miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2019

ARA INFO - Ceremonia funerara pentru Academician Profesor Constatin Corduneanu

Ceremonia funerara pentru Academician Profesor Constatin Corduneanu

Dragi si stimati colegi si prieteni,

Ceremonia funerara de inmormantare a celui ce a fost Academician Profesor Constatin Corduneanu va avea loc la Iasi, sambata 2 februarie ora 12:00, la Biserica "Sfintii 40 de Mucenici" situata in Copou, str. Berthelot nr.14, vis a vis de Universitate si langa Academie, unde va fi depus din data de vineri 1 Februarie ora 15:00.

Inmormantarea va avea loc la cimitirul "Eternitatea" din Strada Eternitate nr. 121 si va fi urmata de parastas si masa de pomenire la Hotel Ramada (ora 14:30).

Apreciem daca puteti comunica participarea, de preferat pana in data de 31 ianuarie, raspunzand acestui mesaj sau anuntand una dintre persoanele de contact din documentul atasat cu mai multe detalii.

Dumnezeu sa il aiba in Paza Lui!

American  Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences 

Dear all,

The greetings for the holidays of this end of the year and for the New Year 2019 come to you with very sad news: Academician Professor Constantin Corduneanu, Interim ARA President, left for another world last night around 10 pm...

He touched so many lives, so many souls in his passing through this world. He left a legacy by his example and encouragement for dedication to creative work, to a work well done, for an honest life.

He published several books and left with the regret of a dreamed book he still wanted to write; some of his students, now professors, might be able to do it in his memory. Many of them were around him during his last day as an extended family. He left, dedicating until his 90ies, as nobody else, his energy and effort to maintain the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), at the highest academic and moral standards and to protect it from failure. All of us, members of this Academy, need to be inspired by him  and able to continue his effort to succeed. Inside of ARA he started and continuously published himself for more than 30 years the journal of Libertas Mathematica. Only few years ago he transferred this responsibility to another mathematics professor, the editor of the Journal. The 2018 Libertas Mathematica issue dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Corduneanu is published online.

He  deserves that The Constantin Corduneanu Award for the best paper of the year in mathematics should be created in his memory and honor and be presented at the annual ARA Congress with the recommendation for the  paper to be considered for publication in Libertas Mathematica.

Academician Professor Constantin Corduneanu, is a full member of the Romanian Academy. He is well known by his peers, who honored him at his 90th anniversary by symposia at two Sections of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, in Cluj-Napoca (April 2018) and in Iasi (September 2018) and also at the University of Ekaterinburg Russia (on July 26, on his birthday). He was honored by the ARA 42nd Congress in Iasi at the opening reception on August 27.

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