luni, 1 noiembrie 2021

Annoucement of a new Zoom session Nov. 19, Literature Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu


Dear colleague,


You might have receive this announcement from some other distribution sources. However, I wish to extend you my personal invitation to this event about a very gifted Romanian interbellum writer: Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. It is sad that she is not more known around the world.


The event will be completely in English (with no translations).


Also if you know other people who might be interested please let them know to, and ask them to register (instruction in the text below).


All the best, and much health (most important in this Covid-19 times),



PS I am also (FYI) placing below a Summary of the 2021 events.



Dragi membri și prieteni ai ARA,


Dorim să vă aducem la cunoștință că Academia Româno - Americană de Arte și Științe organizează prin Zoom în data de 19 noiembrie 2021, 8-10 AM (West Coast, SUA) / 18-20 (România) / 11-13 (East Coast, SUA) al șaselea minisimpozion de anul acesta, cu tema Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu este o scriitoare interbelică a cărei operă este revoluționară, și al cărei activism cultural constituie o moștenire remarcabilă a începutului de secol XX. In romanele sale, Hortensia Padadat-Bengescu creează atât portretul condițiilor socio-economice și structurilor de putere, cât și al structurilor educaționale și medicale, care contribuie la condiția dezavantajoasă a femeii în societate în acea perioadă. Modul unic in care această scriitoare prezintă viețile femeilor în România interbelică rivalizează contribuția Viginiei Woolf pentru literatura engleză si universală.


Afișul conferinței se regăsește în fișierul atașat. Prezentările sunt ținute în limba engleză de cercetători literari specialiști în opera acestei autoare.


Dacă aveți cunoștințe în domeniu sau considerați că interpretarea operei acestei scriitoare în viziunea dumneavoastră este originală, sunteți invitați să trimiteți un email Mădălinei Meiroșu la pentru a propune sa va alăturați prezentatorilor.


Dacă doriți să participați în audiență, vă rugăm să vă înregistrați trimițând un email la și veți primi linkul de conectare și programul detaliat cu câteva zile înainte de eveniment.


Cu cele mai bune gânduri,


Ileana Costea

Profesor Emerit, Universitatea Californiana de Stat, Northridge (CSUN), SUA

Președinte Interimar ARA


Ileana Orlich

ASASU Centennial Professor, President’s Professor,

and Honorary Consul of Romania in Arizona

Arizona State University, USA


Assist. Prof. Dr. Mădălina Meiroșu

Swarthmore College, USA




English/ Engleză:


Dear members and friends of ARA:


This is to announce you that the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences organizes via Zoom on November 19th, 2021, 8-10 AM (West Coast, SUA) / 18-20 (Romania) / 11-13 (East Coast, SUA), the sixth mini-symposium, on the work of Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu is a Romanian interbellum writer whose revolutionary work and cultural activism continue to remain a remarkable legacy of the beginning of the 20th century. In her novels, Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu creates a fresco of the socio-economic conditions and power structures, as well as educational and medical structures, that contribute to women’s disempowerment in this epoque. The unique way in which this writer depicts the lives of women during the 1920s and 1930s rivals Virginia Woolf’s contribution to Anglophone and world literature.


The poster to this event is in the attached file. The presentations are made by distinguished literary specialists in the field.


Those of you who are knowledgeable on the subject matter or simply feel that your interpretation of this writer’ work is an original one and you would like to share it in the form of a presentation, please contact Mădălina Meiroșu at


Should you wish to participate in the event as an audience member, please pre-register by sending an email to and you will receive the link and final program a few days prior to the event.


With best wishes,


Ileana Costea, PhD

Professor Emeritus, California State University, Northridge (CSUN), SUA

Interim President ARA


Ileana Orlich, PhD

ASASU Centennial Professor, President’s Professor, and Honorary Consul of Romania in Arizona

Arizona State University, USA


Assist. Prof. Mădălina Meiroșu, PhD

Swarthmore College, USA




Dear colleague,


You might have receive this announcement from some other distribution sources. However, I wish to extend you my personal invitation to this event about a very gifted Romanian interbellum writer: Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. It is sad that she is not more known around the world.

The event will be completely in English (with no translations).

 Also if you know other people who might be interested please let them know to, and ask them to register (instruction in the text below).

All the best, and much health (most important in this Covid-19 times),



PS I am also (FYI) placing below a Summary of the 2021 events.




ARA Zoom 2021



1st event (Topic: Literarure and film; 125 participants)

March 17, 2021

Ana Blandiana – well-known contemporary Romanian Poet

“Together” :Ana Blandiana in literature and film

Co-organizers: Ileana Costea and Andrei Zinca

Moderators: Ileana Costea and Andrei Zinca

Translator: Peter Bota


2nd event Tpoic: Aviation celebration; 95 participants)

May 20, 2021

Smaranda Braescu – Romanian-American interbellum skydiver and pilot

Let me fly! / Lasati-ma sa zbor!

Romanian version /editia n romana

(English version will be published soon)

Co-organizers: Laurentiu Buzenchi and Ileana Costea

Moderator: Ileana Costea

Translator: Ileana Costea


3rd event Topic: In Memoriam; 40 participants)

June 9, 2021

Dr. Gheorghe Mateescu

In Memorian – Gh. Mateescu

The artisan of the Romanian Society od Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Organizer: Oana Leonte


4th event (Topic: In Memoriam; 55 participants)

July 29, 2021

Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Corduneanu (50 participants)

Celebration of Life 0 Acad. Prof. Constantin Corduneanu

Co-organizers: Ileana Costea and Oana Leonte


5th event (Topic: Lingvistics; 37 participants)

October 15, 2021

Istro-Romanian: Current State of Research

Main organizer: and Moderator Ionut Geana

Consultant Organizer: Ileana Costea


Next event

6th event (Topic: Literarure)

Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu, interbellum Romanian wrirwe

Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu: Women's Lives in Interbellum Romania

Link to be annouced

Organizer: Madalina Meirosu

Co-Organizers Ileana Orlich

Consultant Organizer: Ileana Costea



ARA 43 Congress, November 2019, UCLA and Zoom 

(we are proud that we used the Zoom way before the world jumped to it due to the pandemic necessity; that conress had a whole day on Zoom; then a novative idea)



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