transposes
that moment of the genesis, according to the bio-gnoseology of Denis BUICAN,
into a still indefinite precedence. Nevertheless the remark would be an
achievement for the effort of rational searching, while the original moments is
not abandoned to the "pure idea" and we therefore avoid blocking
ourselves into a forced materialization, left without any controllable
substance. According to this perspective, we do not reject from our discussion
the non-figurative area of the genesis, but we prefer our philosophical
speculation to focus on those observable dimensioning aspects. Our finding that
the two fractal values may be encountered even during the first sequence of the
Big Bang (according to the theoretical model of WEINBERG) and would be an
example of that perspective; from an equalizing level, the percentage of the
proton emission increases to 62%, while the neutron percentage decreases to 38%
the our own fractal. That might suggest that the GN measure starts to impose
itself; it has been integrated to the known universe since its very beginning.
During the evolution, the information of this relation with the power to set
order is engraved as a memory within all the world's changes, engaged into a
thirst foe meaning and survival through it (the information of the relation).
Therefore, until a particular moment, a physicalistical and metaphysical
approach of the numerical archetype of the GN is sufficient to it and does not
necessarily require exterior explanation, whose alternative would be the
mystical origin archetype.
Within the whole explanatory
context of Chapter XIII we try the relationship between the fugitive
digressions in the book into a unitary approach. Therefore, the presence of the
GN in the psychic phenomena (measurable) cannot be interpreted outside the
function of this relationship that is immanent to the physical word. As well as
the pre-cognitive information acquired by the author through a special
technique. It is supported by neural linguistic programming languages applied
by the brain and it also measurable by the GN (Chap. VIII which is a
significant fact, while, by that, the visionary-type application leaves the
interpretation according to which this might be an epi-phenomenon of a
paranormal approach. The prevision phenomenon would rather result from the
distortions of particular states of conscience (not spontaneous in our case,
but induced to get a certain answer). With their help, the information
travelling in parallel worlds is collected by the brain from a hyper-space
where (if we speculate in interpreting the results of our experiments) the GN
constants is present and dominant in a similar way.
The attempt to integrate the GN
archetype into a Phytagorean perspective-that one on which its dissipation
relies the most-is however difficult to be made. And that while the constant
concerned represents an irrational number, whose meaning was subsequently
explained by Aristotle. The history of the emergence of the concept of number
itself, (as a word and a mental activity) contradicts that mystic way of
thinking, specially the pre-Socratic one, which attributed to the number
oscillatory properties of a personal, sole divinity (Hen). By accepting an idea
for each particular number, Plato dramatically diminishes the position, and
moves away from the perspective according to which the concrete number wouldn't
have but one genetic archetype.
On the other hand, the connection
that might be set between the strict meaning of relation (geometric) and number
(the GN) might suggest an unexpected remark: during millenniums, a transfer, a
defalcation occured and moved the accent that should have be left on the notion
of relation (obviously harmony and divinity) to its numerical appearance. Some
arguments we bring here make us ask this question: wouldn't it be more
profitable to search for the archetype of this harmonious relation, extremely
efficient in setting order, than to look for the number 1.618...? (Which isn't
but what it is, namely a sign and a symbol). Why is this number more celestial
than any other concrete number in a row established by the relation concerned?
The consequence of this perspective on a speculative theoretical plan would be
important while a relation (mathematical) represents a quantitative connection
between two or several entities; is it then necessary to look for an
object-unique genesis? What is then the change to discover the genesis outside
the concrete world and outside multiple and various values, the only ones that
might generate opposition and comparison, generating thus the relation?
Another central issue related to
the presence of the GN is that the attribution of ordering properties in the
world cannot be conceived a priori, but a posteriori, without finalist
determinism - the scientists' claim. But this isn't just another scientific
All the issues in the book but
mostly our attempt to apply (and to explain) a general theory or ordering human
destinies by the GN is not only an extremely difficult matter, but it is also a
challenge to human thinking. The relation information efficiently introduced
into the real world might not be the foundation of an original plan to create a
planet world, a fern, a fish, a thinking organ or a rational being. However,
that interpreted as an informational device put to work is sentenced to assert
itself in the tumult of being and create - blindly, and without the tool of
intention, but only with the capacity to roll on particular and concrete track.
A device creating meanings without
knowing anything about them, meanings that become evident post-factum, namely,
and that is the paradox, only from outside itself? A blind avalanche that gets
the quality of reflecting the things done and to re-order then its reflection, applying
it on the things done and driving its causal connections. The fecundation out
of which the very picture of the things done becomes slowly, clearer and
Finally, it may be the attempt to
explain the final origin of the GN that leaves us alone in front of a nut too
hard to be cracked and inspected. The remark honestly observes the spirit of
the science. The whole matter belongs to the philosophy of science and includes
the richness of theological information that, as a source of the issues related
to destiny, represents the basic foundation.
It is likely that the synthesis
regarding a theory of order through GN (golden number) - the content of our two
published books (out of sell and making necessary this introductory chapter to
present volume) - is too technical, quiet hardly reading. But due to proves of
presence of GN in the physics of things, it becomes indispensable for the
understanding of human destiny. Human destiny, as part of happenings in this
Universe (excepting with will the spiritual size uncontrolable from scientific
point of view, a mathematical universe), is conducted according to same laws as
(we exemplify) the phenomenon of solving of an effervescent peel in liquid or
as drops of water dripping sometimes, in a particular rhythm, at the tap.
“Whatever you do,
remember this child,
Never go out into the
Whenever the Second
Moon shines bright…”
Old Delarian song
Jerian was a
normal human teenage boy, and, like all normal human teenage boys, he was in
love. And because love always brings trouble along, he was in deep trouble.
TER STAY AWAY FROM THA’ GAL!!!” snarled his father for the tenth time that night.
father was the local woodcutter. He was a simple, honest good man, who didn’t
usually snarl at anyone. But tonight he couldn’t help himself. His son had
returned home badly beaten, and unconscious. Well, returned home is a relative
affirmation, actually he was returned home by his two best friends, who had
found him lying in a ditch somewhere at the edge of the village.
winced, not because his father’s words had affected him much, but because his
mother had chosen exactly that moment to pour a little bit of Myridian Fire
Essence on his back.
“Mom!” he
“Stuff it,
boy.” she said mirthlessly, “Next time you go get yourself whipped, remember
the consequences.”
“I didn’t go
get myself whipped. I just wanted to talk to Illana…give her some flowers…but
her father saw me. I never thought he would go this far.”
“I’m sorry…”
his mother replied on a softer tone, “…but what did you expect from him? He is
the Landlord, and that’s his daughter and you’re…you’re only the son of a
father turned towards her, livid with fury, but before he could say anything,
she added: “You know I’m right, Elias! You know that’s how things go around
looked at his father anxiously, hoping for a denial of his mother’s words, but
the bear-like man only puffed loudly, turned around to grab his cloak, and went
out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
If Jerian’s
father hadn’t been blinded with rage, he would have appreciated the unusual
peaceful night. There was no other sound disrupting the silence but the
occasional rushing of leaves in the soft wind. A sweet scent of lime floated
through the air, making him a little dizzy. The sky was clear of any cloud, and
the stars shone brightly, like tiny gems on a black canvas.
Elias walked
furiously into the woods he knew so well, and down to the Lake of Whispers. A
feeling of unease came suddenly over him, but he ignored it, and threw himself
between the roots of an ancient willow. How could Jerian be so foolish, he
thought bitterly. Falling in love with the Landlord’s daughter…
He lay on
the back for a few minutes, the feeling of uneasiness increasing, and staring
at the sky. Suddenly, his stomach gave a painful lurch of fear and he sat bolt
upright, staring at the surface of the lake. It was as calm as ever, and he
could hear the whispering sounds coming from beneath it clearly…sounds which
never made any sense…
But then he
noticed it…the faint reddish glow on the clear water, and his insides froze.
Slowly, he looked upwards. Right above his head, among the tiny stars was what
caused his intense fear. The familiar round shape of the moon…but this was not
the normal, silver moon, which shone 29 days per month…no, this was the unreal,
blood-red Moon on the 30th Day… the Second Moon. For a moment, Elias just stood
there frozen with panic, remembering all the stories about the Night of the
Second Moon. The Elders said that evil spirits emerged along with the Second
Moon, and everyone who went out during that cursed night…
“Are you
lost?” said a sweet amused voice, coming from somewhere behind him.
Elias gulped
loudly, and turned around. It was all he could do to keep his jaw from falling
when he saw the owner of the voice. She was a stunningly beautiful girl, with
waist-long hair, which shone reddish in the light of the second moon, and
seemed to flow like a dark river over her bare shoulders. Her eyes were equally
black, and danced with amusement, but there was something else about
them…something that made Elias’ knees feel jelly. What was most stunning about
the girl, was that she was completely naked, and her white, almost translucent
skin seemed to shine with an eerie inner light.
whispered Elias hoarsely. “I was jus’ headin’ home.”
The girl
laughed, her laugh sounding like an organ playing a funeral march, and chilling
Elias to the bone.
she asked finally, a playful smile still lingering on her black lips.
shuddered. He looked around uncomfortably, and then said:
love ter stay an’ chat, but I gotta get home, so…”
He made an
uncertain sign towards the girl with his right hand and turned towards the path
leading home, intending to break into a run. But something was holding him
back, as if he were rooted to the spot.
“Do you know
what night this is?” whispered the girl dangerously close to his ear, all
amusement gone from her voice.
Elias was
too scared to answer. Instead he made a gurgling noise, which the girl
interpreted as an affirmative reply.
“Then you
know that you can never return home.” She added in a low hiss, which cut
through him like a dagger.
suddenly, the girl raised a clawed hand, closed it over Elias’ ear and, with a
ripping noise, tore it savagely. Warm blood gushed over his shoulder and he
stifled a yell, as the searing pain blinded him for a moment. When he opened
his eyes again, the girl has sitting at his feet, her legs crossed, and half of
his ear still in her hand. The other half she was chewing, with a thoughtful
expression on her face.
“Not bad.”
she muttered finally, nodding, before hungrily biting the last half of the ear.
Soon she
finished it and began to lick her fingers delightedly of the remaining blood.
Elias tried again to run away, but he realized he was still unable to move.
“Now, now,
don’t make it too hard for me.” said the girl reproachfully. “I don’t have
enough power to hold you if you try really hard to get away, but I can always
break your legs… or kill you. Such a shame that would be…”
Elias gulped
are yeh?” he finally managed to grumble.
“Who am I?”
asked the girl innocently.
replying, she ran her tongue over her lips sensually.
“I am your
new mistress. And you’d better start behaving yourself accordingly, or else I
will kill you.”
wouldn’t…” Elias replied weakly, knowing for sure that she would.
The girl
closed her eyes, and looked hurt.
“You don’t
trust me.” she said, her voice trembling tearfully.
The girl grinned
matter…you will learn. Come, follow me.”
She turned
on her heals, and started walking towards the lake. Elias looked around
desperately, but of course there was no one to help him. No one went out on the
Night of the Second Moon. Slowly, his feet started moving against his will,
following the steps of his mistress. The night went eerily silent, and now he
couldn’t even hear the whispers of the lake. When he walked into the water, he
realized he couldn’t feel its coldness, as he expected. His heart was beating
faster with every step he took, and with every steep the lake seemed to swallow
a larger part of his body until, finally it reached his shoulders. He felt it
prickling his chin, wanted to turn around, run away, scream for help, but then
the girl emerged out of the water, and remained floating in front of him, her
legs and arms crossed.
“Well, what
are you waiting for?” she asked annoyed.
And with
these words, Elias felt something grab his ankles and pull him into the lake.
For a moment he was free from the girl’s influence, and he tried desperately to
swim away, to free himself from the icy grasp…but water covered his face, he
couldn’t breath anymore and he was sinking…sinking deeper into the depths of
the lake.
later, the girl was still floating above the water, staring thoughtfully in the
distance. She heard the hysterical cries of Elias’ wife, and smiled
sadistically. And as the Second Moon disappeared behind the treetops, the girl
sunk slowly into the Lake of Whispers.
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